上周五 李平学校举行了一次运动会 写信给国外的朋友Maria告诉他运动会的情况 1比赛项目2 大家的表现 3j结果

作者&投稿:印馥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

你的开头写的有误, 改正如下:
We had a sports meeting at our school today. It was a fine day and we participated the events we are good at. Maria took place in the girl's 100-meter rely and won the first place with other three girls. We all cheered them up when they were in competition. But Liu Lin did badly on his long jump. He disqualified because he touched the red line three times on his last step in his running. What a pity he had because he is good jumper. Most importantly, I won the 1000- race among 20 competitor. It was quite hard during the running. But I just kept my pace and tried my best. How wonderful the day was!

3修改:六年级的同学都遵守小学生守则。 用词不当。

Dear Maria
How's it going?i'm writing to tell you something about the sports meeting held in our school last Friday.
it's a grand one ,and there were many sports items,such as running ,jogging ,skipping rope,long jump,high jump,badminton and the 4*100m relay.i also attended the 4*100m relay and our team won the second.
All the athletes tried their best to get better result .Even there is one girl who was knocked down on the ground when running,but she still stood up firmly and sticked to the end.
The results were remarked in class,and our class won 522 scores and ranked the 6th.The sports meeting ended successfully through all the students and staff's effort.
I look forward to hearing from you and know more about what is going on in your life!
Best regards

固镇县17729148168: 上周五 李平学校举行了一次运动会 写信给国外的朋友Maria告诉他运动会的情况 1比赛项目2 大家的表现 3j结果 -
宥颖复方: Dear MariaHow's it going?i'm writing to tell you something about the sports meeting held in our school last Friday.it's a grand one ,and there were many sports items,such as running ,jogging ,skipping rope,long jump,high jump,badminton and the 4*...

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固镇县17729148168: 英语翻译1、上周五举行了一场运动会(用被动语态)2、自从她的妈妈离开后她就一直在哭3、我从未收到过我哥哥的来信4、他曾经去过上海两次 -
宥颖复方:[答案] 1、A sport meeting was held last Friday. 2、Since her mother left,she has been crying. 3、I have never heard of my brother. 4、He has been to Shanghai twice.

固镇县17729148168: 翻译早上看完英语电视,给同学李平打电话,相约下午看电影.看完电影去学校,碰见刘老师,他表扬我英语 -
宥颖复方: 早上看完英语电视,给同学李平打电话,相约下午看电影.看完电影去学校,碰见刘老师,他表扬我英语.这句话正确的英文翻译是:Watching English TV in the morning, to the students Li Ping call, meet the afternoon watching movies. I went to the school to meet Mr. Liu, he praised me for my English.

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