
作者&投稿:彩素 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

4. 人教版英语六年级下册第一单元英语作文 我的朋友 I have a good friend. Her name is May. She is 12 years old.Her telephone number is 87634966 Her birthday is March 5th. She is good at English and Chinese. She often plays the piano. She likes reading books and listening to the music...

人教版五年级下册第一单元作文:给远方小学生的封信台湾的小朋友: 你们好! 我们要团聚在祖国妈妈的怀抱,一起感受祖国妈妈的温暖。一想到这,我就忍不住给你们——不知名的朋友写一封信。 我们虽然没见过面,但我愿意将一颗真诚的,渴望友谊的心献给你——远方的朋友。我叫宋可心,今年12岁,是个活泼,开朗,快乐的小...

归纳总结 那本单元你掌握的如何~有什么还需要改进的 时间飞快,本学期即将结束,回顾自己经历的教学路程,有艰辛,有欢乐,留下很多回忆,在此将自己的教学经历作如下总结: 一、坚持不懈地培养良好的学习习惯与态度 从某种角度来说,学生所具有的情感、态度、价值观是学业成败的关键,对于高年级的学生来说,良好的学习习惯...

七年级下册语文主题学习丛书目录第一单元 阅读 2017版新版目录 2017版新版目录 1 邓稼先\/杨振宁 2 说和做——记闻一多先生言行片段\/臧克家 3*回忆鲁迅先生\/萧红 4 孙权劝学\/《资治通鉴》写作 写出人物的精神 第二单元 阅读 5 黄河颂\/光未然 6 最后一课\/都德 7* 土地的誓言\/端木蕻良 8 木兰诗 写...

而一些同学们的所作所为,更加快了你衰老的速度。 你的样子深深印在了我的脑海中,甚至每一个角落:...四年级下册语文第二单元作文 篇12 妈妈,你总是教导我们不要计较。可是你呢?你的实际行动确实在教导我

在日常的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是我整理的四年级下册第二单元作文,欢迎大家分享。 四年级下册第二单元作文1 光阴似箭,日月如梭,我潇洒地走过八个春秋。回首往事,不由得思绪万...


六年级下册第一单元作文12 说起令我难忘的第一次,我不得不羞愧地低下头,猜你们怎么也想不到我的第一次竟是小时候洗照片! 记得那一次,在家一向沉默不语的爸爸突然发话:来来,你帮爸爸去楼下的照相馆洗一下照片吧,爸爸有事要去公司,帮一下爸爸好吗?ok我自信满满的回答爸爸。爸爸把底片拿给了我,我像发现新...

7. 5年级下册语文苏教版2单元看图写作文300字 春天到了,万物复苏了。3月12号,是一个营造绿色环境,呼唤人们爱护环境的特别日子,这一天,我们和老师坐着车,一起来到了美丽的山脚下,郊外的空气真清新,有一股淡淡的小草的香味直往鼻孔里钻,燕子们飞来飞去在认真地捉害虫,远处的山坡上一片青葱翠绿,倒映出天更蓝...

的传说呢!当初亚当,夏娃去果园里偷果子吃,此时没想到被果园的园长发现了叫亚当留下来给果园园长作苦工...四年级下册第一单元作文12 我曾经是一个读书成绩比较差的学生,数学、语文总考七八十分,妈妈曾说:“如果

宗拜13619619546问: 求七年级下册英语1~~12单元作文 -
铁岭市金尔回答: 1)P.E. Teacher Wanted For The School Sports Club Do you like sports ? Are you good with chidrens ? We need help with sports in sports ciub in our school . Can you swim ? Can you play basketball or soccer ? Can you play volleyball or tennis ? ...

宗拜13619619546问: 人教版七年级下册英语的12篇作文 ,要根据12个单元来写~马上要! -
铁岭市金尔回答:[答案] UNit1 I have a new pen pal .her name is Tom .14 years old..His/her birthday is...(一个日期).He/she is very friendly and ... .Here are their likes and dislikes unit12Our school has many rules.We have to wear school uniform in shool.We have to wear ...

宗拜13619619546问: 七年级下册的12单元关于规则的作文将下列文字翻译成一篇英语作文,要语句通顺,语法正确,不要用太多复杂的单词,Library Rules在我们的学校图书馆有... -
铁岭市金尔回答:[答案] Library RulesIn our school library has many rules. We can't talk in the library. We can't will bag to there, but I don't know why. We can't eat it. We will umbrellas in the door. In the library, we st...

宗拜13619619546问: 七年级下册英语书的12单元题目的作文 -
铁岭市金尔回答: DO NOT EAT IN CLASS there are many rules in our class . we can not break the rules . can we eat in class? no,we can not ..because the class room is clean and we should study in class not eat in class,if we do that, the teacher will be angry....

宗拜13619619546问: 初一下册英语第十二单元《我家里的规则》作文 -
铁岭市金尔回答: Therearetoomanyrulesinmyhouse.Ihavetogetupat6:00everymorning.Ihavetocleanmyroomeverydayandkeepeverythinginorder.Ican'twatchTVtoomuchandIhavetodomyhomeworkintime.Ican'teatfoodwhenI'mreadingorwriting.ican'tgooutonschoolnights....

宗拜13619619546问: 英语七年级下册第八,九,十,十一,十二,单元的作文 -
铁岭市金尔回答: 1. I went shopping with Li Mei. We left at 10 o'clock in the morning. When we got to the downtown, there were so many people. It was so crowded as it was a beautiful day and it was Sunday. I didn't buy anything because everything was very ...

宗拜13619619546问: 新版人教版7年级下册12个单元的作文 -
铁岭市金尔回答: UNit1 I have a new pen pal . her name is Tom . 14 years old. .His/her birthday is...(一个日期).He/she is very friendly and funny.His/her favourite sports is...(一项运动).His/her favourite movie is...(一个电影名) .Well,he/she is very good at...(一...

宗拜13619619546问: 7年级下册第12单元作文怎么写? -
铁岭市金尔回答: Class rules We have too many rules in our class. We can't arrive late for class. We can't run in the hallways. We can't eat in the classrooms.We can't listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.We can't fight.And we can't wear hats in the ...

宗拜13619619546问: 求仁爱版英语七年级下册12话题作文 -
铁岭市金尔回答: Three boys are swimming in picture 1,but they are fishing in pidture 2.Four girls are singing and dancing in picture 1,but they are flying kites in picture 2.Three women are drinkinginpicture 1,but they are reading newspapers in picture 2.The two ...

宗拜13619619546问: 七年级下册的12单元关于规则的作文
铁岭市金尔回答: Library Rules In our school library has many rules. We can't talk in the library. We can't will bag to there, but I don't know why. We can't eat it. We will umbrellas in the door. In the library, we still can't listen to music. Because the library is a very quiet place.

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