
作者&投稿:郟湛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

霍华德加德纳于1987年春天带着妻子艾伦和我们18个月大的儿子本杰明,在繁忙的中国东部城市南京呆了一个月,同时考察了中国幼儿园和小学的艺术教育情况。 但是,艾伦和我得到的关于中美教育观念差异的最难忘的体验不是课,而是来自我住在南京时住的金陵酒店的大厅。我们门的钥匙在有房间号码的大塑料板上。

The difference of family education between China and America 到这个网址下载http:\/\/www.happycampus.com.cn\/pages\/2004\/07\/16\/D146722.html 想翻译论文可联系本人,QQ: 576967718,feiyanfanyi@163.com(价格绝对比翻译公司低很多)

Cultural Difference between Chinese and American Individual Lifestyles American A Culture of self-expression Chinese A Culture of Self restrain Clear expression of Joy and sorrow Ambiguous of joy and sorrow Unequivocal expression of “Yes\/No”. Equivocal expression of “Yes\/No”.Strong ...

中外文化差异 (最好是英文版)

5. Religion:中美两国的宗教信仰也存在差异。中国的主要宗教是佛教和道教,而美国的主要宗教是基督教。不同的宗教信仰对于人们的生活方式、价值观和文化背景都有不同的影响。总体来说,中美两国的文化差异是多方面的,不仅体现在价值观和文化背景方面,还体现在社会结构、教育系统和宗教信仰等方面。这些差异的形成与历史...

欧洲与美国的文化差异 要英文的
The cultural differences between Europe and the United States

...内容是中英文 或 英式英语与美式英语之间的差异而影起的笑话故事 快...
I'm Trying to Stop It "Boy, why have you got cotton-wool in your ear? Is it infected?""No, sir, but you said yesterday that everything you told me went in one ear and out the other , so I am trying to stop it."“孩子,你为什么用棉花塞住耳朵?它感染了吗?”“没...

很多 摇滚学校 阿基拉和拼字大赛 take a lead 独领风骚 昨天刚买的碟片:伟大的辩手

adapting to a new environment 英文作文关于美国和中国文化差异的
In China, People are used to have rice and wheat as their daily main food resource. Chinese believes that rice, wheat, vegetables, fruits are the best for our health. In contrast, meat would be giving troubles to our health. Illness such as heart attack, high blood pressure....

Because cultural context different, speaks the different language person when conversation, even if the language accurate is unmistakable, also can have the misunderstanding. Frequently because a speech said is appropriate, causes the listener to laugh loudly The language reflects a national ...

石尤19364804534问: 求一篇写中美教育差异的英语文章,要求从其中一点铺开陈述!不要长篇大论,面面俱到! -
双流县银黄回答:[答案] 正宗的老外的文章:你节选一下就可以了 The Differences of Education between China and U.S Based on checking the ... higher education system and reform measures.In the Integration of these differences,advantages and evils of both educational ...

石尤19364804534问: 中外教育差异英语阐述500字 -
双流县银黄回答:[答案] 不知道你要中文还是英文,就先提供你英语的,下面有中文的概述.因为以前有研究过中美教育体制的异同,就具体说中美的差异了,其他希望国家的应该与美国差不多,希望能帮到你!Similarities1.The basic curricula in China ...

石尤19364804534问: 中国教育理念和美国教育理念异同 英文中美教育理念差异 要求用英文 150字左右 -
双流县银黄回答:[答案] 1Education is one of the most important things during our life.I know the difference between Chinese education and American education. American high education is the best in the world, but when we tal...

石尤19364804534问: 中美教育差异英文 -
双流县银黄回答: 是翻译这个题目吗?中美教育差异 The distinction of education between China and America.

石尤19364804534问: 一篇英语作文,80至100词,美国教育和中国教育有什么不同? 必采纳! 谢谢! -
双流县银黄回答: 1. The difference of China and the United States education lies in the two countries elementary education first the teaching goal of different: China's primary education will develop children's intelligence, the child benefits high marks as a primary ...

石尤19364804534问: The defference between Chinese and American一个关于中国和美国教育孩子的不同的问题,就是在教育孩子方面中国和美国有什么不同...(最好用英文写出... -
双流县银黄回答:[答案] In the US, They pay great attention to their childrens' creation and cultivate their interests in all aspects, while in China, parents emphasis the scores of their children if their children like the ...

石尤19364804534问: 每个问题需要回答100~200单词,(可参考上海外语教育出版社出版的《大学英语综合教程2》)1.中美教育的差异,how to strike a balance between these two... -
双流县银黄回答:[答案] 1.中美教育的差异,how to strike a balance between these two? 如何在两者中取得平衡? 2.If you should be the richest man in China ,how would you live your life? 如果你是中国最富有的人,你将如何生活? 3.Have you ever confronted generation ...

石尤19364804534问: 中美学习差异英文作文不要太长100词 -
双流县银黄回答: typical western countries,we have to admit that the gaps between the two countries are so vivid and great that some of the professors like to take them as their researching subject.Let's say education,China emphasize on the competitive ability of ...

石尤19364804534问: 高分求一篇英文文章 关于中美教育的不同或者是对比 不要太长的``楼下你的回答太笼统了,而且有点太短了请发个 中美教育的不同的一个方面,比如:教师... -
双流县银黄回答:[答案] China is the examination-oriented education, history and reality and, of course, is examination-oriented education in a large population National talent to choose a relatively low cost. However, the r...

石尤19364804534问: 中西方教育差异..英文版!!! -
双流县银黄回答: The education system in the west is different. It involves the text book, but many times, the students have to do research to answer some of the problems left by the teacher. THey would also be given assignments that can last over a few week to work ...

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