
作者&投稿:习侄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

应该是pick flowers吧!希望会对你有所帮助!

摘花 [词典]defloration;[例句]研究不同摘花时期对百合鳞茎产量的影响。Effect of different bud picking time on lily bulb yield was studied.

摘的英语翻译 摘用英语怎么说
你好!摘 pick 英[pɪk] 美[pɪk]vt. 挑选,挑拣; 挖,采,摘,剔,扒; 挑剔;n. 选择; 收获; 精华;[例句]Mr Nowell had picked ten people to interview for six sales jobs in London 诺埃尔先生为伦敦的6个销售职位选出了10人进行面试。

你好、摘花:pick the flower 毁树:cut down the tree 伤害动物:kill animals 鑫哥为你解答,如果我的回答可以帮助到楼主,请楼主点击我的回答下方的“采纳为答案”;如果楼主还有什么不解,可以点击下方的追问,继续为你解答;忘楼主玩的开心!

我和朋友们一起去摘花。翻译为英语:1) I went to pick flowers with my friends.2) My friend and I went to pick flowers.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。

我想摘花,但是我妈妈告诉我那是错误 的。译成英语这么说 :I wanted to pick up the flowers. But my mother told me It was wrong to do that.

摘花英语怎么说?用 pick吗?pick the flowers 网络 摘花;[例句]Please don't pick the flowers.请勿攀折花木。英语翻译 1.不准扔垃圾 2.不准抽菸 3.不准拍照 4.不准吐痰 5.欠缺邮资 6.靠左 7.当心 8.别碰 9.油漆未干 10.入口 11.出口 12.别踩草地 13.请不要摘花 英语翻译好的人进 1...


一.翻译成英语1.在农场上 2.摘花 3.参观农场 4.喂马一些干草 5.许多谷...
1.在农场上 on the farm 2.摘花 pick up flowers 3.参观农场 visit a farm 4.喂马一些干草 feed the house with some hay 5.许多谷物 a lot of grains 6.一些标志 some signals 希望帮助到你 满意请采纳,谢谢o(∩_∩)o~~

flower;inflorescence ;例句:摘下这小花朵拿好它,不能迟缓!Pluck this little flower and take it, delay not!article.yeeyan.org 2.有一簇十分蔚蓝的花朵总会会引起我的注意。There is one particular blue flower that has always caught my eye.article.yeeyan.org 3.噢盛开的花朵悬在战栗的...

夏咐15651588467问: '不要摘花'用英语怎么说?
三元区雪孜回答: Don't pick flowers !(望采纳,谢谢)

夏咐15651588467问: 不要摘花用英语怎么说 -
三元区雪孜回答: Do not pick the flowers 例句:不要喂鸟、不要爬树、不要摘花,不要在此湖里游泳.Don't feed birds, climb trees, pick flowers or swim in the lake. 不要在草地行走!不要摘花! Don't walk on the grass! Don't pick the flowers! Don't chase the hens.

夏咐15651588467问: "不许摘花"用英文怎么说?pick up***orpick *** up -
三元区雪孜回答:[答案] Don't pick the flowers

夏咐15651588467问: 英语你不许摘花 怎么说? -
三元区雪孜回答:[答案] you should not pick the flowers

夏咐15651588467问: 英语警示牌内容,1.不要摘花,2.请勿踩踏,3.请勿喂食 -
三元区雪孜回答: Don't pick the flowers 不要摘花

夏咐15651588467问: 用英语说出我们不能摘花的4种形式,现在我写出来一种:We mustn' tpick flowers.求大神 -
三元区雪孜回答: 1. Care for the flowers. (care for: 第二个义项为 "爱护" ) 2. No picking of the flowers. (仿照No smoking. No parking. 加of只是凭多年学英语的感觉) 3. Do not pick the flowers. 4. Flower picking is forbidden. 5. Have mercy on these flowers. (...

夏咐15651588467问: 禁止摘花用英语右怎么说 -
三元区雪孜回答: 所谓禁止摘花的文明用语,关键是禁止摘花的文明用语需要如何写. 德谟克利特曾说过这样一句话,节制使快乐增加并使享受加强.这不禁令我深思. 本人也是经过了深思熟虑,在每个日日夜夜思考这个问题. 生活中,若禁止摘花的文明用语...

夏咐15651588467问: 请不要摘花园里的花怎么说( 英语) -
三元区雪孜回答: Don't pick the flowers in the garden,please 我们学校的地址在和平路——Our(school's)(adress )is 18,He ping Road 我生活在美丽的城市西安----I arn (live )in the (beautiful city ),Xi'an 现在轮到你了----It's (up to you )now.请问火车站怎么走---Excuse ...

夏咐15651588467问: 英语翻译Don't   pick up the  flowers                           (貌似是个歌名哦.) -
三元区雪孜回答:[答案] Don't pick up the flowers. “不许摘花”用英文怎么说?. Please don't pick up flowers in the park. 请不要在花园里摘花.

夏咐15651588467问: “我们要爱护花草树木”的英语怎么说 -
三元区雪孜回答:[答案] 这句话主要是 花草树木 plants and flowers,plants and trees 都可以 Don't pick flowers and climb trees.表面意思:不要摘花爬树. Keep off plants and flowers(plants and trees).表面意思:与花草树木保持距离. We should love plants and flowers(plants ...

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