
作者&投稿:彭齿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

八年级英语(下)诊断性检测题参考答案 Unit 1 一、1. fewer 2. fewer 3. less 4. more; happier 5. less 6. free time 7. in four years 8. on computers 9. win award 10. play the trumpets 11. fifth 12. heavily 13. living 14. leisure 15. invention 16. pollution 17. vacation 18 credit 19. closed 20. better 二、21. scientist 22. building 23. myself 24. skating 25. toothbrushes 三、A. 26. 1. won't have 27. will write 28. will / is going to rain 29. is reading 30. are dancing B. 31. will clean 32. Yes, they will 33. won't go 34. Will, have 35. Where will, work 四、36. B 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. B 41. C 42. A 43. D 44. D 45. A 五、46. in the future 47. are, used by 48. do you think 49. astronaut, space station 50. fell in love with 六、A) 51—55 ADABA 56—60 BAABC B) 61.hot 62. difference 63. cool 64. country 65. warmer 66. take 67. England 68. cooler 69. take 70. southwest 七、71. inventor 72. meetings 73. eat 74. turned on 75. listened to music 76-80. ABDBD 八、One possible version: I like English. I want to be an English teacher in ten years. I'll teach my students as well as possible. I'll give my lessons in as much English as I can. I'll try my best to make my lessons lively and interesting. Besides, we all like listening to stories. So I'll try often to tell my students stories in English, so that they'll be interested in English and can improve their listening. I believe that I can become a good teacher. Unit 2 一、A.1.argument 2.having 3.freedom 4. pressure 5.solution B.1.style 2.serious 3.except 4.preparing 5.genius 二、1.to stay 2.argued 3.to buy 4.to get ,take 5.to reach 6.compare,work 7.is suffering, go 三、1.aren`t,same 2.Whose desk 3.more, any other 4.didn’t, until, returned 四、1-5. CDACA 6-10. DADAB 11-15. ACDAA 五、1-5. CBDAA 6-10. ABCDA 六、1-5. CADBD 6-10. BACBA 七、1. found it difficult(not easy) 2. headache, upset, what to do 3.borrow , from , return them 4. getting along/on well with 5.It seemed, by themselves 八、One possible version: This term I should study harder. I am good at math, physics and science lessons. My English is not good. I think I should learn from my friend Nari. His English is good. Perhaps he would like to help me. Teacher said, my compositions were not good. So I should read more useful books after class. I believe I will do well in English. On the other way, I should do more exercise, this will make me strong. I like playing ball games. After class I should make more friends, because the more we are together, the happier we are. Unit3 一、A)1.flight 2.safely 3.barber’s 4.surprising; surprised B)1. strange 2. business 3. foreigner 4.ourselves 5.Action 二、1.were, doing, was watching 2.was walking, met 3.bought 4.was shouting 5. called 6. was working 7.teaching 8.were doing 三、1.Where was 2.What were, doing 3.went with 4.happened to 5.too, to 四、1-5. BCCAA 6-10. CACCC 11-15. CCCDC 五、1-5. CBABD 6-10. AACBD 六、1-5. BADAA 6-10. BCADD 七、1.was snowing; took off 2.so that, catch 3.are dressed in, celebrate 4.are chasing after 5. while, were playing 八、One possible version: Last Saturday we had no lessons. My friends and I decided to help the farmers pick the apples. They were very busy. Li Hong and I climbed up a big apple tree. There were a lot of apples on it. After a short time we picked a lot of apples. Xiao Zhuan couldn’t get the apples because they were too high. Li Lei carried a ladder for her. Soon we picked many baskets of apples and the trucks arrived. We all got down and helped to carry the apples onto the trucks. These trucks would carry the apples to the cities and change back much money for the farmers. The farmers had a harvest time! Unit4 一、A.1.better 2.worst 3.disappointing;disappointed 4.lucky B.1. known 2.hard-working 3.Luckily 4.messages 5.copies 二、1.would report 2.were doing 3.will send 4.are singing 5.Were arguing 6. to find 7.will come 8.travels 9.supposed 10.was cleaning 三、1.she could 2.in , health 3.told , not to 4.preferred , to 5.How clever 四、1-5 BCBDB 6-10 DCCCD 11-15 BBBAD 五、A)1-5 CABCA 6-10 BCABA B) 1. is coming 2. get 3. would bring 4. will be held 5. made 6. was watching 7. would come 8. would bring 9. can do 10. will be 六、A.1-4DDAB B. 5-10 TFFFT 七、1.better at 2.were mad at 3.was supposed to 4.don`t any more 5.difference between 八、One possible version: My father My father is a businessman. He sells computers. He is a kind man. He isn't good at talking. He is very busy. Last week he flew to London. I told him to bring some interesting things to me. But when he came back home, he brought nothing. I was mad. But he said he had bought some snacks and some books for me. When he flew back to this city, in the street, he met a poor girl. She didn't have enough money to go to school. She was begging in the street. My father gave her the snacks and books and some money. So I had nothing. But I was also happy. I am proud of my father. Unit5 一、A.1. folks’ 2.hardest 3.badly 4.charities 5.professional B.1.champion 2.living 3.famous 4.themselves 5.lawyer 二、1.reminding 2.realized 3.choose 4.playing 5.doesn`t rain 6.wouldn’t fail 7.will hurt 8.swim 9.to help 10.reading 三、1.the way to/how to get to 2.If don’t fail 3.are going to have 4.ride bikes to 5.How many sheep 四、1-5. CCBAC 6-10. CCBDB 11-15. DBDBB 五、1-5. ABCDA 6-10. BDAAB 六、1-5. DCBDD 6-10. DBCDA 七、1.gave much money 2.Everything possible/easy 3.go to college 4.have a good time 5.take it away 八、One possible version: Today is Sunday. I didn’t go to school. When the door bell rang, I was watching TV in the morning. I opened the door. Oh, my god! They’re my uncle and aunt! They are from Australia. I let them in and sit down on the sofa. Then I brought some Chinese green tea for them. They both said the tea was wonderful. Uncle John is a computer programmer. Aunt Mary is a actor. They didn’t come to my house for a long time. I talked with them, and showed them my photo album. At noon, we went out to have our lunch in a restaurant. I paid for the meal. In the afternoon my parents came back home. We went shopping together. I knew my uncle and aunt were interested in our city. Units1-5 一、A 1. be 2. writing 3. when 4. at 5. happen B. 6. fewer 7. inexpensive 8. visiting 9. better 10. professional C.11. fell in love with it 12. had a big fight with 13. was talking on the phone 14. had a really hard time with 15.be able to make a living 二、 16-20 BCADA 21-25 CACCB 26-30 ADBAA 31-35 ADBBD 三 36—40 CBADB 41—45 ADBCA 四、46—50 CCBAD 51-54 BBDA 55.我们不想错把其他孩子带回家。 五、56. teaching 57. comparing their kids with 58. in history 59. argue with 60. While 七、 ( One possible version. ) Today is Sunday, May 13. It's Mother's Day. Lily got up at 6:35 in the morning. After breakfast, she went to a flower shop to buy some flowers for her mother. She gave the beautiful flowers to her mother. Her mother was very happy. Unit 6 一. 1 helping 2. interested , collecting , interesting 3. playing 4.differences , western. 5. separately 6. useful , to learn 二. 1. has, been working , left 2. did, listen 3. do , attend 4. to arrive , to leave 5. have been 6. Collecting 7. clean , cleaned 三. 1.Have, been talking 2. let me know 3. It, to 4. How long 5. Do you like the books with pictures in them? 四. 1-5 BCDCC 6-10 CBABA 11-15 CBDBD 五. 1-5 BDCAC 6-10 DBCBA 11-15 CDBCB 六. 1-5 BACCD 6-10 DADBC 七. 1 for ; sending 2. have ; been ; doing ; For 3. playing the piano ; was 4. reminded, the differences 5. will/am going to have ; cut 八.One possible version: I am a friendly boy. I like to make friends. But I like to eat, too. My mother gives me some money every day. I always go to buy something to eat. I eat in the class, after school and while playing.One day I went to school with 10 yuan. Suddenly I saw a little boy sitting at the gate of a shop. He was asking people for money. I was surprised. A boy, younger than me! He should go to school like me! I walked to him and asked, “What’s wrong, little brother?” “My parents were dead. So I had nothing.” He said. I touched my money. I really wanted to buy some delicious snacks to eat. At last, I gave him my money! He was very happy, so was I. Unit 7 一. 1. cleaning 2. terrible ; terribly 3. exciting ; excited 4. happens 5. apology 6. line 7. trouble 8.complains 二. 1. not playing 2. cuts ; annoyed 3. to wash 4. has been flying 5. to listen 6. sold 7. finishing 8. has arrived ; arrived 三 1. would ; like 2. not; pass 3. How often ;did ;go 4. please ; play 5. If he comes here, I will let you know. 四 1-5 CCBBC 6-10 ABBAB 11-15 ABBCA 五 1-5 BCCBC 6-10 DDCBA 六 1. too noisy ; please turn down 2. won’t ; long; finish 3. happened to 4. unhappy about; because ; too much 5. to make money 七 1. begin 2. in 3. second 4. students 5. have 6. sports 7. large 8. for 9. So 10. money 八、One possible version: It' s September 10th, Saturday, and it’s the Teachers’ Day. I think I must do something for my teacher. I love my English teacher, Miss Zhang best. Today I want to send her a present. What can I send her? I walked on the streets. Oh yeah, I can buy some flowers. She likes flowers, I know. I walked into a flower shop and bought some. I also bought a card with my own words “Best wishes for Teachers' Day, Miss Zhang.” When I gave her the flowers and the card, she was happy and said, “Thank you. What beautiful flowers! I like them.” Unit 8 一. 1. attending 2. Reading 3. hairy 4. asleep 5. easy ; easily 6. winner 7. to learn 8. mice 9. to live 二. 1. was 2. wanted 3. happened 4. went 5. was 6. saw 7. didn’t have 8. didn’t know 9. had 10. is going to 三. 1. hasn’t given 2. didn’t think 3. Who gave 4. To buy my mother 5. I do not have enough time to finish my homework. 四. 1-5. BCCDA 6-10. BBCDB 11-15. ABBAD 五.A)1. same 2. listened 3. that 4. himself 5. give 6. good 7. leaving 8. how 9. behind 10.instead B) 1.What 2.Maybe (Perhaps) 3.can' t 4.under (near) 5.look 6.birthday 7.to 8.forgot 9.Thank 10.happy 六. 1-5. CBBDC 6-10. CADBA 七. 1. brother’s birthday ; what should get 2. best ; have ever got 3. too ; to take care of 4. Sending gift/Gift giving ; different countries 5. to go ; rather than stay/instead of staying 八、One possible version: My birthday is December 12th.Before my birthday, my friends suggested to have a party. But I don' think that was creative enough. So we decided to go hiking to the country. On that day, my friends came to my house early. They brought me different kinds of gifts, such as books, cards, calendars, and photo albums, even a stuffed pig. Soon we started our trip. We found it was beautiful and funny out of the school. The cloud, the sunshine, the trees, flowers and the grass…all the things were interesting. They all said my birthday was special and fun. Unit 9 一一一一. 1. been 2. probably 3. wonderful 4.changes 5. discover 6. graduated ; attendant 7. guide 8. culture 9. especially 二. 1. has been 2. have been ; went ; saw 3. has gone 4. planted ; did 5. have been learning 6. finishes ; will ring 三. 1. Have been 2. How long has been 3. How many times been 4. the tallest 5. Why do you want to improve your English? 四. 1--5 BABAB 6--10 BABCC 11--15 DBCBB 五. 1--5 AABCC 6--10 ACBCD 11—15 CBABC 六. 1--5 CBDCA 6--10 BCDBA 七. 1. never been ; What about ; Neither/Nor have 2. have read this before 3. have argued with 4. Why work English-speaking 5. takes to do homework 八.One possible version: Have you ever been to Wuhan? I went there several times. I think it' s really a beautiful city. I fell in love with it when I first traveled there. It has many nice places. The traffic is fine. And the people are friendly. There are some beautiful parks such as the Zhongshan Park, the East Lake Park and the Liberation Park. In the zoo, you can see many kinds of animals. You can easily buy what you want, because there are supermarkets everywhere. You can see tall buildings up and down the streets. And the streets are wide and tidy. Trees can be seen everywhere. Buses and taxis can take you where you want to go. The drivers are polite. You will feel comfortable. There is an airport in Wuhan. You can fly to the foreign countries and take air trips freely. Please travel to Wuhan. I would like to be your tour guide. Unit10 一、A.1.rainy 2.ninetieth 3.sandy 4.myself 5.seen B.1. alone 2. opening/original 3.traffic 4.wonderful 5.windy 二、1.will write 2.will be 3.won`t take 4.will fall 5.try 6. stayed ;am staying; will fly 7.(to)do washing 三、1.didn`t it 2.Is writing 3.How often does 4.don`t feel like 5.easy enough 6. isn’t it 7. for helping 8. isn’t it 9. began, last 10. he, that 四、1-5. BDABA 6-10. BDDBC 11-15. CABDC 五、A)1-5. BDABC 6-10. CCDAB B) back heavily with wet last isn’t grow moment asked why 六、1-5. ABCCB 6-10. CCADD 七、1.what fine 2.so low that 3.get on/along well with 4 .look through 5.cost me 八、One possible version: I like little animals. I want to get a cat long ago. But my mother doesn’t' like them. Last month my friend gave me a white cat. I was so glad that I often played with it after school. My mother was annoyed by the cat’s voice. She said it always broke the things and the sofa, and its hair could be seen here and there. So last Friday when I came back home and wanted to play with my pet, it didn’t appear. I asked my mother, she told me she had sent the cat to the zoo. I 56was mad at her. I shouted and cried, and didn’t listen to her. When my father came home, I told him the event. He also said it wasn’t an important thing. Later, I said sorry to my mother and so did she. Units6-10 一、A.1.going 2.to keep 3.interested 4.well 5.doing B.1.crowded 2.across 3.difference(s) 4.annoyed 5.stylist 二、1.to move 2.to live 3.have seen; said 4.will be 5.tries 6.have had ;had 7.To speak 8.going 三、1.Has yet 2.old enough to 3.instead of 4.if cost 5.It`s dress 四、1-5AADAD 6-10ADDDC 11-15ABBDD 五、1-5 BACDC 6-10 DABBD 11-15 ACDAB 六、A)1-5 BCCBA B)6. He lives near an airport (and passing planes can be heard night and day). 7. They are noisy. 8. Over one hundred people (left their homes because of the noise). 9. He is determined to stay there/live near the airport./He is determined not to move. 10. Everybody says he must be mad. 七、1.would you mind 2.graduating from 3.learn, by heart 4.thank-you note 5.tells not to in 八、One possible version: My parents are very kind and helpful. They cook meals and wash clothes for me every day. At the weekend, they often prepare some of my favorite food. Sometimes they also help me with my lessons. They are very strict with me, but when I make a mistake, they first listen to me and then have a talk with me instead of just complaining about it. They always try to understand me. I think that is a good way for a child to grow up. With their care, I am living and studying happily

. A. north B. west C. east D. western 2. A. boy B. woman C. child D. people 3. A. good B. pretty C. well D. unhealthy 4. A. understand B. start C. leave D. try 5. A. go B. tell C. find D. take II. 听句子,选出其正确答句。 (5分) A. He rides his bike. B. About twenty minutes. C. It's ten kilometers. D. Sure, I'd love to. E. Rose. 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ III. 听对话,根据其内容判断下列句子正(T)、误(F)。(5分) 1. Mary doesn't know Bill. 2. Bill wants to speak to Mary. 3. Mary isn't at home now. 4. Mrs Read is Bill's mother. 5. Bill can't come to Mary's party. IV. 听短文,根据其内容写出下列表格中的交通方式。(5分) 序号 姓名 交通方式 1 Kate 2 Ann 3 Tom 4 Ann's father 5 Ann's mother 笔试部分(共80分) I. 词汇。(10分) A) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。(5分) 1. Don't l__________at that old man. It's not polite. 2. Football in China is very p__________. Everyone likes playing it. 3. There is going to be a basketball m__________next Monday. 4. His sister gets up at h__________past six in the morning. 5. Mr and Mrs Wang go to work by s__________every day. B) 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. Some friends have opposite views and__________(interesting). 2. Please write an__________(invite) letter to your pen friend. 3. Pedro is__________(funny) than Paul. 4. -Where is the__________(swim) pool? -It's over there. 5. Don't__________(worried) about your Chinese. We can help you. II. 单项选择。(15分) 1. -__________ -By bus. A. Why does he go to work? B. How does he go to work? C. When does she go to work? D. Where does he work? 2. Mike has__________breakfast. Then he leaves home. A. quick B. a quick C. one quick D. an quick 3. -Is your home__________the park? -No, it's__________the park. A. far to; near from B. far from; near from C. far from; near to D. far to; near to 4. -__________is it from your school to the zoo? -It's about six miles. A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How far 5. I like to__________my bike__________the weekends. A. take; in B. catch; at C. live; on D. ride; on 6. -Can you come to my party? -__________ A. Sure, I'd love to. B. I'm sorry to hear that. C. You're right. D. That's all right. 7. -Let's ask Jack to play__________piano for the party. -All right. A. / B. a C. an D. the 8. -They have__________homework this weekend. -That's too bad. A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too 9. -Happy birthday to you. -__________ A. Thank you. B. The same to you. C. Happy birthday to you, too. D. That's great. 10.__________he was tired,__________he didn't stop to have a rest. A. Though; but B. Though; / C. But; though D. /; / III. 根据汉语意思,完成下列各句,每空一词。 (10分) 1. 我们每天花三个小时看电视。 __________ __________us three hours__________watch TV every day. 2. 后天你准备做什么? What are you going to do__________ __________ __________ __________? 3. 韩梅擅长音乐。 Han Mei is__________ __________music. 4. 良好的健康状况依赖于良好的食物。 Good health__________ __________good food. 5. 下星期天你能到我家来吗? Can you__________ __________ __________my house next Sunday? IV. 按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。(10分) 1. The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes. (改为一般疑问句) __________the bus ride usually__________about 25 minutes? 2. Jack has to go to the doctor. ( 对划线部分提问) __________does Jack__________to__________? 3. They can make bread. (改为一般疑问句) __________they__________bread? 4. Li Lei is ten years old. Lin Tao is twelve years old. (合并为一句) Li Lei is__________ __________Lin Tao. 5. Our bikes are not the same as theirs. (改为同义句) Our bikes are__________ __________theirs. V. 完形填空。(20分) Mr White works in a middle school. He____1____English. He is friendly to his____2____and they also like him. He spends____3____time on his work. He often does some reading and writing. When he's____4____, he is also very busy with his work, so he can't help his wife to do any ____5____. His wife is always angry with him. It's Saturday. Their daughter Kate is____6____her homework in her bedroom. Mrs White finds her____7____is out. She hopes her daughter will say she's____8____than her husband. She gives an apple to Kate and asks, "____9____is cleverer, your father or I?" Can you guess what the girl's____10____is? "I'm the cleverest in my family!" Kate says without thinking. 1. A. teaches B. watches C. studies D. reads 2. A. friends B. students C. workers D. drivers 3. A. many B. little C. much D. any 4. A. at work B. in bed C. in the classroom D. at home 5. A. housework B. homework C. schoolwork D. lessons 6. A. making B. doing C. looking D. finding 7. A. mother B. brother C. husband D. teacher 8. A. good B. best C. better D. bad 9. A. Whose B. What C. Why D. Who 10. A. answer B. play C. sing D. think VI. 阅读理解。 (15分) Basketball players are usually very tall. Because they need to put the ball into the basket. Other sports players may be shorter than them. Short people often have better balance (平衡) than tall people, so they don't fall over very often. In some sports the players must have good balance, for example, table tennis, they don't need to have long legs to run fast! Some of the fast runners in the world are not very tall. Some people are tall and some are short. The tallest man in the world is 2.41 meters tall. Today young people in many countries grow taller than their parents. This is because they eat better than their parents. Good food can help children grow. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 1. Are all sports players tall? ________________________________ 2. Is it better to be short than to be tall? ________________________________ 3. Do fast runners all have long legs? ________________________________ 4. How tall is the tallest man in the world? ________________________________ 5. Why do young people grow taller than their parents? ________________________________ 参考答案: 听力部分录音原文及参考答案: I. 1. south 2. man 3. sick 4. finish 5. bring 1-5 ABCBD II. 1. Can you go to the mall this week? 2. How does Tom go to work? 3. Who is more intellectual, Ruth or Rose? 4. How long does it take you to go there? 5. How far is it from his home to the park? 1-5 DAEBC III. W: Hello. M: Hello. Could I speak to Mary, please? W: I'm sorry she isn't at home now. Can I take a message for you? M: Yes, please. This is Bill. Are you Mrs Read? W: Oh, hello, Bill. Yes, this is Mary's mother. M: Thank you very much for asking me to Mary's party on Sunday. I'm very sorry, but I can't come. W: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Goodbye. M: Bye. 1-5 FTTFT IV. Look! Ann and her friend Kate are coming. They get to school very early. Ann walks here, but Kate's house is far from the school, so she comes by bus. Kate asks, "Why doesn't your brother Tom come here with you?" "He often rides a bike to school, so he gets up later." Ann says. "How about your father and mother?" Kate asks, "How do they get to work?" "My father goes to work by car and my mother goes to the hospital by train. They go to work before we get up." replies Ann. Just then, Tom comes. Ah, no breakfast! Key: 1. by bus 2. on foot 3. by bike 4. by car 5. by train 笔试部分 I. A) 1. laugh 2. popular 3. match 4. half 5. subway B) 1. interests 2. invitation 3. funnier 4. swimming 5. worry II. 1-5 BBCDD 6-10 ADAAB III. 1. It takes, to 2. the day after tomorrow 3. good at 4. depends on 5. come over to IV. 1. Does, take 2. What, have, do 3. Can, make 4. younger than 5. different from V. 1-5 ABCDA 6-10 BCCDA VI. 1. No, they aren't. 2. No, it isn't. 3. No, they don't. 4. He is 2.41 meters tall. 5. Because they eat better than them.

笔试 75%
一.选择题 15%
( ) 1.If it ________tomorrow, we __________go to the park.
A. rains, won’t B. will rain, won’t
C. rains, don’t D. rains, don’t go
( )2. Could you lend me your bike? Of course. ________
A. You could B. Give you C. That’s all right D. With pleasure
( )3.I’m _______at reading than listening
A. good B. well C. better D. best
( )4.He didn’t go there. I diden’t go there _________
A. too B. also C. either D. neither
( )5.You shouldn’t argue ________ your parents
A. with B. about C. for D. at
( )6. They will be back ___________
A. for an hour B. after an hour
C. an hour ago D. in an hiur
( )7.Would you mind doing the dishes? ____________
A. Certainly B. Sorry, I won’t
C. Ok, I will do them D. Please don’t
( )8.What ________ you ?
A, annoy B annoys C. is annoyed D. annoies
( )9. How about _________a scarf?
A .buy B. buying C. bought D. to buy
( )10 Why _______ go to the park?
A. not B. don’t C. do D. didn’t
( ) 11. Have you ever _________ an aquarium?
A. gone B. gone to C. been to D. been
( ) 12 I don’t like cats. __________does he
A. So B. Either C. Neither D. Also
( )13.Tom is ready for the party, ____________?
A. is he B. isn’t Tom C. isn’t he D. is Tom
( )14_________ have you been swimming? Two hours
A. When B. Where C. How long D How many
( )15. Could you make _________ for me?
A, room B. rooms C. places D. a space
阅读部分 30%
Many people sleep late on Sunday morning, but others don’t.However (然而), almost everyone reads the Sunday paper.
The Sunday paper is usually very thick.It has many advertisements (广告) and many different parts.The parents in the family like the front page, and the world news page.Many men also read the sports page.
Most men don’t read the women’s pages, but the mother of the family usually does.The women’s pages have the news about parties, food, health and clothes.Most Sunday papers have interesting stories.Children enjoy them.Old people read the death notices(讣告).They tell about people who have died during the week. (128)
( )1.The parents in the family like sports page.
( )2.The father of the family usually read the women's pages.
( )3.Only old women read the death notices.
( )4.Almost everyone likes reading the Sunday paper.
( )5.This passage is about the Sunday paper.


Read the e-mail, then choose the best answers.

1. Who sent this e-mail?
A. Jenny B. Tom C. Lisa D. Ann
2. The party begins at ______?
A. 4:00 am B. 6:00 pm C. 4: 00 pm D. 6:ooam
3. Tom is _______ best friend.
A. Jenny’s B. Lisa’s C. Ann’s D. Jack’s
4. What’s true about the party?
It’s on Saturday. B. All of Jenny’s friends will come.
People will not bring things. D. It will last four or five hours.
5. What will Jenny do first?
Buy food for the party. B. Call Tom
C. Send an e-mail to Lisa. D. Drive to Lisa’s house.


There was once a man who kept ten monkeys as pets as he was very fond of them.Every morning the monkeys would climb up and down the trees or swing from one branch(树枝)to another in his backyard.After that,he would feed them bananas.
One morning the man said to the monkeys,“We have very few bananas left today.For breakfast I shall give each of you two bananas and four for dinner.”
When the monkeys heard this,they looked very unhappy.They refused(拒绝)to take the bananas that the man was handing out to them.
“Very well,then.You shall have four bananas in the morning and two for dinner,”the man said.
The monkeys looked at one another.Then they jumped up and down happily,nodding their heads.They took the big,yellow bananas from the man and started eating.
Choose the best answer.
21.The man kept the monkeys because he _________ .
A.liked them B.sold monkeys as pets
C.wanted them to work for him
D.had many banana trees in his backyard
22.The man fed the monkeys _________ .
A.twice a day B.in the afternoon
C.only when they were hungry
D.before they climbed up and down the trees
23.At first the man wanted to give the monkeys _________ bananas for dinner.
A.one B.two C.three D.four
24.The monkeys were unhappy and they _________ .
A.ran away B.nodded their heads
C. didn't take the bananas from the man
D. jumped up and down
25.Finally,the monkeys ate _________ bananas for the whole day.
A.less B.more
C.five D.the same number of

Walt Disney was born in 1901. The Mickey Mouse created(被创作) in 1927 made him very famous. He died in 1966, but his work and his dreams did not die. Now people all over the world enjoy his Mickey Mouse and other cartoons.
Walt Disney was a man who did not give up easily. One summer, Walt Disney wanted a job in a post office, but they told him that he was too young. He went home, drew some lines on his face. And put on his father’s suit and hat. Then he went back to the same office and told them he was 18. He got the job finally.
Later in his life, Mr Disney had a dream, that is, to build a new kind of amusement park. It would be clean and beautiful. There would be rides for children and nice hotels for adults. It would be fun for people of all ages. Mr Disney drew a plan for this park. It was called Disneyland. Engineers told him it was an impossible dream. His family and friends thought he was mad. But Mr Disney did not give up his idea. In 1955, Disneyland opened to the public and became the most successful amusement park in the USA. Walt Disney’s dream come true.
When Walt Disney create Mickey Mouse?
2. What is Walt Disney’s dream. Did it come true?
Was Walt Disney 18 years old when he got the job in the post office?
Where is the first Disneyland?
What’s the meaning of give up?

三.情景对话应用 15%
A: It looks like rain, 1 it?
B: Yes, it does. And I forgot my 2 .
A: Don’t worry. You can use mine. By the way, have you ever 3 of Sigapore?
B: Of couse. It’s a wonderful place to 4 a vocation. And the 5 there is nearly the same all the year round.
A: Really? Why?
B: That’s because Singapore is so close to the equator. So you can go there whenever you like.
二).根据对话内容完成句子,使对话意思完整。 10%
A: Have you decided what you want to do after school?
B: Yes. I have. I 1 .
A: The most important requirement to become a flight attendant is speaking English well. But 2 .
B: That’s right. What should I do to improve my English?
A: 3 ? Or maybe 4 .
B: That 5 . I’ll do it right away.
四.写作 15%
一) 看图写句子 6%
( would , mind )

_____________________________ ?
( is good for , because , easy )

( Kate, ever, since )


二) 作文 9%
现在学生进网吧(get on-line) 成风, 某班主任下周开班会时将讨论有关问题.假如你是班主任,请根据内容写一篇演讲稿.

益处 学会使用现代设备(modern machine)--- 电脑.
玩优秀, 使人更聪明.
弊端 过于沉迷游戏(spend too much time in playing games).
建议 在校学习时,不上网.
寒` 暑假时可适当去.

IV. 1. seven thirty 2.the No 18 bus 3. a scarf 4. two years 5. aquarium
选择题:1—5 ADCCA 6—10 DBBBA 11-15 CCCCA
阅读题A : ×××√√ B: C A B D C C: A A DC D
D: 1. He created the Mickey Mouse in 1927.
2. His dream is to build a new kind of amusement park.
Yes, it did.
3. No, he wasn’t.
4. It’s in the USA.
5. The meaning of give up is 放弃.
1. doesn’t, 2. umbrella 3. heard 4. take 5. temperature
1. want to be a flight attendant.
your speaking English isn’t good enough.
Why don’t you study English hard?
You should go to a language school .
sounds good./ is a good idea.
Would you mind not playing the guitar too loud./ Would you mind turning down the music?
A goldfish is good for people because it’s easy to take care of.
Kate has ever been to amusement park since 2 days ago.





1.Both you and I are students. 两个人用Both,三个及三个以上用all.2.It seems that 忘了这是什么语法型了,反正100%正确。3.Saying these words 参考下,不敢保证.4.Nothing is 5.not better You'd 是You would 的缩写,否定词not通常在would后面。1.He dosen't have breakfast ...


求(Go for it)新目标八年级英语下册单词表
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耿茂蕲蛇:[答案] 是免费的,但要注册姓名和密码

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金湖县17141779700: 新目标八年级英语下册单选题专项练习 -
耿茂蕲蛇: 1.a(a遗忘的意思;b忘记,一般忘记做什么+to do或者+doing;c错过,意思不对;d和b类似的问题,不接sth)2.a(pay……for;b,sth cost sb ……;c,it做形式主语,it take sb ……to do sth;d,spend on)

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