
作者&投稿:资虹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
10句英语翻译 , 急求、(谢绝机器答题!)~

我的翻译是:1. It is reported that this wildplant is rich in vitamin.2. I don't need to buy a new car. My old one is still in good condition.3. As everyone know that success comes from diligent. You will get nothing without hard work.4. When I wrote the composition for the first time, I made a lot of spelling mistakes.5. As long as you concentrate on the study, you must pass the exam smoothly.6. We will have a furture discussion before making the final conclusion.7. I think English and maths are equal in importance.8. Languages change with times like everything in the world.9. He finished a hard task not long before he entered the company, so his colleagues look at him with new eyes.10. Although the mountain was high and the forest was thick, the doctors and nurses could reach the accident site and began the rescue.


Our company hasn't got any notice from the bank showing that we have received this payment until today. Our company has communicated with the bank, and the bank informs that they haven't received the payment from your company. Would you please help to check with your bank to see whether this payment has been paid out?

Thanks & Best Regards,


Legend of the Seas is the second luxury vessel of Royal Caribbean Cruises Dream Series come to Asia and China. With a tonnage of 70,000 tonnes, is the most luxious cruise ship with unlimited charm.

Legend of the Seas was the second of the Vision Class cruise ships owned by the Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. with a gross tonnage of 70000(据说是69,130 )GT which had once arrived at Asia and china. It is really a luxury romantic cruise liner .

悲欢离合,是人间常事。而初中时期军训离别的那一天却使我终身难忘。在和相处To say goodbye is a normal thing in life.However,the day when we

用英文逐字翻译,肯定会不伦不类。既然是歌词,我用诗词的方式(aabb)试试!!Fifty decades passed The world has been changing vast Even stones are gathering moss They are gathering moss At this moment, hopes in my heart refuse to die Hope to be fancy-free, hope to be carefree and...

在他音乐的道路上他从来不曾间断过对于音乐的渴望。Will说“David Foster教过我,从来没有最好。因此我一直以来非常感激。”Will从许多人那里学习过,而且也给其他人留下了一个纯真的印象。所以赶紧拿起“Old School Soul”,让他给你留下深刻印象吧!参考资料:纯手动翻译 ...

be concluded after careful considerations. Under this circumstance I believe euthanasia is humane and morally justified. All in all a patient is dying without any hope of recovering. Even with medicines to relieve the pain he\/ she is still hopeless and helpless.参考: 英文科老师 ...

beautiful lady, her vanity was no more than an expression of pursuing beauty and her love of beauty. Her attitude to life was serious and sincere. In contrast, her inner nobel qualities of sincerity and brave are much more worthy of our appreciation.手动翻译,希望对你有帮助。

16 是各种有机物质高温氧化剩余物的总称。16. It is the generic name of various oranic substances and leftovers in high temperature oxidation.17 是各种未溶解碳水化合物的总称。17. It is the generic name of various undissolvable carbohydrates.18是氯化钠的立方结晶体 18. It is the ...


After I graduate in for several months, I entered a production of polymer materials research department of the company, but this department served under somebody's banner with the petroleum the Qi and Lu petrochemical company research institute has the close cooperation, in the certain...

7。美式英文和英式英文更喜欢哪个……嗯,就我这个能和日式英语一较高下的发音水平还真分不清啥叫美式,啥叫英式。大概来说英式英语应该发音更好听吧,汗……7. American English and British English prefer which... HMM, just I this can and Japanese English the toughest pronunciation still ...

绝对人工翻译哈 Today I went to the bank with the L\/C offered by you,the bank staff told me that what you offered me was not a L\/C but a draft .If you can open that L\/C on 3rd December, we can get it on 7th, december.But now we do not get your L\/C yet. So...

鄙视机器。绝对人工:This article mainly described Hodgen,a great disabled scientist, who will never give up chasing her science dream under the hurt of disease.He explained what science is and how scientist work to people.Hodgen proved that although the lift is short,the heart after ...

迭部县14737907866: 英语翻译、谢绝机器 -
鄣政联佳: 1.You didn't work hard at all.No wander you failed in the exam again.2.Whicheverside wins , I am shall be happy.3.It's clear that his painting style is modelled after that of Vincent Van Gogh.

迭部县14737907866: 需要翻译两句话,谢谢,翻译成英文.拒绝机器... -
鄣政联佳: 1. and set up a scientific and formal production management system. With service as the lead and product quality as the life, we will improve ourselves continuously and support the development of products and market by high-tech. Customer ...

迭部县14737907866: 如果你想要一朵花,我就给你一朵花;如果你想要一颗星星,我就会给你一颗星星;如果你想要一场雪,我就会给你一场雪.求翻译成英文,谢绝机器翻译. -
鄣政联佳:[答案] If you'd like to wear an ear of flower, I'll pick one for you; if you'd like to have a star, I'll take one down from the sky; if you'd like to enjoy a snowfall, I'll bring one to you.

迭部县14737907866: 请英语高手进来帮我翻译一下这句话(谢绝机器翻译) -
鄣政联佳: Please the South Korea players the game clean,to learn more from LaRA

迭部县14737907866: "他当时就急了" 英语怎么说?谢绝机器翻译. -
鄣政联佳:[答案] 这里的急应该译成furious,mad He got furious (mad) right away. 急,应该不是“担心”(worried)或“焦急”(anxious)之义

迭部县14737907866: 翻译几个英语句子,尽量采用高级表达,谢绝机器 -
鄣政联佳: 1 The Indian poet Tagore once said that Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can.2 We should plan our city reasonablely,develop public transportation,but restrict the use of private cars at the same time.public transportation公交3 We should not be ...

迭部县14737907866: 请把下面2个题目翻译成英语,拒绝机器,请高手帮助!!要翻译的好点
鄣政联佳: “十一五”国家科技支撑计划:the national science and technology supporting plan of the eleventh five-year. 水利部公益性行业科研专项经费项目:Ministry of Water Resources' special funds for scientific research on public causes.

迭部县14737907866: 人工翻译一段话,翻译成英文,拒绝机翻译 -
鄣政联佳: Hello, 2 12 - February 20】 【7 days holiday is Chinese New Year holidays, Chinese New Year post office do not work, EMS messages are subject to different delays. Buyers want to be able to actively cooperate with the patience to wait, February ...

迭部县14737907866: 求高手英文翻译一句话!谢绝机器翻译
鄣政联佳: This paper aims to analyze the states and problems of native enterprise brand culture, and discuss the way how China enterprises run their own brand culture to be more stronger and more competitive by explaning brand culture. 看你有没有本事分别是不是机译了. 在我看来baidu知道上90%的英语翻译都是机译.

迭部县14737907866: 英语翻译拒绝翻译机器. -
鄣政联佳:[答案] Ancient China is one of the four ancient civilizations

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