
作者&投稿:西群 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I still love her.

可以用 some people... the others would like to use domestic cosmetics,
中间还可以用 on the other hand、yet等表示转折,喜欢不仅可以用like系列的,还可以说choose prefer,如 the others prefer domestic cosmetics,显得更加简练。

I like basicare.
Is to tao bao.

For the love of a cosmetics

I've changed a lot in recent years.I have become staider and more careful.In the past,I was always afraid of difficulties and challenges.I can hardly think out a proper way to solve any problem.But now when confronted with challenges,I could calm myself and deal with it usi...

People may have different opinions on …人们对……可能会有不同的见解. Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异. There are different opinions among people as to …关于……,人们的观点大不相同. Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对(...

这对双胞胎兄弟看起来真是一模一样用英语怎么说 - 百度宝宝知道
1. The twin brothers are as like as two peas.(这对双胞胎兄弟的相似程度就像一个豆荚里的豆子一样。)2. He resembles his twin brother very much.(他和他的孪生哥哥长得一样。)3. The twin brothers are exactly like each other.(这对孪生兄弟长得像极了彼此。)4. He is the mir...

Every day is like doing a job.

那对双胞胎看上去不一样用英语怎么说 - 百度宝宝知道
The twin looks different from the other one.

英语作文《my best friend and I》
英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型。写作能力:一 丰富学生词汇量,培养学生遣词造句的能力 词汇是组成语言最基本的单位,是写作的必需材料。词汇量不足或掌握得不好,都会给写作带来困难。众所周知...

You know Chinese too well.5.很多人崇洋媚外。A lot of people worship and have blind faith in foreign things.6.我们对基因的了解才刚刚开始。What we know about gene is just a start.7.我要成功!I want to succeed!或:I want to be successful.参考资料:英语牛人团 ...


My teacher is very kind to me, and she is just like my mother.My teacher is very nice to me, and she is really like my mother.

你也一样 用英语怎么说
the same to you 同样对你;你也一样;同贺,也祝愿你 短语 T The Same To You 吉他摇滚 and the same to you 你也一样 ;你也一样吧 ;和你一样 ;和对你

嵩明县13974491172: 我最喜爱的化妆品如何写一篇英语作文? -
邹戚金钱:[答案] 你可以先写化妆品带给我们生活的种种好处,所以大家都很爱使用,接着引出自己最喜爱的化妆品,说出为什么喜欢这个化妆品,优点啊,特点之类的.最后就推荐大家也来用嘛.

嵩明县13974491172: 怎样用英语写出对的化妆品的喜爱 -
邹戚金钱: For the love of a cosmetics

嵩明县13974491172: 写喜好东西的英语作文的开头 -
邹戚金钱: xx is popular in nowadays,xx东西在现今非常流行,受欢迎 接下来就可以写,你也喜欢这个xx东西, so xx is also my ... 所以,这个xx也是我最喜欢的东西

嵩明县13974491172: 还有一些人喜欢本国的化妆品.用英语怎么说啊?谢谢 -
邹戚金钱: 可以用 some people... the others would like to use domestic cosmetics, 一些人喜欢...还有一些人喜欢...中间还可以用 on the other hand、yet等表示转折,喜欢不仅可以用like系列的,还可以说choose prefer,如 the others prefer domestic cosmetics,显得更加简练.

嵩明县13974491172: 外贸公司面试要求用英文推销一种化妆品!请帮我写一段英语的推销一种化妆品的话,什么化妆品都行,好背点~或者翻译下面这段:这是我们公司最新推... -
邹戚金钱:[答案] This is our company newest promoted perfume,makes by the pure natural plant essence,fragrance fresh nature,lasting,is ... can send out the infinite charm,maintains a day good mood !In the date like has the anaphylactic phenomenon,but free returned ...

嵩明县13974491172: 英语好的帮帮忙,关于化妆品的英文
邹戚金钱: white lucent Brightening 美白亮丽 Cel Cel Nettoyant Eclaircissant 这个好像不必要知道什么意思,可能是品名什么的. 补充: Apply with dry or moistened hands.Squeeze asmall amount of cleanser into palm and massage over face with gentle ...

嵩明县13974491172: 关于 化妆品 的英文相关有什么呀 ? 请给点儿帮助.谢谢! -
邹戚金钱: 送你一些化妆品词汇 中英对照 彩妆: cosmetics 遮瑕膏: concealer 修容饼:Shading powder 粉底: foundation (compact,stick) 粉饼: pressed powder 散粉:loose powder 闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter 眉粉: brow powder 眉笔:brow ...

嵩明县13974491172: •怎样写关于化妆品的英语作文
邹戚金钱: 首先,你要对化妆品有足够的了解以便你对其功能和使用方法的熟知!或者你也可以谢一些化妆品品牌的来历,发展历史的角度去写!

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