
作者&投稿:祢窦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Floor 6th,650 George Street,Sydney,New South Wales ,Australia


Alxa League Mongolia jun bel hematoxylin Star team
Alxa League in Inner Mongolia, Mongolia, Changying District 5, unit 202

I in Inner Mongolia bes good at alliance Zong of the left flag don"t erecting Su the Jupiter brighten the team.
I in Inner Mongolia bes good at the lrft flag of alliance literary Hua still sub_district of scene 5 202th of unit.

1. I feel there is a soul inside my body.2. People who escaped from a close world is destined to find happiness, to find happiness in a world that can't be understood.3. Our bodies will be gone, but blood is forever....

1 iron posts Tieyi ornaments, it can be beautiful decorative anywhere in your home, a small andexquisite works of art, not only to enhance your personal taste, but also bring you thesubtle beauty.2 Kanban and canopy Iron Kanban, delicate curved flowers, delicate LOGO, it can be...

或许这样翻译更值得采纳 Nice to meet you,Ms.It's a great honor for me to be interviewed by you.Please let me introduce myself now.I'm...My English name is...I was born in ...in Huaifang,Shangdong Province.Huifang is a beautiful medium-level city,as well as the ...

请高人帮忙翻译这几个英文歌词 重谢
in perfect harmony = 在完美的和谐中(?..)the promise = 诺言 our farewell = 我们的告别 caged 本意是关在笼子里,so 这里是 禁锢?deceiver of fools 傻瓜的欺骗者 === 以我浅薄的英文水准大概是这样,孩子仅供参考

Hello,Mrs,Qiu,I am zuo xing yan. I am in grade school achievement though not excellent, but also in the final time to "miyoshi students," and so on honor. In addition, I also in the class as a commissary in charge of entertainment, commissary in charge of studies, art ...

求英语高人帮我翻译成英文 。需要做一个report。要用到一下台词!不要...
1. Do you know who is the singer?2. Have you heard of her songs?3. You may have heard this song. Because he was over in a lot of places.4. Then we come first listen to!5. This is some of her songs works 6. Even if you heard, but do you know the meaning of ...

Face failure in braveness;To be brave in facing failure.要翻译它首先要明白其意思。一家之言,仅供参考!

Because professional papers, need to write the English translation, appreciate it!1 enzyme-linked immunosorbent HBV, HCV test the influence factors and the matters needing attention 2. Jilin changchun no.1 hospital of laboratory 3 enzyme-linked immunosorbent suction test (ELISA) methods 43...

1,课前调研 1, before the investigation 2,课程开发 2, curriculum development 3,培训总结 Three, training summary 4,内容准确度 4, content accuracy 5,与培训目标的吻合度 5, and the training goal of alignment 6,与工作时间的配合度 6, and working time cooperation degree 7,案例与...

亲爱的Tony,你知道我在等待吗 Dear Tony, you know what I'm waiting for 你知道我每天都在听你的歌吗 You know I everyday in your songs 你知道有时候我会因你而哭泣吗 You know sometimes I cry for you 因你而变得更加坚强 Because you and stronger 一步步,前行 Step by step, ...

镇雄县18311739453: 求助英文高人翻译2个地名 -
尉迟索利必: 内蒙古阿拉善盟左旗宗别立苏木星光大队 Alxa League Mongolia jun bel hematoxylin Star team 内蒙古阿拉善盟左旗文华尚景小区5单元202号 Alxa League in Inner Mongolia, Mongolia, Changying District 5, unit 202

镇雄县18311739453: 求助高手帮忙翻译英文地名
尉迟索利必: 我只知道个大概 2 美国卡罗来纳州 5埃及 开罗

镇雄县18311739453: 求助一北京地名的英文翻译,谢谢求助一北京地名的英文翻译"北京市丰台区关厢东里"用英文怎么说,谢谢 -
尉迟索利必:[答案] Guan Xiang Lane East,Feng Tai District,Beijing

镇雄县18311739453: 求助英文高手帮我翻译下“韩国首尔市永登浦区文汶洞45潘65号”谢谢!! -
尉迟索利必: 65 Mullaedong 5-ga Seoul Korea

镇雄县18311739453: 求助英语高手翻译. 地址:西安市东大街骡马市商业步行街南口向东10米 -
尉迟索利必: 应该把碑林区加上 !10 meters East of South Entrance,Luoma Commercial Pedestrian Street,East Avenue, Beilin District,Xi'An,Shaanxi Province, China.

镇雄县18311739453: 求助!帮忙翻译下澳大利亚的地名!急~Fist Floor, 125B The Parade, Norwood, South Australia,5071在线等~急~the parade是不是街道的名字啊? -
尉迟索利必:[答案] 南澳大利亚州诺伍德市帕拉德大街125B号1楼 邮编:5071

镇雄县18311739453: 求助,请大侠帮忙翻译一个地方名
尉迟索利必: 这是法语,第一行是个人名,第二行翻译为鲍丁路,第三行的49380是邮编,Notre Dame d'Allençon是个公社,你就直接写吧,这个确实翻译不出来,位于缅因州卢瓦尔省的卢瓦尔河地区

镇雄县18311739453: 求助 - 英语高手来下好么,教我下中国的地址用英语怎么写麻烦一下英

镇雄县18311739453: 地名英文翻译求助 -
尉迟索利必: 英文远远没有汉语博大精深的,楼上说的乡镇区县市都是对的.在英语里面通常river既是指河也是指江,还有“山” “岭” “峰”统统都是mountain.酒店 饭店 宾馆 也统统都是hotel,但是小一点的旅店叫做Inn.街道是street,路是road,一般比较大比较出名一点的地方可以用street,用road也行.你说的那几个地名的看外国佬的口语习惯了,他们分的清,可是我就不知道了.o(∩_∩)o...

镇雄县18311739453: 求助:中文地址翻译英文地址(在线等) -
尉迟索利必: 北京市丰台区南苑路九敬庄九敬佳园三区五号楼1门602 Room 602,Exit 1, Building 5,Area 3,Jiujing Jiayuan, Jiujingzhuan, Nianyuan Road, Fengtai District,Beijing 1.一门要译出来,表示是第一个出口 2.building后面加阿拉伯数字,而不是序数词

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