
作者&投稿:禽嵇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

介绍传统服装的初中英语作文篇1 Assessing a decade of fashion so close in time is complex.In terms of costume history it's only after a trend has been around for several years can we acknowledge that it's more than a passing fad and deserves recognition in the archives of history.We each...

Traditional clothing represents the timeless essence of a culture, embodying the unique style and heritage of a nation. Here is an enhanced version of the middle school English essay on traditional clothing, with corrections for clarity, grammar, and tense.1. Assessing a decade of fas...

Dress culture is introduced 服饰文化介绍 Hanfu clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese (Han -the predominant ethnic group of China).汉服是中国汉民族传统服饰。It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization, and it has had a long history for nearly 4000 ye...

对传统服装看法 英语作文
Assessing a decade of fashion so close in time is complex. In terms of costume history it's only after a trend has been around for several years can we acknowledge that it's more than a passing fad and deserves recognition in the archives of history. We each see what we ...

...等等)500字 1、写英国服饰的英语作文 300字
1、写和服 The kimono is a Japanese traditional garment worn by women, men and children. The word "kimono", which literally means a "thing to wear" (ki "wear" and mono "thing"), has come to denote these full-length robes. The standard plural of the word kimono in English...

Cheongsam 为题英语作文
Speaking of Qipao,people first reaction is "China."Yes,Qipao a symbol of Chinese civilization,she euphemisticallyChina's unique cultural heritage.Hong Kong writer Lin Yanni also said:"Qipao is recognized around the world the beauty of the service,evaluation of high,certainly higher than...

英语作文中国女人的传统服装80词  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 刘畊宏的健身直播适用于哪些人群?匿名用户 2016-06-11 展开全部 TodayIhadagoodtime.Itwasmygrandpa'sbirthday.Ourfamilywentbacktohishometocelebratehisbirthday.Mymothercookedmanydeliciousfoodandwebroughtabigbirthdaycake.Wegottogethertohaveabig...

” I really found I was grown-up, not only body but also age. I am old enough to get marry now.(I also feel may be I am the last one to get marry.)If you want to enjoy a Chinese traditional wedding, you must prepare money, time and capacity for alcohol.There are ...

but also to see and appreciate the true beauty. 旗袍这个风靡了古代,又颠倒了现代,掀起本国旗袍文化的时尚,又吸引了异国的女性为之神魂颠倒。现代的旗袍是古典艺术与现代文化交融的集合。也是一种综合性的生活文化,它激起了人们对美的创造力和想象力。它既有动人心弦的古典味,又有优雅现代的...

波希米亚族、披头族(beatnik)、嬉皮、哥德族、庞克族继续在二十世纪的西方进行这个反文化传统。近年来连高级订制服装都抄袭了街头时尚,这或许让街头时尚丧失了某些震惊他人的力量,然而它仍旧激励无数人试图把自己打扮的酷炫有型。婚姻状态 印度女人一旦结了婚,她们会在发际间点上朱砂痣(sindoor),一旦...

叶鱼15653955464问: 中国服装的英语作文 -
延长县金莲回答: In modern times, everyone is a popular longing for the chase with some things, and thus form a heat wave, the trend of fashion and became the birthplace of wealth.

叶鱼15653955464问: 内容为“中国传统服饰”的英语短文
延长县金莲回答: China's traditional costume 满意请采纳的 谢谢的

叶鱼15653955464问: 关于天水传统服装的英语作文 -
延长县金莲回答: Assessing a decade of fashion so close in time is complex.In terms of costume history it's only after a trend has been around for several years can we acknowledge that it's more than a passing fad and deserves recognition in the archives of history....

叶鱼15653955464问: 名族服装英语介绍,有翻译 -
延长县金莲回答: 中国民族服饰:Chinese Ethnic Costumes Chinese Traditional Costumes of Past Dynasties 中国历代传统服饰 China, known as a" land of dresses",has a long history in the development of its clothing culture. Dresses in different perio.

叶鱼15653955464问: Cheongsam为题英语作文
延长县金莲回答: 译文 说起旗袍,人们第一个反应便是“中国”.是的,旗袍象征着华夏文明,她委婉地道出中国所特有的文化底蕴.香港作家林燕妮也曾说:“旗袍是全世界公认的美丽国...

叶鱼15653955464问: 有关中国服饰文化的英语论文,4000 - 6000字. -
延长县金莲回答: 历经秦朝的严苟政治,刘邦以平民得天下,力求予民休息,一般制度多无太大改变,冠服制度,也大都承袭秦制.直至东汉明帝永平二年,才算有正式完备的规定.汉朝的衣服,主要的有袍、襜褕[直身的单衣]、襦[短衣]、裙.汉代因为织绣工...

叶鱼15653955464问: 帮忙写个英语作文
延长县金莲回答: 我国有56个民族,每个民族都有自己的传统的民族服装.搜集其他民族的传统服装图到班级展示一下吧 是翻译这一句吗? China has 56 ethnic groups, each nation has its own traditional national costumes. Collection of traditional costumes of other nations plan to show the classes !

叶鱼15653955464问: 我写英语作文需要一个喜欢中国传统服饰的外国女性的简介,谁能帮帮我 -
延长县金莲回答: 旗袍是从满族古老的服装演变而来的.旗袍,满语称"衣介".古时泛指满洲、蒙古、汉军八旗男女穿的衣袍.清初(公元1644年-公元1911年)衣袍式样有几大特点:无领、箭袖、左衽、四开衩、束腰.箭袖,是窄袖口,上加一块半圆形袖头,形似马蹄,又称"马蹄袖".马蹄袖平日绾起,出猎作战时则放下,覆盖手背,冬季可御寒.四开衩,即袍下摆前后左右,开衩至膝.左衽和束腰,紧身保暖,腰带一束,行猎时,可将干粮,用具装进前襟.男子的长袍多是蓝,灰、青色,女子的旗装多为白色. 满族旗袍还有一个特点,就是在旗袍外套上坎肩.坎肩有对襟、捻襟、琵琶襟、一字襟等.穿上坎肩骑马驰聘显得十分精干利索.

叶鱼15653955464问: 一篇英语服饰文章,带中文翻译的 -
延长县金莲回答: 少数名族——蒙古族 蒙古族的传统饮食离不开肉和奶.肉以牛羊肉为主,奶以鲜牛奶为主.蒙古人还爱吃携带方便、耐饿的炒米.奶茶是他们终日离不了的饮料. 蒙古族的传统居室是蒙古包.蒙古包呈圆形尖顶,由圆形围壁和伞状顶架组成,...

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