
作者&投稿:谏空 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一般疑问句10个例句:1、I’m thirteen years old.Are you thirteen years old?2、He likes his family members.Does he like his family members?3、We are singing and dancing.Are you singing and dancing?4、Mary can ride a bike.Can Mary ride a bike?5、John is a tall and kind pe...

一般疑问句10个例句:1. Are you a student?你是一个学生吗?2. Do you walk to school? 你步行去学校吗?3. Is she a worker?她是一个工人吗?4. Is he a doctor?他是一个医生吗?5. Are you a teacher?你是一个老师吗?6. Do you go to school by bike?你骑自行车上学吗?7....

一般疑问句10个例句分别是:1、Do you go to work today?你今天上班了吗?2、Are you going to travel tomorrow?你明天去旅游吗?3、Do you eat staple food at night?你晚上吃主食吗?4、Will Xiao Zhang go to Chengdu the day after tomorrow?小张后天去成都吗?5、Did Lili go to the...

一般疑问句10个例句:1、Is this your skirt?(这是你的裙子吗?)Yes, it is.(是的,是的.)2、Is your throat sore?(你喉咙痛吗?)Yes, it is.(是的,是的.)3、Is his birthday in June?(他的生日在六月吗?)No, it isn't.(不,不是.)4、Is the cinema next to the libra...

关于小学一般疑问句例句,具体如下:一、疑问句例句:你几点吃饭?你几点睡觉?你几点写作业?你什么时间结婚?你什么时间谈恋爱?你爱我吗?你缺钱花吗?你要找工作吗?你要考多少分?你喜欢数学老师吗?你喜欢看漫画吗?等等 疑问句(英文称interrogative sentence)的主要交际功能是提出问题,询问情况...

1 I like running. 疑问句 Do you like running? 否定 I don't like running.2 She goes swimming every day.疑问句 Does she go swimming every day? 否定句 She doesn'tgo swimming every day.3 He is often late for shool. 疑 Is he often late for shool?.否 He isn‘t often ...

肯定回答:Yes,it is. 否定回答:No,it isn`t.2、含行为动词(或称为实义动词)的一般疑问句,其结构为:助动词+主语+动词原形+其它?肯定回答用“Yes,主语+ do\\does.”,否定回答用“No,主语+don\\does not.”。助动词也常用缩写形式,主要有don't,doesn't,didn't等。例如:Do your ...

现在进行时的一般疑问句表示现在正在进行的动作或状态,例如:“你正在做什么?”、“他们正在看电影吗?”等。这些疑问句可以用来询问他人的行动或状态,也可以用来描述自己正在进行的活动。你正在做什么? - What are you doing?他们正在看电影吗? - Are they watching a movie?她现在正在学习英语吗...


10.这是多么深刻的教诲啊!难道不值得我们永远牢记吗?疑问句例句 1.这个包里面都有什么?2.你是学生吗?3.这本书是你的还是她的?4.他是你爸爸吗?5.你多大啦?6.出去吃还是在家吃?7.你信不信我的话?8.难道她想失败吗?9.用了人家的东西,不告诉他怎么行?10.你能不能再去认真地看看?...

法维13293294059问: 五年级一般疑问句和特殊疑问句各十个加回答 -
绵竹市贝前回答: Is it a map of China? yes,it is.Am I wrong again? yes,you are.Is it your bicycle? Yes, it is. How old are you? im ten years old

法维13293294059问: 一般疑问句10个例句有哪些? -
绵竹市贝前回答: 一般疑问句10个例句: 1、I'm thirteen years old. Are you thirteen years old? 2、He likes his family members. Does he like his family members? 3、We are singing and dancing. Are you singing and dancing? 4、Mary can ride a bike. Can Mary ...

法维13293294059问: 英语:一般疑问句及回答方式总结:英语一般疑问句及回答方式! -
绵竹市贝前回答:[答案] 1.概念 能用yes / no(或相当于yes / no)回答的问句叫一般疑问句. 2.含系动词be的一般疑问句的构成 具体地说,就是当陈述句中有am /is / are时,可直接将它们提至主语前,但如遇第一人称,最好将其置换成第二人称.如: I'm in Class 2,Grade 1....

法维13293294059问: 疑问句的例子10个 -
绵竹市贝前回答: 1.当土夫子,难道就不需要文化知识了吗? ——强调当土夫子也需要文化知识.2."那怎么是一样的呢?"----说话者在强调那是不一样的.3.难道我们能浪费时间吗?——强调要珍惜时间,突出时间的重要性.4你们怎能破坏环境呢? ——强调...

法维13293294059问: 十个一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 -
绵竹市贝前回答:[答案] 特殊疑问 一般疑问Who are you?Are you John?Where are you?Is your book under the bed?What are you doing?Are you watching TV?How do you go to school?Do you go to school by bus?Why does she cry?Does she l...

法维13293294059问: 谁给出10个初中一般疑问句以及答句 -
绵竹市贝前回答: 一般疑问句就是将陈诉句中的BE动词提前或用DO DOES DID 做引导词进行提问 答句一般为Yes,i am . No, i am not或 Yes,i do .No ,i don not.

法维13293294059问: 求十个带实意动词的一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答还有十个带实意动词的否定句 快快快快 -
绵竹市贝前回答: “一般疑问句,肯定和否定回答: 1.Do you get up early? Yes, I do.\ No,I don't. 2.Do they go to school by bus? Yes,they do.\No, they don't. 3.Does he help you? Yes, he does.\No,he doesn't. 4.Does she often do some cleaning? Yes, she does. \ No, ...

法维13293294059问: 否定句,肯定句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句!否定句,肯定句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句(举例说明!至少10个)今天中午回答!过期不要. -
绵竹市贝前回答:[答案] 你说清楚好不好? 英语啊? 我来~ 否定句:I don't have a long holiday. 我没有一个长长的假期. 肯定句:I'm a girl.我市女生. 一般疑问句:Can I help you (一般在餐厅 商店会听到服务员这么说) 特殊疑问句:What would you like? 你想要什么?(餐...

法维13293294059问: 急……英语……20个句型转换(10个一般疑问句,10个特殊疑问句).注: -
绵竹市贝前回答:[答案] 一般疑问句:1.Is thre something wrong with you?2.Are you Mr.Smith?3.Do you have an English book?4.Can I help you?5.Could you give me an apple?6.Did you go to shool last Saturday?7.Is it hard to learn ...

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