
作者&投稿:花钥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

If you are not happy, it's time to change somethi
If you are not happy, it's time to change something!如果你不快乐,那是时候改变一些事了!学英语上abc360呀,上面大把大把的外国人,而且都特别好,要学英语的话找他们学效果最好了,能接触到地道的英式美式发音

endiesslove:loveissomethi ngeternal 是什么意思?

...line and never ___ ___ it hits somethi...

...A.I’m glad B.I have a cold C.I have somethi
B 试题分析:What’s the matter with you?“你怎么了?”是问别人发生了什么事?根据题意应该选B.I have a cold.“我感冒了。”而A.I’m glad.“我很高兴”,C. I have something to do“我有事要做。”D.I can.“我能”明显不符合题意。所以本题选B。点评:应熟练掌握提问别人怎...

doing housework is also a kind of exercise. I often help my parents with the housework.Such as, making the bed, cleaning the room, washing the dishes, washing the clothes and so on. I am also very happy because I can do somethi......

03514055 进
Make me wanna do some things And I can't take it, oh oh no no Can you feel it, baby?'Cause it's alright Got me burnin' for ya Oh...Babe, I've been dyin' to tell ya somethi ng Ooh ooh ooh yea Your something special, sugar I can't get enough of your love Y...

you need to eat something ?你得吃点东西!这句话中somethi_百度...
You need to eat something.这话没问题啊!something不是副词、也不是介词,它是代名词(pronoun),在这里作为eat(动词)的宾语。例如,There's something in my eye. (我眼睛里有东西)Would you like something to drink? (你想喝些饮料吗?)...

which word do you use when do you ask for somethi
Sorry, excuse me or maybe please. Just be polite... :)

this resule is different from___ some people thi
D 有疑问,请追问。懂了,就采纳好评吧~~

...disease itself , but it may show that somethi

子车丽13828073831问: 为什么something要放在形容词前?这是什么用法?
永善县孚宁回答: 是形容词放在它后面,后置定语的用法

子车丽13828073831问: There is something wrong with my kitchen fan中为什么something 放在wrong前面 -
永善县孚宁回答: something 是不定代词 wrong 是形容词 原则: 不定代代词后跟名词,所以: something 放在wrong前面 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

子车丽13828073831问: anything something 应放在句子的什么位置 -
永善县孚宁回答: 放在形容词的前面例如something important

子车丽13828073831问: something与形容词和名词连用放前还是放后 -
永善县孚宁回答: something anything nothing ...以thing为后缀的名词,在用形容词修饰时形容词均放在后边,其他普通名词都是形容词放在前面. 比如 nothing serious 没什么,小事 a happy day 快乐的一天 enough adj.足够的,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,可以放在名词前面,也可以放在名词后面;adv.足够地,修饰形容词、副词、动词,并放在其后.

子车丽13828073831问: 英语,something应后接cheap还是放在前面 -
永善县孚宁回答: something 不定代词修饰形容词,放在形容词前面 something cheap something important

子车丽13828073831问: something的用法 -
永善县孚宁回答: 1.作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数,如:Something is wrong with his bike. 2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面,如:I have something important to tell you. 3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,如:There is something wrong with it. Would you like something to eat?

子车丽13828073831问: 为什么something放在healthy前面 -
永善县孚宁回答: 1.Some students agree with him, but (others) disagree.{原因} A other B others C the other D another 不只一个,不选A,one, the other,固定搭配,another,指一个, 2.(What) clever girls they are ! {原因} A How B What a C What D How.

子车丽13828073831问: something放在形容词前面还是后面 -
永善县孚宁回答: something放在形容词前面.是形容词修饰不定代词.比如,something interesting,something easy.

子车丽13828073831问: somethingexpensive是什么语法?形容词都有哪些用 -
永善县孚宁回答: 是形容词修饰不定代词放在不定代词后面的用法,something,anything等等不定代词用形容词修饰时,形容词不能像通常一样放在名词前面,要放在后面,这里的意思是一些昂贵的东西 满意请采纳,谢谢

子车丽13828073831问: i can smell something srange in the soup.为什么something 要放在前面啊 -
永善县孚宁回答:[答案] 形容词修饰不定代词要放在不定代词的后面 如,something important,anything necessary 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答

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