
作者&投稿:藤灵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

初一上册英语第12单元写一篇关于 《我喜欢英语》的作文
~~2.some people prefer~~~3.others tend to ~~4,as to me,i agree with\/to ~~5.of course,~~6,for example~~7.but~~8.the following reasons can account for my preference~~~9.the main reason is ~~10.a good exmaple is ~~11.fur another ~~12.from the foregoing~~~...

Dear **,first thank you for writting to us, and we hope that you have got out of that trouble.亲爱的**,首先先感谢你给我们写信,我们也希望你现在已经走出那个困境。in fact, every teacher likes their students, and they always hope that their students could study hard and will ...



六下英语第一单元how tall are you的作文 不少于5句话
全部人(除游,欧):Great!游:Line up from shorter to taller.柯:How tall are you?涵:I’m  153cm  tall.柯:Oh! I’m  161cm  tall. I am taller than you.游:Line up from younger to older.梁:How old are you?罗:I’m 13 years old.梁:I’m 12 years old. I...


八年级上册英语(人教版的)1—12单元的标题选取5个写五篇英语作文 急啊...
I always exercise...

英语 作文 在初中英语教学中占有重要位置,教师需要培养学生的英语作文写作能力。下面我给大家带来 八年级 下册英语单元 优秀作文 ,希望对你有帮助。八年级下册英语单元作文 范文 一:My Family I have a lovely family and my families live a happy life. My mother is a farmer...

我可以给你一篇关于运动的作文 ,里面综合了第一单元的语言点 Running is my favorite sport.As we all knwo it is one of the popular sports in the world.I often run before breakfast with my family.It is a good way to keep fit and it can also build me up.I want ...

我是一个学生生病在家不能上课,请你给我一些初一英语第12单元的文件。向演示文稿之类的也可以。急急急急急用啊... 我是一个学生生病在家不能上课,请你给我一些初一英语第12单元的文件。向演示文稿之类的也可以。急急急急急用啊 展开  我来答

答涛15513458635问: 七年级下册英语书的12单元题目的作文 -
敦化市怡维回答: DO NOT EAT IN CLASS there are many rules in our class . we can not break the rules . can we eat in class? no,we can not ..because the class room is clean and we should study in class not eat in class,if we do that, the teacher will be angry....

答涛15513458635问: 七年级下册的12单元关于规则的作文将下列文字翻译成一篇英语作文,要语句通顺,语法正确,不要用太多复杂的单词,Library Rules在我们的学校图书馆有... -
敦化市怡维回答:[答案] Library RulesIn our school library has many rules. We can't talk in the library. We can't will bag to there, but I don't know why. We can't eat it. We will umbrellas in the door. In the library, we st...

答涛15513458635问: 人教版七年级下册英语的12篇作文 ,要根据12个单元来写~马上要! -
敦化市怡维回答:[答案] UNit1 I have a new pen pal .her name is Tom .14 years old..His/her birthday is...(一个日期).He/she is very friendly and ... .Here are their likes and dislikes unit12Our school has many rules.We have to wear school uniform in shool.We have to wear ...

答涛15513458635问: 英语七年级下册第八,九,十,十一,十二,单元的作文 -
敦化市怡维回答: 1. I went shopping with Li Mei. We left at 10 o'clock in the morning. When we got to the downtown, there were so many people. It was so crowded as it was a beautiful day and it was Sunday. I didn't buy anything because everything was very ...

答涛15513458635问: 初一下册英语第十二单元《我家里的规则》作文
敦化市怡维回答: Therearetoomanyrulesinmyhouse.Ihavetogetupat6:00everymorning.Ihavetocleanmyroomeverydayandkeepeverythinginorder.Ican'twatchTVtoomuchandIhavetodomyhomeworkintime.Ican'teatfoodwhenI'mreadingorwriting.ican'tgooutonschoolnights....

答涛15513458635问: 初一英语(作文)用初一下册12个单元的标题(任选6个)写6篇各不少於60字的作文第一单元标题:Where's your pen pal from?第二单元标题:Where' the... -
敦化市怡维回答:[答案] 1.where is your pen pal from? my pen pal is named li ming.he come to china since 2 years ago.he and his mother is living in china.his father is living in canada.he is from canada. 9how was your weekend? it went very very.iwas very happy.i with my ...

答涛15513458635问: 求仁爱版英语七年级下册12话题作文 -
敦化市怡维回答: Three boys are swimming in picture 1,but they are fishing in pidture 2.Four girls are singing and dancing in picture 1,but they are flying kites in picture 2.Three women are drinkinginpicture 1,but they are reading newspapers in picture 2.The two ...

答涛15513458635问: 初三英语 第十二单元 作文 -
敦化市怡维回答: I think you can watch English-language TV. You can also do lots of listening practice. You should take lots of grammar notes in every class.Why not read some English books. If you do so, I believe you can learn English well.

答涛15513458635问: 七年级下英语1到12单元的作文 -
敦化市怡维回答: 很多第一次是让人难忘的.我今天来说说我第一次动手术的经过. 那是前年暑假的一个早晨,我躺在医院的病床上,心里紧张极了.如果旁边没有人的话,我一定会大哭一场. “17号病人xxx,准备好了,请跟我来!”一位护士一下子说出了我...

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