
作者&投稿:酉转 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

智力题答案如下:1、noon月亮 mom妈妈 level水平 pop流行 dad爸爸 eye 眼睛2、goldfish。 金鱼3、It is a map。是张地图,所以看上去有城市森林和河流,却没有房子树木和鱼。4、5 years old。 2年前Mary10岁,

1. Glove(手套)2. ALL the children are boys,so half are boys and the rest are boys too.It is possible.(全都是男孩子,当然一半是男孩子,另一半也是男孩了)

1.promise 3.hope 5. pen 7. open your eyes 10.clock16.price 17.river 18.trouble 19.teapot 20.time 21.rain 23.age

这是一个英语竞赛智力题。题目如下:Live is to Evil just as 5423 is...

英语竞赛智力题1.what number should replace the question mark?63...
第一个 98 括号里的十位是第一个数十位加第二个数个位 ,个位是第一个数个位加第二个数十位 第二个 the dentist is a female 第三个 每个字目按字母表顺序向后π两个 所以为vjktf

5.Why is the letter"T"like a boat?6.Who is closer to you,your mom or your dad?7.What does this mean?S N O W 8.What letter do most people fear(害怕) most?9.What number comes next?10,1,9,6,8,11,7,___10.What has hands but no feet,a face bur no eyes,...


英语竞赛智力测试 英文回答
4.10 5.the fourth floor 6.grandfather father and his son

答案是Rafwd,这是一道很好玩的智力题,我们把字母重新安排一下可以得到Dwarf, man, giant, horse 这几个新词,它们依次是侏儒、人、巨人和马,当然是Dwarf(侏儒)最小了。43.What is the next number in the following sequence? 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 答案是21,序列中每一个数字都是前两个数字的...

a keyboard

杭建19559342731问: 初一英语iq测试1.在英文字母中,只有--------有两种发音.2.人们把凡事都亲自去做(do it yourself)用英语简略表示为---------.3.这道我会!4.插卡电话的使用卡... -
正宁县加味回答:[答案] ·1.z 2.DIY 4.IC 5 WTO

杭建19559342731问: 七年级英语题智力题 -
正宁县加味回答: 电话:Phone 英文里都说:She answered the phone.意思就是,她接了电话.

杭建19559342731问: 一道暑假生活(七年级)中的英语智力题!答案要求简短而精确An old man travels with a wolf,a sheep and a basket of caddage. He wants to go across a river.... -
正宁县加味回答:[答案] first,he can take the sheep to the side of the river.Then come back .and the next take the cabbage to the side of the river.then come back taking with the sheep.the third time he can take the wolf to ...

杭建19559342731问: 初一英语智力题 -
正宁县加味回答: 1:Jim has no brothers or sisters. 注:only a child:只不过是个孩子only child:独生子2:age 注:N.年龄,成年,使用年限,同时期得人,时代 V.变老,上年纪,成熟

杭建19559342731问: 英语智力题,初一的~~ -
正宁县加味回答: 题目应该是把KEY的值代入,然后与周围字母的值加在一起是相等的意思.答案和一楼相同.J=12,K=10,L=8

杭建19559342731问: 七年级英语智力题 -
正宁县加味回答: 你好,是选A哦.因为you和uU音标都是[ju]

杭建19559342731问: 英语初一智力测试 -
正宁县加味回答: 1、Yes, because she likes Petersburg, but not Moscow.法国首都巴黎VS英国首都伦敦 德国城市法兰克福VS德国首都波恩 荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹VS西班牙城市巴塞罗那 俄罗斯城市圣彼斯德堡VS俄罗斯首都莫斯科2、eight(11-3)3、Because she lives in a triplex apartment.不知道是否正确,希望对你有所启迪.

杭建19559342731问: 英语智力题:What 5 - letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? -
正宁县加味回答:[答案] Sixty. 把t 和y这两个字母去掉,就剩6了.

杭建19559342731问: 初中英语智力题按规律填空:31,28,30,( ),( ).说明理由,谢谢! -
正宁县加味回答:[答案] 这是数学顺序题,和英语无关. 31,28,30,( 27 ),( 29 ).

杭建19559342731问: 关於初一英语的智力IQ题
正宁县加味回答: 题目:There are 60 birds in the trees. after a while, 4 birds fly to the second tree from the first tree and 7 birds fly to the third tree from the second tree. The there are 20 birds in every tree. Do you know how many birds are there in every tree at first?...

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