
作者&投稿:裴荣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

吃早饭英语have breakfast重点词汇1have英 h#601v 美 h#230vaux用以构成完成式及完成式的不定式,表示已经vt有,具有拿,取得从事必须,不得不2breakfast英 #712brekf#601。一日三餐的英文早餐是breakfast,午餐是lunch,晚餐是dinner或者supper1breakfast早餐breakfast是一个由break+fast组成的合成词有...

英语五年级上册单词词汇表,拿走吧 Unit 1:young 年轻的 funny 滑稽可笑的 tall 高的 strong 强壮的 kind 和蔼的、亲切的;old 年老的 short矮的 thin 瘦的 Mr 先生 like 像、喜欢 strict 严格的 smart 聪明的 active 积极的、活跃的 quiet 安静的、文静的 very 很、非常 but 但是 Unit 2:Mo...

请将小学所学的英语单词的原型,原型意思,原型过去式,原型过去分词,原型副词式一一列出来。谢谢各位~小的感激不已~... 请将小学所学的英语单词的原型,原型意思,原型过去式,原型过去分词,原型副词式一一列出来。谢谢各位~小的感激不已~ 展开 2个回答 #热议# 可乐树,是什么树?夏ぃ日☆紫心 2009-05-20 · ...


我的三餐 My Three Meals 小学 I’m a primary school student. I go to school every day from Monday to Friday. Every morning I have some milk and toast for a quick breakfast. I like toast with strawberry jam.我是一名小学生。我每天星期一到星期五都要去学校。每天早晨我都是快速地...

三餐: breakfast 早餐 lunch 午餐 brunch 早午餐 supper 晚餐 late snack 宵夜 dinner 正餐 ham and egg 火腿肠 buttered toast 奶油土司 French toast 法国土司 muffin 松饼 cheese cake 酪饼 white bread 白面包 brown bread 黑面包 French roll 小型法式面包 appetizer 开胃菜 green salad 蔬菜沙拉 onion soup ...

we eat milk.we eat cake.we eat hamburgers.we eat french fries.we eat orange.we eat ice cream.we eat salad.we eat chicken.we eat bananas.we eat egg.we eat tomatoes

hungry?meal?in fact , i donot quite understand your question

(美式英语)Why don't you do sth.? = Why not do sth.?10)“吃”一日三餐要用have:have breakfast\/ lunch\/ supperhave...for breakfast\/ lunch\/ suppertake one's orderbe kind to sb.11)try on这个词组可合可分:名词可以放在这个词组的中间或后面,但代词只能放在词组的中间。12)在口语中往往用take...

Every family has three meals a day and my family is not an exception .We often have milk and bread and jam in the morning .At noon ,we often have rice and different vegetables.In the evening ,we often eat noodles.But sometimes we go out to a restaurant for congratulations ...

裴李13093552981问: 一日三餐的英文怎么写. -
贡井区必理回答:[答案] three meals a day 早餐breakfast 中餐lunch 晚餐supper

裴李13093552981问: 一日三餐的英语单词 -
贡井区必理回答: meals in a day: breakfast早餐lunch中餐supper / dinner晚餐

裴李13093552981问: 一日三餐的英文怎么写. -
贡井区必理回答: three meals a day 早餐breakfast 中餐lunch 晚餐supper

裴李13093552981问: 一日三餐,对应的英语分别是什么? -
贡井区必理回答: 早饭breakfast 午饭lunch 晚饭dinner

裴李13093552981问: 一日三餐用英语怎么说 -
贡井区必理回答: three meals a day

裴李13093552981问: 一日三餐的英文 -
贡井区必理回答: 早饭: breakfast 午饭: lunch 晚饭: dinner

裴李13093552981问: 一日3餐怎么说,要英语 -
贡井区必理回答: 早餐 breakfast 午餐 lunch 晚餐 supper 国外有时候把晚餐当正餐,这时候用dinner

裴李13093552981问: “一日三餐”用英文怎么说?
贡井区必理回答: three meals a day

裴李13093552981问: 一日三餐的英文早饭午饭和晚饭的英文怎麽说 -
贡井区必理回答:[答案] 早饭: breakfast 午饭: lunch 晚饭: dinner

裴李13093552981问: 一日三餐几个字用英语怎么写 -
贡井区必理回答: 一日三餐 [词典] eat [take] three meals a day; have [get] three meals every day; [例句]她对一日三餐、亲戚可能来的星期日聚餐和熟人鸡尾酒会做了区分. She distinguishes between regular meals, Sunday meals when relatives may come, and cocktail parties for acquaintances.

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