
作者&投稿:池茅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I like to eat meat that comes from any poultry, chicken, duck, geese as well as dairy meat. beef tastes really good. Not only are they delicious and fattening, they are full of nutrition. Also, meat can come in an almost infinite array of varieties, because they come from ...

关于家人一日三餐的英语作文 60字
healthy food is good for us. for breakfast, i like eggs and fruit. what fruit do you like for breakfast? i love apples and bananas best, but i don't like pears. for lunch, i have rice, chicken and carrots. i love hamburgers, but i don't eat them much. for dinner, ...

After getting up in the morning, drink a cup of warm and pure water first. After drinking the water, you will feel the stool. Because after a whole night's rest, the body loses a lot of water. After getting up in the morning, drinking a glass of water is not only ...

I had some bread and milk as my breakfast. For lunch, I had some fish and vegetables with rice. And I had some hamburgers for supper.

Jim has breakfast at about seven. He usually has milk and eggs. For lunch he likes hamburgers and chichen.Sometimes he has some rice and vegetables.He has lunch at school from Monday to Friday. After school he goes home. So he always has dinner with his family at home. He ...

英语作文 内容是写一日三餐吃什么的,还要中文的。
In the morning, I usually eat bread,eggs and a glass of milk.In the afternoon ,I usually have beef,fish and vegetable soup.In the evening, I uaually have noodles and some fruit 早上我经常吃面包,鸡蛋和牛奶。中午的时候我通常吃点牛肉,鱼还有蔬菜汤。晚饭我就吃点面条和水果。

About breakfast,i like apple and hamburger,my friend paul likes to eat eggs and bananas.at lunch ,i like to eat chicken and my friend likes hamburger,when comes to dinner,i tend to eat rice tomato,and paul likes to eat chicken.对于早餐,我喜欢苹果和汉堡包,我的朋友保罗喜欢吃...

Hello, everyone! I don’t like sports, but I like eating very much. I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk, eggs and bread a lot . For lunch, I like French fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. For dinnerr, I like fruits, vegetables and rice.

英语作文——我和我的朋友的一日三餐 I have a good friend.His name is peter.Let me tell about him.He is very healthy.Because he usually eats a lot of healthy food.For breakfast,he usually eats an egg and milk.For lunch,he eats a bowl of rice,fish and chicken.For dinner,...

同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案如下:I have breakfast at 7 o'clock.I have a cup of milk and two eggs for breakfast.I have lunch at 12 o'clock at school.I have rice,meat and vegetables for lunch.The dish is very delicious.I like eating lunch at school.I have dinner at...

僪裕17591559088问: 一日三餐的英语作文30词 -
盖州市悉敏回答:[答案] I woke up early this morning, mom made me noodles soup for breakfast. At about 12pm my friend came over so we went out for lunch together. We had sushi for lunch and then we went off to shopping. I got home at 6 and dinner was ready, mom made ...

僪裕17591559088问: 我昨天的一日三餐英语作文 -
盖州市悉敏回答: I'm XXX,I eat bread and milk in the morning,because it is very healthy.At noon I like to eat chicken,hamburgers and rice,they are so tasty.In the evening,I like to eat some fruit,I eat strawberry,banana and apple,because I don't want to get fat.This is my...

僪裕17591559088问: 英语作文《我的一日三餐》快,不少于五句,5点30分之前 -
盖州市悉敏回答:[答案] my three meals of the day I have my breakfast at 7.I have bread and milk for breakfast.I have vegetables and rice for my lunch.I have suuper at 6.I have noodles and eggs.

僪裕17591559088问: 以我的一日三餐写一篇初一英语作文? -
盖州市悉敏回答: This is my three meals a day. Tor breakfast,I likes eggs,oranges and bananas.For lunch,he likes hamburgers,salad and apples.And for dinnen ,he likes tomatoes and chicken.And for dessert ,ice cream. My three meals a day is very healthy.

僪裕17591559088问: 我的一日三餐英语作文 -
盖州市悉敏回答:[答案] I'm XXX,I eat bread and milk in the morning,because it is very healthy.At noon I like to eat chicken,hamburgers and rice,they are so tasty.In the evening,I like to eat some fruit,I eat strawberry,bana...

僪裕17591559088问: 写一篇1日三餐的英语作文 -
盖州市悉敏回答:[答案] Jim has breakfast at about seven. He usually has milk and eggs. For lunch he likes hamburgers and chichen.Sometimes he has some rice and vegetables.He has lunch at school from Monday to Friday. After school he goes home. So he always has ...

僪裕17591559088问: 关于我的一日三餐的英语作文(不少于100词)中学生 -
盖州市悉敏回答:[答案] In the morning, I usually eat bread,eggs and a glass of milk.In the afternoon ,I usually have beef,fish and vegetable soup.In the evening, I uaually have noodles and some fruit. 够简单的吧,初一大概就写这么点就够了,你可以再写点别的吃的

僪裕17591559088问: 我的朋友一曰三餐英语作文50字 -
盖州市悉敏回答:[答案] My friend has three meals a day.At breakfast,he has bread and milk.At lunch,he has noodles.He likes noodles with beef and vegetables.Sometimes he has rice instead.At supper,he has rice.Sometimes he ha...

僪裕17591559088问: 用英语写一篇短文,介绍一下你一日三餐的习惯.内容包括: 1.早上喜欢在家里吃鸡蛋、牛奶和面包. 2.午餐 -
盖州市悉敏回答: For me, I used to eat nothing for my breakfast, because I always rush to (school), and sometimes I (have) some bread or cookies, (if I feel hungry.) As to my lunch, I used to eat at canteen, rice and some stir-fried dishes would be nice. I dont like eating...

僪裕17591559088问: 初一英语作文写出一日三餐你和同伴喜欢吃什么不喜欢吃什么格式:For brekfast ,I like__________,but I bon't like________________.For lunch,_________... -
盖州市悉敏回答:[答案] For breakfast,I like bread and milk,but I don't like orange juice. For lunch,I like rice and vegetables,but I don't like pork. And for dinner,I like noodles,but I don't like ice-cream. For breakfast,Tom likes noodles,but he doesn't like rice dumplings. For lunch,...

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