
作者&投稿:墨美 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ching system.For your better understanding ,I will set examples of China and America.It is no doubt that it is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese.But people in America prefer to forks and knives.This different result is based on different food they like .Americans choose t...

The culture of France and of the French people has been shaped by geography, by profound historical events, and by foreign and internal forces and groups. France, and in particular Paris, has played an important role as a center of high culture and of decorative arts since the...


如何看待西方文化的英语作文急 答得好有
The culture differences between the East and West As we know ,there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspects.I will focus on the differences of diet custom and teaching system.For your better understanding ,I...

关于长城的传说 In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the ...

some high school student even younger fall in love with others. They spend much time to do it and forget what more important things they really need to do in that moment. Indeed, every coins have two sides. how to do deal with it, I think let time make the answer.

求一篇关于学习西方文化的英语作文 谢谢了
has played an important role as a center of high culture and of decorative arts since the seventeenth century, first in Europe, and from the nineteenth century on, world wide. From the late nineteenth century, France has also played an important role in modern art, cinema, fashion...



朋友们下午好,很高兴在这个地方代表育碧公司跟大家见面。我今天讲的是差异与融合,实际上作为外国公司在中国已经十多年了,我们面临的挑战,还有中国公司慢慢地走向国外,他们慢慢也会面临同样的挑战,各种各样文化的不同,思维的不同,所以我想讲一下自己的感受。 先介绍育碧公司,育碧公司总部在法国,...

漕奚15769275426问: 求一篇800字左右,讲中西方文化融合的作文 -
鸠江区丁悦回答: 朋友们下午好,很高兴在这个地方代表育碧公司跟大家见面.我今天讲的是差异与融合,实际上作为外国公司在中国已经十多年了,我们面临的挑战,还有中国公司慢慢地走向国外,他们慢慢也会面临同样的挑战,各种各样文化的不同,思维的...

漕奚15769275426问: 英语作文 随着中西文化交流的不断加强,西方的一些习俗也被引入中国,越来越多 -
鸠江区丁悦回答:[答案] With the strong development between China and wetern cultures,some western customs have also been brought into China.More and more western customs like holidays or behaviors have been well accepted by...

漕奚15769275426问: 西方文化英语作文1.随着全球化的发展西方文化正越来越多的渗入中国文化2.对待中西方文化融合的不同观点3.你的看法 -
鸠江区丁悦回答:[答案] with china's joining in wto,we have more chances to learn about western cultures and we are being influenced by these foreign cultures as never before. some people like western cultures and they accep...

漕奚15769275426问: 求 中西方文化冲突与共存 的英文作文 -
鸠江区丁悦回答: make friends before stand the same line,and you have to talk with him,about her family ,her interests.so you are able to make a fole which to make the same one. 子曰:同流才能交流,交流才能交心. 所以我想说的意思是,想解决冲突,就要站在同一边,同一立场,这样才能坐下来好好聊聊家常,聊聊兴趣爱好,试着站在他的立场想问题才能交朋友.

漕奚15769275426问: 中国梦强国梦作文 -
鸠江区丁悦回答: 你从雪山走来,春潮是你的风采.你向东海奔去,惊涛是你的气概.你用甘甜的乳汁,哺育各族儿女,你用健美的臂膀,挽起高山大海.我爱中国,所以我满怀渴望地憧憬中国的未来:我有我的中国梦.我的梦是科...

漕奚15769275426问: 英语作文:大学生可以为中西文化交流做什么 -
鸠江区丁悦回答: With the strong development between China and wetern cultures,some western customs have also been brought into China.More and more western customs like holidays or behaviors have been well accepted by Chinese and more and more ...

漕奚15769275426问: 不同的文化不同的意思初中英语作文 -
鸠江区丁悦回答: As we know the differences between the western cultures and our estern cultures are quite obvious.I would like to share you some of my opinions today.Firstly we can see that the names of western style are not like ours,they put their given names at ...

漕奚15769275426问: 急!急! 求一篇关于中西方文化差异的汉语800左右作文 在线等 -
鸠江区丁悦回答: 我们中国人原来最好的问候就是:“您吃了吗?”知道为什么吗?是因为咱们过去温饱没有解决.以后咱们再见面就说:“撑着了吗?打嗝了吗?”,我觉得咱中国人应该向英国人学学,英国人见面打招呼都是“Hello!”Hello完了之后就问天气...

漕奚15769275426问: 英语作文,关于中国和西方的文化差异,不少于120词,要求质量. -
鸠江区丁悦回答:[答案] 以中国文化为代表的东方文化,受到儒家思想和佛教、道教文化的影响深远,其根源可以上溯到两千多年前的春秋战国时代,以孔子编纂修订的“六经”为其文化基础,这种文化总的表现为:注重个人修养,注重道德力量,反对武力,注重与他人、...

漕奚15769275426问: 中西文化差异的英语作文带翻译 -
鸠江区丁悦回答: The culture differences between the East and West 东方和西方间的不同文化 As we know ,there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspects.(众说周知,东方和西方间在不同方面有...

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