
作者&投稿:邵版 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2、招聘单位的标志(The logotype of the Recruiting Unit)一般放在招聘广告标题的前边,但有时也可放在标题的后边。这是因为企业在招聘人才的同时,还要在读者心目中树立起该企业的形象。3、招聘单位的简介(The Brief Introduction to the Recruiting Unit)对企业进行广告宣传,以便让求职者对企业有一个基...

下面是一些写英语招聘广告的建议:1、标题:简明扼要、突出重点,例如:"Marketing Manager Wanted"或"Hiring Customer Service Representative"。2、公司简介:简要介绍一下公司背景、规模、产业、文化等信息。3、职位描述:详细说明招聘职位的职责、要求、薪资待遇等信息,让应聘者更好地理解职位的性质。4、...

简单的英语招聘广告可以通过三个步骤完成,即步骤一写招聘原因,步骤二写招聘要求,步骤三留联系方式。范文:Students Wanted for the New Year's Party New Year is coming. We need some students for the New Year's party. Do you love music? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play ...

英语招聘广告作文如下:How to write a job advertisement Our company is ABC company. We have enough capital turnover. We believe the company has enough strength to pay employees' wages on time every month.We want to recruit sales personnel. Our recruitment conditions are your university...

招聘广告怎么写英语作文1 WE NEED YOU Position: Front desk agent(we need two)华夏酒店 HuaXia Hotel Work Place: Amoy area,XiaMen City Requirements::1、 Female,The preferred ages are 20-28 yrs 2、University graduate or above 3、 Excellent proficiency in Chinese, speak sensibly ...

We are recruiting painters who have painting abilities and love art to join our team! We provide a rich creative space and perfect salary package, giving you the greatest freedom and support for your creation! Join us, and start your artistic journey!我们正在招聘画画师,欢迎有绘画...

1.good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)2.obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。(雪碧)3.the new digital era.数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)4.we lead.others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)5.impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)6.t...

experience.�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2 Interested parties, please call Miss Huang, telephone 88869560 护士应聘 本医院现招请一名护士,有责任心,工作认真,细心照顾病人,无需工作经验。有意者,请打给黄小姐,电话88869560 ...

Actors Wanted We need ten boys to be extras. Are you good at English and basketball? If you have enough interests, and meet our requests, please come and take part in our performance on saturday or from 3:00pm to 8:00pm on sunday. we can give each person ten yuan a day...

难得的机遇Rare opportunity 我公司服装部诚聘一名全职推销员Department of Employment apparel company a full-time salesman.有无推销经验均可Whether or not to sell the experience can be.我公司将进行培训We will carry out training.应聘者须外表整洁Candidates have to clean the outside.善待人接...

当涂蕊13068759277问: 七年级下英语招聘启事范文 -
杞县藿香回答: FoundI happened to find a schoolbag on my way home yesterday.There is a wallet ,a notebook and some other things in the schoolbag .Loser is expected to calm it in our classroom.Finder,Zhu HongClass one

当涂蕊13068759277问: 人教版七年级下学期英语Unit4作文(招聘广告)!急急急! -
杞县藿香回答: 令人瞠目结舌的英文广告 The English Advertisements Amazed You 令人瞠目结舌的英文广告人们常抱怨国内学英语非常不方便,至少不能学到地道的英语表达.可是,是否英语国家里人们的语言表达就非常标准,非常地道了呢?任何人看了下...

当涂蕊13068759277问: 初一英语招聘店员作文写一则招聘广告(店员)60字左右,用词:like people work late hard -
杞县藿香回答:[答案] Wanted:We are a shop.We want a shop assistant.Do you like to work hard?Do you like to work hard?Do you like to meet people?Do you like to talk with people?Are you a young girl or boy?Please come and w...

当涂蕊13068759277问: 初中英语招聘广告例文 -
杞县藿香回答: Job Description Recruiting Assistant needed for Raleigh corporate office. This candidate will primarily be assisting the head Recruiter with duties that include but are not limited to maintaining a nationwide database, leading new hire orientation, ...

当涂蕊13068759277问: 初一英语作文,帮下忙啊假设你是某商店的经理,你想招聘一位售货员,请你拟一则招聘广告,注意格式和内容!(40)词 要用到 :busy girl work weekend ... -
杞县藿香回答:[答案] 作业自己做.网友如果帮他就是伤害他的父母,会遭报应的!

当涂蕊13068759277问: 初一下册英语作文 写则招聘广告 假如你是一位学校校长,现需招聘一位音乐老师 70词 1.会讲英语和法语 2.对 -
杞县藿香回答: Music Teacher Wanted We want a good music teacher. Can you speak English or French? Can you love your students? Can you sing or dance? Can you play three instruments? Do you have free time to do some else work on the weekend? Then come and join us. Please call me.

当涂蕊13068759277问: 英语作文 招聘广告 初一的 -
杞县藿香回答: Do you like working late?Do you like working every day?Do you want to have a fun and busy job? We need a shop assistant now. If you would like to,please call me at 10086.

当涂蕊13068759277问: 以初一的英语水平写三四句商店招聘厨师的广告两则! -
杞县藿香回答: 1.Are you good at cooking?Are you looking for a job with good payment?Contact us now!2.If you want to earn excellent salary, if you have an advantage in cooking and have expience as a chef, we want you NOW! Come and apply the position! Join us, join a happy and hard-working team!

当涂蕊13068759277问: 写一篇英语招聘广告 初一能力 -
杞县藿香回答: Sunshine International Scholl's teacher want ad 1.You are good at English. 2.You like to work hard . 3You like to sing ang dance,and you like kid. 4You are Interested in teaching job. 5.If you want to get this job.Please contact with Mr. Lin, telephone number 4561231.

当涂蕊13068759277问: 哪位大神会这个英语作文?七年级的,是说要写一篇招聘广告,推荐自己的同学代理周末英语学生助手为小学生 -
杞县藿香回答: Dear peter:Hi!nice to meet you.And you wanna me to recommend you a student assistant.It is my pleasure to do this for you.There is a good student named LiMing.He is good at almost everything.He always do a good job in his studies and help ...

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