
作者&投稿:邬泊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

就 英语怎么说

就是 用英语怎么说

“一···就··· ”用英语怎么翻译
1、as soon as: [conj.] (连词)一 ... 就 例句:In that case, you can have it as soon as you get there.这样的话,您一到达就可以领取您的皮箱了。Dense, as people, not to be grace as soon as crowed.密集吧,和人一样,一拥挤就谈不上优雅了。2、immediately: [conj....

as soon as... (一⋯就⋯)directly... (adv. 直接地;恰好;立刻;直截了当地 conj. 一⋯就⋯)immediately... (adv. 立刻;现在;紧邻地;直接 conj. 一⋯就)presently... (现在,不久 )the moment.. (那一刻)the instant....


"Just" 是一个英语单词,通常用作副词,意思是"仅仅"或"不过"。例如:"I'm just looking" 表示"我只是看看"。"Just a minute" 可以理解为"等一下"或"稍等片刻"。"It's just a cold" 意思...

英语表示“一...就... ” 时态
英语中表示一 就的词有很多:例如 as soon as, hardly when , no sooner than, immediately等等。在时态上也应该遵循主句和从句的时态一致。例如,从句用过去时,主句也应用相应的过去时,从句用现在时,主句也应用相应的现在时。

就是 1.[only]——作副词。用在名词、动词或词组前面,表示某种确定的范围,排斥其他,相当于“仅”、“只有”大家都来了,就是小林还没有来 别的他都忘了,就是想起这件事 2. [either…or…] ——作连词。非此即彼 这几天,不是刮风,就是下雨 3. [even if]——连接偏正复句的偏句,表示...

1. The instant that...一。。。就。。。2. As soon as.一…就…3. turned sick by the sight 一见就恶心 4. Just a pinch.一勺就行。5. For once 就这一回,就这一次 6. break at the slightest touch 一戳就破 7. She takes offence easily.她一动就生气。8. He ...

一…就…… 英语有哪些表达?
一……就……用英语有以下三种表达方式:1、as soon as 1)读音:\/æz sun æz\/ 2)释义:一…就…;一经 2、directly 1)读音:\/dɪˈrɛktli\/ 2)释义:adv.直接地;不久,立即;正好地,恰好地;坦率地。conj.一…就…3、immediately 1)读音:[ɪ&#...

司马曲15678609380问: 表示“一……就”的英语短语.我们老师说最少有15个.呜呜.亲们,帮忙啊.还要带例句. -
贡嘎县福路回答:[答案] 1. The instant that... 一.就.2. As soon as. 一…就…3. turned sick by the sight 一见就恶心4. Just a pinch. 一勺就行.5. For once 就这一回,就这一次6. break at the slightest touch 一戳就破7. She t...

司马曲15678609380问: 表示“一……就”的英语短语.我们老师说最少有15个.呜呜.亲们,帮忙啊.还要带例句. -
贡嘎县福路回答: 1. The instant that... 一...就... 2. As soon as. 一…就… 3. turned sick by the sight 一见就恶心 4. Just a pinch. 一勺就行. 5. For once 就这一回,就这一次 6. break at the slightest touch 一戳就破 7. She takes offence easily. 她一动就生气. ...

司马曲15678609380问: 用一…就…英文的三个句式造句用(hardly…when…)、(scarcely…when…)、(no sooner…than…)这三个句型造句.要五个.是 一……就…… 就用他们造句. -
贡嘎县福路回答:[答案] (hardly…when…)、(scarcely…when…)、(no sooner…than…) 一共要5个 还是每个词组要5个呢?每个写给你造2个 不够的话 告诉我 我可以补 She had hardly arrived when it began to snow. 她一到就下起雪来了 Hardly when I got ready to continue the ...

司马曲15678609380问: 英语中,一...就.的表达要求归纳得完整 -
贡嘎县福路回答:[答案] as soon as 一…就… Come here as soon as you finish the work. 工作一结束你就到这里来 no sooner ...than ... 一...就... 字典上的,很权威哦

司马曲15678609380问: 一....就...用英语怎么说 -
贡嘎县福路回答: hardly... when... no sooner... than... 这两个造句时要注意倒桩 as soon as ...

司马曲15678609380问: 表示“一.就.”的英语词都有那些?带例句. -
贡嘎县福路回答:[答案] as soon as…!To clean up the oil as soon aspossible!

司马曲15678609380问: 英语中表示一就的意思的有什么词组 -
贡嘎县福路回答: hardly...when... as soon as no sonner than on doing sth, ...

司马曲15678609380问: 英语中表示“一……就……”的词组,句型有哪些? -
贡嘎县福路回答: 随便选一个句子举例:我一拿到票就给你打电话: 1.once 最常用,I will call you once I get the ticket. 2.soon after,I will call you soon after I get the ticket. 3.as soon as, I will call you as soon as I get the ticket 4.at once 其实也可以表达这个意思: I will ...

司马曲15678609380问: 一...就... 的英语怎么说 -
贡嘎县福路回答: 有连词as soon as ;hardly(had)...when ;No sooner(had) than 副词immediately;instantly ,介词on(doing)...名词the moment ;the minite;the second;the instant ;等引导 . 如:As soon as he arived ,he said hello to me= Hardly had he arrived when he ...

司马曲15678609380问: 一....就 英语怎么说的 -
贡嘎县福路回答: 表示一……就的词组有很多.常用的有:as soon as the moment/minute/second/instant immediately, instantly hardly...when...no sooner...when...最后多用于叙述过去的事情. 他一回到家,就马上上网:He surfted the Internet as soon as/ the ...

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