
作者&投稿:银汪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.当你离开教室时,务必关灯。Be sure to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.2.你一旦开始,就必须进行下去。 Once you begin, you must go on.3.如果你不快点,你就会误了火车。 You’ll miss the train unless you hurry up.4.这个男孩说他曾经和一位美国人讲过英...


(宾语从句)I like the red dress he bought for me last Christmas.我喜欢去年圣诞节他买给我的红衣服。(定语从句)When I was leaving, the phone rang.当我要离开时,电话铃响了。(时间状语从句)I can't play with you because I have a lot of homework to do.我不能和你玩,因为我...

简单句:1.I am a teacher. 我是一名老师2. The man cooks. 男人做饭。二、复合句:1.What he wants to tell us is not clear. 他要跟我们说什么,还不清楚。2.Whether there is life on the moon is an interesting question. 月球上有没有生命是个有趣的问题。还有其他什么学习问题,可...

英语简单句:1、The man cooks.男生煮饭。2、The sun is shining brightly.阳光在光亮地照射着。3、We all breathe, eat, and drink.我们呼吸、吃与喝。4、I'm an office worker.我是上班族。5、I work for the government.我在政府机关做事。英语复合句:1、What he wants to tell us is ...

例句:After he finished his homework, he went out to play.(他做完作业之后就出去玩了。)状语从句描述了“他出去玩”的时间节点,增加了整句话的语义丰富性。综上所述,主从复合句的五种基本句型在句子结构上分别有其独特的应用条件和优势。在写作中合理使用这些句型,可以使文章更加...

英语写作的复合句句型例句 1、It is quite obvious that they need more help in English.2、It is good news that she is sti 3、It was hard to understand why Prof. Hardy had singled out Mary for criticism.1、Nothing could hide the fact that he is growing old.2、The fact that ...

英语复合句:1、What he wants to tell us is not clear.他要跟我们说些什么,还不明白。2、Whether there is life on the moon is an interesting question.月球上面有没有灵魂是个趣味的问题。3、We don’t think you are here.我们觉得你不在这里。复合句分类:从属复合句可分为:(1).定语...

关于主从复合句例句,主从复合句例句这个很多人还不知道,今天来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、She 主语came up谓语 as I was cooking 时间状语从句.The runners 主语 started 谓语as the gun went off. 时间状语从句.It 主语was raining 谓语 when we arrived时间状语从句.When ...

复合句的五种基本句型及例句是:1、主+动:I work。我工作。2、主+动+表:John is busy。约翰忙。3、主+动+宾:She studies English。她学英语。4、主+动+宾+补:Time would prove me right。时间会证明我是对的。5、主+动+间宾+直宾:My mother made me a new dress。我母亲给我做了...

全章18421634345问: 什么叫做主从复合句概念说下.多举几个例子并且用例 -
西湖区达畅回答: 主从复合句复合句是由主句+从句构成,它是英语中比较复杂的句子结构.一般来说,英语中一个句子只能有一个谓语,如果出现两个谓语动词,那么其中一个谓语动词...

全章18421634345问: 把写列各主从复合句变为简单句 -
西湖区达畅回答: 1, he is too old to work any longer. 2, they got up at 6 o'clock to catch the 6:30 bus. 3, we can understand you with a little more slowly speaking. 4, he always gives his money to the poor with kind heart. 5, we did not know what to do with so much money.

全章18421634345问: 英语造句分别用 where did.what did.did she.how was...各造一个主从复合句. -
西湖区达畅回答:[答案] 1、where did :Where did this accident happen is not clearly known.2、what did :What did you say is very useful to finish this task.3、did she :(这个貌似没法造主从吧)4、how was :How was the weather is ...

全章18421634345问: 将下列两个简单句合并成带定语从句的主从复合句:1.We will do the exercise .You can see them on page 20.2.Those women are very kind .I spoke to you ... -
西湖区达畅回答:[答案] 1.We will do the exercise .You can see them on page 20.=We will do the exercise which/that/省略 you can see on page 20先行词做宾语2.Those women are very kind .I spoke to you about them.Those women to ...

全章18421634345问: 主从复合句转换成两个简单句 i want to know if it is polite to smoke during a meal in france -
西湖区达畅回答:[答案] Is it polite to smoke during a meal in France?I want to know.

全章18421634345问: 主从复合句转换成两个简单句 i want to know if it is polite to smoke during a meal in france -
西湖区达畅回答: Is it polite to smoke during a meal in France? I want to know.

全章18421634345问: 将下列各句的两个简单句连成状语从句和主从复合句.1.Don't close the window.You go to bed.2.He spoke very slowly.We could hear him clearly.3.You have a ... -
西湖区达畅回答:[答案] 1.Don't close the window when you go to bed.2.He spoke very slowly so that we could hear him clearly3.You have a bad cold so you must stay in bed. 4.The noise was very loud so they couldn't hear anyth...

全章18421634345问: 把两个简单句变成主从复合句I've seen the film. His girl friend played the leading role in it
西湖区达畅回答: I've seen the film in which his girl friend played the leading role. 或者 I've seen the film that girl friend played the leading role in.

全章18421634345问: 把下列简单句合并成含定语从句的主从复合句.
西湖区达畅回答: 1、who is called Bob 2、who teaches us English 3、which/that sands,is4、which/that had, on

全章18421634345问: 判断以下两个句子是不是主从复合句,如果是,请写出是什么状语从句. 1、I know why you -
西湖区达畅回答: 主从复合句属于句子的种类,它包括简单句、并列句和复合句.简单句是由一套主语和谓语构成;并列句是由两个或两个以上的简单句并列构成,常用and ,but, so 等并列连词连接.复合句是由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成....

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