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谁有各种不同国家的交通规则?汽车行驶靠左还是靠右?以及用英语表示_百 ...
In China,USA ,Russia,France,Germany,Italy,drivers drive on the right side of the road.In England, Austrilia,Singapore,India,Hong Kong(大部分为以前英国殖民地),drivers drive on the left side of the road.

This intersection is the most common configuration for roads that cross each other, and the most basic type. If signals do not control a 4-way intersection, signs or other features are typically used to control movements and make clear priorities. The most common arrangement is to ...

We Should Follow Traffic Rules 我们应该遵守交通规则 In order to keep the road orderly and people safe, everyone should follow traffic rules.The walkers should look carefully both left and right when they are crossing the roads. When people are driving, they should wear a seat belt....

交通规则”的英文翻译是:Traffic rules Traffic rules:1、短语:(1)break traffic rules 违反交通规则 (2)obey the traffic rules 遵守交规 (3)Remember the traffic rules 记住交通规则 2、例句:You should be observant of the traffic rules.你应该遵守交通规则.2.A careful driver ...

1. 交通规则 traffic regulation 2. 路标 guide post 3. 里程碑 milestone 4. 停车标志 mark car stop 5. 红绿灯 traffic light 6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7. 红灯 red light 8. 绿灯 green light 9. 黄灯 amber light 10. 交通岗 traffic post 11. 岗亭 police box 12...

交通规则用英文表达为The traffic rules。重点词汇解释:1、traffic n. 交通;运输;贸易;[通信] 通信量 vt. 用…作交换;在…通行 vi. 交易,买卖 双语例句:Air traffic had returned to normal.空中交通已恢复正常。2、rule n. 规则;建议;统治;习惯;定律;法治;尺子;破折号 v. 统治,...

1、Don't Drink and Drive 严禁酒后开车 示例:Consider your safety. Don't drink and drive.为你的安全着想,请不要酒后驾车。2、Road Work Ahead 道路施工 示例:They're doing road work up ahead.前方有道路正施工。3、No left turn 禁止左转 示例:The picture is a sign for no left ...

交通规则 traffic rules,traffic regulations

"Drive on the right side"是"靠右行驶"的英文。国家标准规定。在很多国家中,例如美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和日本等,都是以"靠右行驶"为主要交通规则。国家标准规定路上车辆都在同一侧行驶,可以有效地防止交叉行驶引起的意外事故。在某些国家中,如果车辆违反这个规定,会被罚款或者吊销驾照。扩展知识:道...


屈促17527484125问: 中国的交通规则用英语怎么说. -
大理市人参回答:[答案] Chinese traffic rules

屈促17527484125问: 用英文写出三句中国交通规则 -
大理市人参回答:[答案] 1.Always buckle up.永远系好安全带.2.Put your children in back!把您的孩子放在后座上!3.Never drunk drive!决不酒后驾驶!4.You always have to stop at a stop sign.在停车标志前,你永远要停.5.In a crosswalk,pe...

屈促17527484125问: 英语作文:请你用英文写出中国的交通规则,不少于30词 -
大理市人参回答:[答案] When the traffic is red ,you should not cross the street until it turns green.When you are crossing the street ,you should look around and make sure it is safe .Do not rush across the street without s...

屈促17527484125问: 用英语写出交通规则 -
大理市人参回答:[答案] 1.交通规则 traffic regulation 2.路标 guide post 3.里程碑 milestone 4.停车标志 mark car stop 5.红绿灯 traffic light 6.自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7.红灯 red light 8.绿灯 green light 9.黄灯 amber light 10.交通岗 traffic post 11.岗亭 police box 12....

屈促17527484125问: 中国的交通规则用英语怎么说. -
大理市人参回答: Chinese traffic rules 手工翻译尊重劳动欢迎提问感谢采纳

屈促17527484125问: 作文:请用英文写出中国的交通规则 -
大理市人参回答: When the traffic is red ,you should not cross the street until it turns green.When you are crossing the street ,you should look around and make sure it is safe .Do not rush across the street without seeing the traffic light .Never play and run in the main road .

屈促17527484125问: 在中国人们需要遵守哪些交通规则用英语写出来至少写四条 -
大理市人参回答: Traffic safety is everybody's business. Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents. Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems. However, most of them are the results of careless and reckless driving, and could be ...

屈促17527484125问: 交通规则的英文 -
大理市人参回答: 交通规则 :traffic regulations; traffic rules; rules of the road

屈促17527484125问: 交通规则用英语怎么说 -
大理市人参回答: 你好,原创英语翻译为:the traffic rules.满意速速采纳,谢谢合作哦!

屈促17527484125问: 用英语写交通规则5条是什么? -
大理市人参回答: 用英语写交通规则:1、please keep right.请保持靠右行驶.2、please follow the traffic lights.请遵守交通信号灯.3、we must wait for the green light.我们必须等信号灯变为绿色后行驶.4、obey the speed limit.遵守限速.5、Always buckle up.系...

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