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亲们!!江湖救急!!人教版英语书九年级全一册第八单元SectionB 2b的课文...
巨大的石头用某种方式被放在一起。这部分内容主要考察的是过去式的知识点:过去式(past tense)是英语语法的一种,表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。一般过去式的动词通常用动词原形的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过去式是在动词原形的基础上变化的。动词的过去式可分为规则动词和不规则动词。


八年级英语上册课文2b翻译(一) Unit8 美国的感恩节 在大部分国家,人们通常在特殊的节日里吃传统的食物。在美国特殊的一天是感恩节。它总是在11月的第四个星期四。在这 个时候,人们也纪念大约400年前第一批从英国来到美国居住的旅行者。这些旅行者经历了一个漫长的、严寒的冬天,他们中的许多人...

八年级上册英语听力材料unit8 section 2a2b 翻译
Section A 2a 2b 凯文:那么,蒂娜,你还做了什么?蒂娜:你可能不会相信,不过我遇见了杰克•迪恩!凯文:杰克•迪恩?那个著名的演员?你真的遇见他了吗?蒂娜:是的!他在水族馆拍电影。凯文:哇!你得到他的亲笔签名了吗?蒂娜:不,我没得到。劳拉得到了。但我拍了他的照片!在...

我并不那么在意朋友跟我相同还是不同。我最喜欢的一句格言是:“一个真正的朋友在需要时给你帮助,使你感动。”我最好的朋友卡罗真的既友好又风趣。事实上,她比我认识的侄何一个人都要风趣。6、I broke my arm last year but she made me laugh and feel better. We can talk about and ...


八年级英语上册第5单元Section 2b翻译
On November 18, 1978, Mickey became the first cartooncharacter to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.[]1978年11月18日,米奇成为第一个在好莱坞星光大道上留有星星的卡通人物。Today’s cartoons are usually not so simpleas little Mickey Mouse, but everyone still knows and loves...

图呢 ?

Jeff Green: 我的妈妈告诉我一个好朋友就像是一个镜子。我比其他的孩子都要安静和严肃。这既是为什么我在班里喜欢看书和用工上课。我最好的朋友Yuan li也很安静,所以我们喜欢一起学习。我很害羞,所以我不是很会交朋友。但是我认为朋友就像书-你不需要很多只要他们是好的。Huang Lei: 不一定是一...


伯纨15266478761问: 七年级英语第八单元B部分听力 -
唐海县复方回答:[答案] SectionB 1b Listen and circle the events you hear in 1a. John: Hey, Sally. Can I ask you some questions? Sally: Sure, John. ... The school trip is on September 26th and 27th. John: And when is the English test? Sally: Oh, that's on Friday, September 29...

伯纨15266478761问: 初中七年级上册英语的第八单元b部分的2b文章怎么读 -
唐海县复方回答: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0GcQWw

伯纨15266478761问: 七年级上册英语unit8 SectionB 1c的录音稿 -
唐海县复方回答: John: Hey, Sally. Can I ask you some questions?Sally: Sure, John.John: When is your birthday party?Sally: My birthday party is on October 5th.John: OK, and when is the basketball game?Sally: The basketball game? Oh, it's on October 2nd.John: ...

伯纨15266478761问: 七年级上册英语unit8 SectionB 1c的录音稿请立马告诉我 -
唐海县复方回答: 1b Listen and circle the events you hear in 1a. John: Hey, Sally. Can I ask you some questions? Sally: Sure, John. John: When is your birthday party? Sally: My birthday party is on October 5th. John: OK, and when is the basketball game? Sally: The ...

伯纨15266478761问: 七年级英语第八单元B部分听力 -
唐海县复方回答: SectionB1b Listen and circle the events you hear in 1a.John: Hey, Sally. Can I ask you some questions?Sally: Sure, John.John: When is your birthday party?Sally: My birthday party is on October 5th.John: OK, and when is the basketball game?Sally: ...

伯纨15266478761问: go for it 新课标英语 七年级上册 第八单元课文 -
唐海县复方回答: 2b Read the school notice and list the activities and the dates.Dear students,We have some interesting and fun things for you this term. On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon. October is a great month. On the 12th and the 15th, ...

伯纨15266478761问: 七年级英语2b17页朗读 -
唐海县复方回答: Crossing the River to SchoolHow du you get to school?Do you walk or ride a bike?Do you go by bus ro by train?For many students,it is easy to get to school.But for the students in one small village in China,it is difficult.There is a very big river ...

伯纨15266478761问: 七年级人教版英语书第8单元Reading部分课文全文的翻译 -
唐海县复方回答: 第八单元 Reading Good evening , ladies and gentlemen . Welcome to our fashion show . I am Millie from Class 1 Grade 7. Today we are going to show you different styles of clothes. Look at me .I am wearing sports clothes and a pair of trainers. ...

伯纨15266478761问: 7年级上册英语9单元听力A部分2b -
唐海县复方回答: 2b Listen and match the subjects you hear with the descriptions.Boy 1: What's your favorite subject?Boy 2: My favorite subject is P.E.Boy 1: Why do you like P.E.?Boy 2: Because it's fun. How about you? What's your favorite subject?Boy 1: Hmm...

伯纨15266478761问: 7年级上册英语UNIT2的8页2b -
唐海县复方回答: Sally: Good morning, Jane. Jane: Good morning, Sally. Sally: Oh, Jane, this is my sister Kate.Kate, this is my friend Jane. Kate: Nice to meet you, Jane. Jane: Nice to meet you, too. Are those yourparents? Kate: Yes, they are. Jane: And...

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