
作者&投稿:沙花 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语学习资料:五年级英语作文:How to be a Model Student
i want to be a model student. what shall i do? i should be polite. i should study hard. i should capful and helpful. i should walk in the corridors. i should throw ruish in the bin. i should be quiet in the library. i shouldrsquo;t walk and run on the gra. i ...

展开全部 1. 那些英语故事适合六年级讲的拜托了!我要比赛! 大灰狼和小红毛 列宁 匹诺曹 这些英语的网上都有 给我优秀答案呗 做任务那 2. 急需一篇...8. 求一个小学六年级讲的英语故事 A young man was getting ready to graate from college.For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car ...

展开全部 九上新目标英语单词总汇 新目标初中九年级(人教版) Not at all 根本(不);全然(不) Voice...photograph ['f4ut4gra:f] n.照片;相片 interest ['intrist] v.引起……关注;使……感兴趣

make up 组成;构成 native ['neitiv]adj.本族的;本土的 add [1d]v.又说;继续说 aloud [4'laud]adv.出声地;高声地 be afraid to 害怕去做……comma ['k3m4]n.逗号 complete [k4m'pli:t]adj.完整的;完全的 differently ['dif4r4ntli]adv.不同地 end up 结束;告终 flashcard ...

保护环境,人人有则 亲爱的同学们老师们:在现在的这个社会环境受到了极度的污染,我们人类也受到了极大的危害,这些都是由谁制造的呢?很多人都会说肯定不是我们,和我们没什么关系,可是往往有很多的人也都是嘴巴上说没有,可是心里不是这样想的,他们会想丢一次不会有什么大碍的,反正很多人都是随地...

在这小学的六年里,让我留下美好的回忆也很多:在一年级的时候,参加卡拉OK比赛中荣获一等奖;五年级时参加“故事大王”比赛中荣获二等奖;六年级时参加钢笔比赛中荣获一等奖……这些荣誉与我的自信是永不分离的,因此,我很快乐! 记得“故事大王”比赛的时候,我刚上五年级,一开始,我都充满恐惧感,不晓得怎样才好。后来...

cout<<"年级:";cin>>grade;}class Undergrade:public Student{ \/\/本科生类,继承了学生类private: ...Graduate Gra[100]; \/\/定义研究生对象数组 int GraVis[100];\/\/用于判断研究生是否存在 int i,Und...展开全部 本书是《程序设计基础——C++》一书的配套用书,主要包含3部分内容:实验指导、课程设计和《...

巫师在魔法学校高年级能学到的高级魔法,能令巫师瞬间到达他要去的地方。使用时身体像是被强大的力量挤压,扭曲令人窒息,首先集中注意力到想要去的地方,然后快速旋转身体,如果不熟练有可能会留下身体的一部分在原地哦。 咒语3:守护神魔咒-傲罗用魔咒 英文名:Expecto Patronum (呼神护卫) 召唤出浑身透明发亮的守护神,...

...A.grade seven,class three B.class three,gra.
D 试题分析:根据题干和选择项的提示可知此题考查的是班级的表达方式,因在英语中表示班级都要用专有名词。单词的首字母要大写;班级在前,数字在后。故选D。点评:英语中表示几年级几班是经常考查的内容。提醒两点:首字母要大写,第二点就是要先写班级再写年级。

展开全部 A. 小学三年级上册英语小故事 The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on ...Then he took another and dropped it in.Graally, the water rose, and the crow was able to drink the water. 汉语翻译:口渴的乌鸦 一只乌鸦口渴...

矣盆15339046977问: 7年级下册英语第8单元Grammar Focus的翻译 -
琼结县复方回答:[答案] 这附近有一家银行吗? 是的,有.在中心街. 这附近有餐馆吗? 是的,在邮局前面有一家. 旅馆在哪里? 它在警察局后面. 银行在哪里? 他紧挨着邮局. 公园在哪里? 它在银行对面,旅馆后面. 付费电话亭在哪儿? 它们在邮局和图书馆之间.

矣盆15339046977问: 七年级下册英语48页grammar focus还有49页3a 主要是翻译 -
琼结县复方回答:[答案] 可数名词 复数形式加s eggs 不可数名词 没有复数形式 beef 既是可数又是不可数 salad(s) a small/medium/large bowl of noodles 小(中、大)碗面条 很高兴为你解答! 多谢你的问题!

矣盆15339046977问: 我想要:人教版七年级下册的1 - 6单元的grammar focus (也就是重点句型)好的加分,尽快我要是有教材就不提问了 -
琼结县复方回答:[答案] 呃……好多.我给你借书吧!开个玩笑.1到6单元的么?o()^))o 唉,人心好就是没办法,我给你发吧. unit 1:where is your pen pal from?He's from Australia. where is John's pen pal from?He's from Japan. where does he live?He lives in Paris. unit 2:Is there ...

矣盆15339046977问: 求七年级下册英语1—12单元grammar focus!!! -
琼结县复方回答: unit 1:where is your pen pal from? He's from Australia. where is John's pen pal from? He's from Japan. where does he live? He lives in Paris.unit 2: Is there a supermarket? Yes,there is./No,there isn't. Where's the park? It's on Center Street. Where's ...

矣盆15339046977问: 初一下册英语书grammar focus -
琼结县复方回答: 1.Where is your pen pal from? he"s from Australia. Where is Jon"s pen pal from? He' from Japan. Where does he live?He lives in Pairs. 2. Is there a supermaket ? Yes,ther is,/No,ther isn't. Where's the hotel? It's across from the bank. Where's the ...

矣盆15339046977问: 初一下册英语书第五单元GrammarFours急急急 -
琼结县复方回答: Grammar Fours:Why do you like pandas? Because they're kind of interesting.Why does John like koalas? Because they're very cute.Why don't you like tigers? Because they're really scary.Where are lions from? They're from South Africa.3a:Where ...

矣盆15339046977问: 人教版初一英语下册各单元语法 -
琼结县复方回答: 第一单元:1:一般现在时句子的谓语结构的表达; 2:一般现在时句子由肯定句转化为一般疑问句和否定句的方法.第二单元:1:“There be”句型的基本运用: 2:介词的基本运用.第三单元:1:冠词a an the的基本运用; 2:不用冠词的情...

矣盆15339046977问: 七年级下册英语Grammar Focus的汉语翻译 -
琼结县复方回答: 你好,很高兴为你解答 解答 :七年级下册英语第七单元grammar focus grade seven english seventh unit grammar focus 欢迎追问, 希望能帮到你,手输不易,求采纳!! 你的采纳是我答题的动力!

矣盆15339046977问: 七年级下册英语Grammar Focus默写 -
琼结县复方回答: Don`t run in the hallways Don`t fight What are the rules? We must be on time for class.Can we eat in the classroom? No,we can`t.but we can eat in the dining hall.Does he have to wear a uniform at school? Yes,he does./No,he doesn`t.What do you have to do? We have to be quiet in the library.

矣盆15339046977问: 求七下所有Grammar Focus.急
琼结县复方回答: http://wenku.baidu.com/view/8657e311f18583d049645965.html这里都有,很全!

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