
作者&投稿:松命 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、Nice talking to you.很高兴与你聊天。

2、I love you guys.我爱你们。

3、Care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋带来好运。

4、Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的教师。

5、He that will not work shall not eat.不工作者不得食。

6、Wisdom is better than gold or silver.知识胜过金银。

7、One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。

8、i can't wait. 我不能再等了。

9、Have a nice weeken.周末愉快。

10、What may be done at any time will be done at no time.

11、Wisdom is more to be envied than riches.知识可羡胜于财富。

1、It's good for you to learn English.学英语对你有好处2、It’s very dangerous for children to cross the busy street.对孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险。3、It’s difficult for us to finish the work.对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。4、 It’s very important for you to pract...

英语造句 带翻译
1. I am reading 我在读书。2 It is necessary for you to do homework 你必须得做作业3.To get up at 7:00 is my habit 七点起初是我的习惯4. I will return the book to you as soon as I finish it 我一看完书就还你5. Whether you'll success depends on youself. 你会不会...

2.Don't take off your coat.3.Don't turn on the television.4.Don't turn off the lights.5.Don't drop the vase.6.Don't eat that apple.7.Don't drink the milk.8.Don't sharpen those pencils.9.Don't make the meds.10.Don't paint the wardrobe.

在用英语单词造句时,应该注意以下几点: 1. 单词的词性。要确定单词的词性,是否是名词、动词、形容词或其他词性,然后正确使用该词性。如果词性使用错误,会导致句子结构或意思错误。 2. 单词的词义。同一个单词可能有多种词义,要根据上下文选择恰当的词义使用。如果词义使用不当,句子意思会产生歧义或无法理解。 3. ...

英语造句 中文翻译
1.stop(车站)I'll get off at the next stop.我下一站下车。 2.part(地区;区域)The six countries of Northern Ireland are still part of Great Britain.北爱尔兰的六个地区仍属大不列颠, 3.ill(生病的;不健康的)Mary's son is ill today.玛丽的儿子今天病了。 4.worry(担心)...

英语 造句?
yourself 2. It is calculated that sharing bikes bring people a lot of benefits 3. As you learn to read English, you will enjoy English books.1. 这是另一个你熟悉的例子,你想听到关于你自己的好话 2. 据计算,共享单车给人们带来了很多好处 3.当你学习读英语时,你会喜欢英语书。

1、It's good for you to learn English.学英语对你有好处 2、It’s very dangerous for children to cross the busy street.对孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险。3、It’s difficult for us to finish the work.对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。4、 It’s very important for you to ...

COW: 1.A cow produces milk.母牛能产奶。2.He can soon cow the young people into submission.3.The cow flicked the flies away with its tail.那头牛轻摆尾巴把苍蝇赶走。4.The lowing of a cow or a similar sound.母牛低沉的哞哞叫的声音或类似声音 5.You cannot sell the cow and ...

4、I get up at six o'clock.我在六点起床。5、Please put on the dress.请穿上这条裙子。6、I never wash the dishes.我从不洗碗。7、Can you turn down the TV?你能把电视声音调小吗?8、My teacher help me with my English.我的老师帮助我的英语。9、I can't stand you.我不能...

1. Do you have a good time today?今天玩的高兴吗?2. Did you have a good time today?你今天过得还好吗?3. We have a good time at the zoo.我们在动物园玩得很高兴。4. We'll have a good time there.我们在那里会玩得很开心的。5. I'm sure we'll have a good ...

崇州市18422875790: 用英语造句 -
麻侄甲硫: 1. I am preparing for an exam now.我正在为考试做准备.2. I always help my parents do the housework.我经常帮助我的父母做家务.3. I was had a headache yesterday so I go to the doctor today.我昨天头疼,所以今天我去看了医生.4. I am very ...

崇州市18422875790: 用英语造句(10句哦~) -
麻侄甲硫: disagree with you on this matter.这件事我与你不能达成一致.I lost interest in the computer games.我对电脑游戏不感兴趣了.The trees line up along the road.大道两旁的树木排成排.The great movie had distract all my attention .这部好...

崇州市18422875790: 怎样用英语造句要方法 要例子 -
麻侄甲硫:[答案] 英语造句一般没有什么固定的方法的,不过写英语句子一定要注意主谓宾就是了, 列子:I am Tom. 其中.I是主语,am是谓语,tom是宾语,不过不是所有句子都要主谓宾的,像Get out 这件话就不要主语和宾语了,英语造句很复杂的很难讲清楚,因...

崇州市18422875790: 用英语造句子 -
麻侄甲硫: 您好! To be honest,I don't like it. 说实话,我不喜欢它. It is likely to rain. 看起来好像要下雨. She is a college student majored in Math.她是个主修数学的大学生. He gets along well with his classmates. 他同他的同学们相处的非常好. 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

崇州市18422875790: 用英语造句,全部哦. -
麻侄甲硫: Please take away your books.She works hard in order to pass the exam.

崇州市18422875790: 用英语造句子
麻侄甲硫:There is a fault in the electrical system. 电路系统出了故障.希望对你有帮助,如果满意的话,望采纳,谢谢

崇州市18422875790: 用英语造句
麻侄甲硫: 1.I thank you in advance. 2.There is no delivery of letters on Sundays. 3.Door-to-door delivery and cash on delivery . 4.I'm quite free this evening. 5.I tried to make sure of the problem. 6.Do you provide meals? 7.A short distance away there is a supermarket. 8.They have speeded up production.

崇州市18422875790: 用英语单词造句 -
麻侄甲硫: 1.wise It is a wise thing to think before you talk.2.joke Lets not joke around, it is not funny.3.curly Her beautiful curly hair smells really good!4.hravy hravy?..字拼错了吧5.bit A bit of excercise everyday is good for us6.describ Use a word to describ this ...

崇州市18422875790: 怎么用英语造句
麻侄甲硫: 1.Zhao Benshan is famouse as a actor. 2.China is famouse for the Great Wall 3.We should get up early in the morning 4.We shouldn't go to bed late in the evening

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