一篇关于尊重他人和自己的英文演讲稿 不要翻译工具翻译的,给的文章请说明出处。好的再加50分

作者&投稿:汗谈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
尊重别人就是尊重自己 英语~

Paying respect to others pays respect to oneself.


Respecting others means respecting yourself.

Having no respect for people, first of all , is disrespectful to himself. -- Walt Whitman
对人不尊敬,首先就是对自己的不尊敬。 —— 惠特曼

Thank you sooooooooo much~

Tolerance and respect
No matter great people or normal people, they all have temper. They will get angry if they feel humiliated, which is understandable. But have we thought og whether our over-extreme words will hurt others? For most of the circumstances, people don't have too many conflicts with each other, most of the argues occur just because both sides won't give in.
People all care about their self-respect, especially Chinese. Self-respect is abstract and unpredictable, but is the tinniest standard in Chinese social interactions. When we say respect others, we mean not to hurt others' self-respect. Respect gives people power and honor. It lives among us though we can't see or hear.
The most impolite thing is to disrespect somebody. They might hate you for a lifetime for this. Learning to respect others is not easy. First, we should show respect form the bottom of our heart without making others think we're superficial. Second, every little action, every small expression might hurt people.I remember a few friends of mine lost their opportunity just because of some small mistakes. For example, if a student asks a teacher a question and the teacher replies that it's easy. The student might feel humiliated and won't ask the teacher again. He might even lost the excitment to learn.
The different backgrounds we have result in our different values. So nobody has the right to force others to accept their ideas. So we have to be tolerant. As long as he or she doesn't violate your basic regulation, why not treat it in a tolerant way? Even if they have made you unhappy, just let it gone with the wind.
To be tolerant, you can;t speak extreme words. You might get in trouble just because of some words you think can bring you temporary pleasure. Even if you're criticizing people, you should try to be mild.
Tolstoy is a great author. But his life is a tragedy, mostly resulted from his marriage. His wife's ever-lasting complain had put him to death. When Tolstoy was 82, he could bear his wife anymore and ran out of his house. He ended up dead in the railway station. Before he died, his only requirement was that his wife wouldn't be allowed to be with him. Lincoln was also like him. Some people say that the greatest tragedy in Lincoln's life wasn't that he was shot dead but his wife, Mary. For 23 years, he had to tolerate his wife's noise.
So come on everybody, show more respect and be more tolerant.

尊重自己才能自强珍惜自己的生命和人格,才能让自己的人生生活得有价值。尊严不是别人给的,而是自己赢的。能让一个人贬值的,并不是别人的轻视,而是他自己的自轻自贱,放弃了“尊严”这条底线。只有尊重自己的人,才有可能得到别人的尊重。尊重自己的作文2 俗话说:种瓜得瓜,种豆得...


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敬人者人恒敬之,彼此互相尊重,才能和睦相处。记得,过去曾有一个趣谈,论说天堂和地狱的不同:地狱的人吃饭用的筷子有三尺长,夹了菜还来不及送到自己嘴里,便给邻座的人抢去了,因此便互相责怪对方,结果谁也吃不到嘴里。这里给大家分享一些关于互相尊重优秀 范文 ,供大家学习。 互相尊重优秀范文1 歌德说:“读...

关于尊重的高考作文素材5篇 尊重他人是我国从古至今的优良传统,是值得我们发扬光大的一种精神。那么关于尊重的高考作文素材有哪些呢?下面是我给大家整理的关于尊重的高考作文素材,欢迎大家查阅。 关于尊重的高考作文素材篇1 《诗经》中说:“投我以木瓜,报之以琼琚。”这自古以来的礼尚往来中体现出了人与人之间应有...

在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是我精心整理的关于尊重六年级作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 尊重六年级作文 篇1 尊重他人是一种美德,更是中华民族五千年来的一个优良传统。 尊重别人是一种美德...

“尊重他人”是青少年必备的品行。“尊重他人”教育对青少年品行培养具有重要作用。你想知道关于尊重他人为话题的作文怎么写吗?下面是我为大家整理的关于尊重他人为话题的作文,一起来看看吧! 关于尊重他人为话题的作文篇1 一个人如果没有尊严,是可悲的,如果他还要去伤害别人,不尊重别人的尊严,那么他就是可耻的。

5.当你发现赢得他人尊重的根本在于尊重他人,你就是值得尊重的;当你愉快地付出,也能照样愉快地接受,你就是慷慨的;当你对自己的谦虚浑然不觉,你就是谦虚的;当你能毫无偏见地看人,真心实意地待人,那你就是善解人意的。 6.再卑微的梦想,都应得到内心的尊重,唯如此,才能直面那些嘲讽和打击,演绎出自我的精彩。


尊重是一种美德,被人尊重则是一种幸福。当你徘徊在情绪的低谷,朋友真诚的帮助支持着你,那是尊重 当你遭遇到人生的挫折,老师温暖的双手紧握着你,那是尊重 当你捡起马路上的垃圾,路人赞许的微笑感染着你,那是尊重 当你懊悔曾经的过失,父母的宽厚与理解包容着你,那是尊重 孟子曾说过:“人必自...

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