
作者&投稿:班江 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一般过去时:What was the weather like?How was the weather?一般现在时:What's the weather like?How's the weather?一般将来时:What's the weather going to be like?How's the weather going to be?

将来时态的句子:未来天气预测: The weather forecast indicates it will be sunny tomorrow.计划活动: We plan to visit the museum next weekend.即将发生的改变: The company will introduce a new policy soon.未来的能力预测: I believe she will succeed in her studies in the future.对未来...

英语将来时 "what will be the weather like" 和 "what wiill the we...
What's the weather like? (问现在天气怎样?)What will the weather be like tomorrow? (明天天气将会怎样?)这句话用了一般将来时。一般将来时用 will 加动词原形构成,例如:We will take an exam tomorrow.He will come this afternoon.It will be fine tomorrow.在疑问句中,一般将来时要...

询问天气的话,一般这样说就行, 一般将来时 What will the weather be like tomorrow? what is he like?既可以问外貌长相,也可以问内在素质,而What does he look like?只侧重于外貌。

在英语教学中,理解现在进行时和一般将来时的区别至关重要。首先,现在进行时描绘的是正在进行的动作,有时暗示计划或预期。它可以用结构 "is\/am\/are + 现在分词" 表示,如询问天气 "Is the sun shining?" 或预示即将发生的行为 "The bus is coming"。然而,现在进行时表将来时往往带有意图或安排...

how did the weather 和how was the weather 有什么区别
2、问天气的句子是:1)、一般现在时:How is the weather ?= What 's the weather like ?2)、一般过去时,is 要改为 was ,即:How was the weather (yesterday) ?= What was the weather like (yesterday) ?3)、一般将来时:How will be weather be ( tomorrow )?= What ...

谈到天气时,对方询问天气,你可以回答今天cold, 也可以回答windy,问法相同,可以用这两种回答。What was the weather like?How was the weather?一般现在时:What's the weather like?How's the weather?一般将来时:What's the weather going to be like?How's the weather going to be?A:今天...

for tomorrow? 约定的时间:Tom's evening visit to your home is confirmed. 违规后果:Violation of rules will result in consequences. 下月的互动:Next month, a visit from you is anticipated.这些句子涵盖了日常生活中的各种情景,展示了人们如何通过一般将来时表达未来的计划和期望。

What ___ the weather ___ like tomorrow? A.is; going to B.is...
C 试题分析:句意:明天的天气怎么样?be going to be 表示将会…,句中有tomorrow表示将来的时间状语,故句子用一般将来时态,故选C点评:动词的时态是学习英语过程中非常重要的知识。而很多的题目,句中并没有像本题一样有明确的时间,很多要通过上下文的判断得知。一般将来时表示将来的某个时间将...


乜段18933063868问: how did the weather 和how was the weather 有什么区别 -
永康市瑞普回答: 正确的是:How was the weather ? (那时)天气怎么样?没有 How did the weateher 这种用法,所以不存在区别.分析:1、did 是助动词,助动词后要跟动词原形,而weather 是名词,所以 How did the weather 是错误的.2、问天气的句子是...

乜段18933063868问: 英语中如何提问天气要两种句式what和how -
永康市瑞普回答:[答案] 一般过去时:What was the weather like?How was the weather?一般现在时:What's the weather like?How's the weather?一般将来时:What's the weather going to be like?How's the weather going to be?...

乜段18933063868问: how is the weather ,这里的be动词,除了用is 还可以用其他的吗? -
永康市瑞普回答: 一般是用is来询问现在和将来的天气.你不会问昨天天气怎么样,因为昨天已经过去了,你也知道昨天是晴还是雨.如果必须要说一个,How was the weather yesterday,语句是没有毛病的.至于为什么用is来询问将来的天气,how is the weather...

乜段18933063868问: 英语中的一般将来时怎么用 -
永康市瑞普回答: 一般将来时用来表示将来发生的一般性动作或状态.它的表现形式如下: ①shall/will +动词原形:可表将来,常与一些表将来的时间状语或状语从句连用,也可表示预见.shall多用于第一人称.He will go to Shanghai. 他要去上海.

乜段18933063868问: 英语将来时 "what will be the weather like" 和 "what wiill the weather be like"哪个对 -
永康市瑞普回答: What's the weather like? (问现在天气怎样?) What will the weather be like tomorrow? (明天天气将会怎样?) 这句话用了一般将来时.一般将来时用 will 加动词原形构成,例如: We will take an exam tomorrow. He will come this afternoon. ...

乜段18933063868问: 请问在怎样的情况下用如(cold)回答和什么时候用如(windy)?就是怎么来问,分别用这两种答? -
永康市瑞普回答:[答案] 谈到天气时,对方询问天气,你可以回答今天cold,也可以回答windy,问法相同,可以用这两种回答.What was the weather like?How was the weather?一般现在时:What's the weather like?How's the weather?一般将来时:What'...

乜段18933063868问: 一般将来时的特殊疑问句为什么会这样?一般将来时的特殊疑问句应该是特殊疑问词再加上一般疑问句,那么如果是 这个周末的天气会怎样?应该是what will ... -
永康市瑞普回答:[答案] 不是,后一种写法是对的,首先你可以通过翻译来看 前一句翻译是:什么会是这个周末的天气.be动词表示 是 的含义.此外,这里要提前的是助动词,在将来时中,助动词不是be动词,是will. 而且,以后你学从句时会发现,不同从句对语序的要求是...

乜段18933063868问: 英语将来时 "what will be the weather like" 和 "what wiill the weather be like"哪个对 -
永康市瑞普回答:[答案] What's the weather like?(问现在天气怎样?)What will the weather be like tomorrow?(明天天气将会怎样?)这句话用了一般将来时.一般将来时用 will 加动词原形构成,例如:We will take an exam tomorrow.He will...

乜段18933063868问: 特殊疑问句要下雨了英语 -
永康市瑞普回答: 一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态.常常和表示将来的时间状语连用.如:tomorrow(明天), next week(下周), from now on(从现在开始);in the future(将来)等. 一般将来时由助动...

乜段18933063868问: It is windy today.就windy提问怎么说? -
永康市瑞普回答: 1 分钟前 palmaking | 十六级 how's the weather today?What's the weather like today? 这位回答的才是正确答案,不要被误导了.问天气的句型常用的就是这两种,如果是过去时,只需要把is换成was就可以.

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