
作者&投稿:郴罡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
汉译英 帮我翻译下面的句子 不要百度翻译``` 因为大多数是口语~


啊 新的一天 不过和昨天一样 还是会很平淡的度过吧
Oh, a fresh day started, while it would be plainly passed away as yesterday.

不先洗脸的话 可能又会睡着 也说不定
If you don't wash face, you perhaps will also fall into sleep.

臭小子 每天我都只不过一顿饭而已
Brat! I only have one meal every day.

额 感觉不到饿 但是还是要吃饭的吧
Er, I don't feel hungry, but the meal is also a must.

最后一次想起我是在什么时候 现在你爱的人是谁
When is your last time recoginized me? Who is you now fall in love with?

喂 臭小子 你有没有曾经想念过一只狗呢
Hi, brat! Have you ever missed a dag?

I really want to paralyze myself with alcohole sometime.

Bad memery should stay in diary

The current me is a secret to the future


With the development of technology, most people have lived a comfortable life, not only ensure that eating and drinking, also more and more private cars, . People's life style were getting richer and richer.
The beginning of the new century, mankind has paid the price: a large amount of pollutioned gas is emissioned, conceding the Earth ozone layer was destroyed, the Earth zone layer above Antarctica is destroyed, it apears as a huge hole.
The glacier of the North and South polar is melting constanly, it threaten the polar creatures.
Without the ozone layer protection, global warming also threatens the entire planet.
Global warming, is because of the ozone layer is damaged, ultraviolet rays(UV rays/lights) from the sun reach all parts on the planet, warming the planet ... ...
If continue like this, the Earth is becoming a fire planet!
Mainly from the basic necessities to start a low-carbon life.
To buy less of those unnecessary clothes, we can reduce 2.5 kg of carbon dioxide emissions.
Eating more vegetables, less meat to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
To select small apartment, not to over do the decoration.
Driving less and take a bus more often, in order to reduce the carbon dioxide.
Earth is our home.
We, as masters of the earth, we should take good care of the earth.
Now the city is advocating civilized environment, isn't it? as long as we do not pollute the Earth's environment, do not waste the energy of the planet.
Will be able to make the city greener, more environmentally friendly.
some ideas must have the motion.
The "low-carbon emission reduction" is not far away from us, starts from our life trivia,, such as if family who owns a car, less driving more cycling, even one day of a month not to drive a car is better, It seems only a modest behavior, but you made a contribution to the country.
If everyone learn from what you have done, the larger contribution to the world can not be calculated, let us do it!
Do what we can do, give us a meager force of it!
So for us, there are other good ways of reducing carbon

Using both sides of a paper, saving the paper;

Not to use disposable chopsticks and disposable lunch boxes;

Not to use a one-time plastic bags;

Reduced grain waste;

Turning off lights when you don't need it, turning off the tap after finish using it.

Use a handkerchief, less use paper towels ... ...

We need to work together to care of our planet, let us start from the minor matter, treasures the resources reducing energy consumption, let our life be happier.

这是我给你的最后的信(This is the final letter I'll ever send you),我从来不知道爱是什么,直到我遇见你(I never knew love till I met you).你通过网络进入了我的生命(You came into my life through a dating site on the net),我绝不会忘记我相遇的那个夜晚 (and I'll never forget that night when we met..)我不想外界影响我们的相遇(I wouldn't change how we met for the world);我们分享了我们对于未来的希望和梦想 (we shared our hopes and dreams for the future).我只能祈祷当你阅读这封信的时候,它能触动你的心灵,让我们能相以前一样重新开始.( I just pray when you have read this letter it touches your heart and restarts what we had before).我爱你,我想要与你在一起.我是多么希望我们能一起拥有最美好的生活,我只希望成为你生命中的一部分.(I love you and want to be with you; I want so much for us to have the best life together, I just wish I was part of it.)

假如你知道你的消失伤害了我,你就不会离我而去(If only you knew how your absence has affected me, you would have never tossed me aside like you have.).一开始你给了我许多的承诺---你从不会让我失望沮丧.(To have given me so much in the beginning, made so many promises - you would've never let me down).后来你是如此干脆地将我划出你的生命,这对于我来说这不仅仅是残酷的.你来到我的世界里给了我奇迹,让我相信我们之间可以在一起,你通过这样的方式改变了我的命运,而今这一切都已随风而去(To cut me out of your life in such a manner is not only cruel but you have decided my fate by coming into my life giving me something wonderful and letting me believe in us, only to destroy it and take it away.)你总是告诉我你讨厌让我难过,但是如果你这样做了,而今为什么一次又一次的发生? (You are always telling me you hate letting me down but if you did, why do you constantly keep letting it happen again and again? )

我们很少为了见面而相聚(We rarely see each other to spend any sort of time together)到底是哪里出了错?(What has gone wrong?) 你想让我成为你的未来么? (Do you want me to be your future? )你要给予这段感情所应得的失望结局?(Will you give this relationship the attention it so desperately deserves?)这种关系不是我一个人而是双方来维持的( How can a relationship survive if there is only one person doing the work of two? )当我们缠绵在一起的时候我感觉与你是如此的贴近(I only ever feel close to you when we make love),甚至这种关系总是有一方是痛苦的(even that side of the relationship is suffering).我不确定我是不是能在这条路上继续下去( I'm not sure I can go on anymore the way things have been)但如果我迫不得已,那么我会让你走(I will let you go if I have to).我会在值得我走的路上继续走下去,并且期待着有一天能遇见给我爱和关心的人,我只是希望你再试一次(move on and hope one day to meet someone who will show me love and attention the way I deserve to be shown, I just want you to have one more try)只有上帝知道,我是多么的爱你( God, how I love you. )

这是我送您的最后的信件; 直到我遇见了您,才知道什么是爱。 您通过网络约会站点进入了我的生活,我不会忘记我们相遇的那个夜上。 我不会改变我们怎么为世界见面了; 我们分享了我们的希望和梦想为将来。 我祈祷您什么时候读了它触动您的心弦并且重新开始的这封信什么我们以前有。 我爱你和想要是以您; 我一起非常想要为了我们能有最佳的生活,我祝愿我是一部分的它。
只有您知道的If您的缺席怎么影响了我,您从未将扔我在旁边,如您有。 非常给了我首先,做许多诺言-您有不会使我失望。 要切开我出于您的生活以这样方式是不仅残暴的,但是您决定我的命运通过进入我给与生命我美妙的事和让我相信我们,只有毁坏它和拿走它。 您总是告诉我您让我在下的怨恨,但是,如果您,您为什么经常继续让它再次发生?

We很少互相看见一起花费所有类时间。 什么出了错? 您是否要我是您的未来? 您是否将给予它那么绝望地需的这个关系关注? 如果只有完成工作二的一个人关系怎么生存? 我只感觉接近您,当我们做爱时,关系的甚而那边遭受。 我不是肯定的我可以再去在事是的途中; 我将让您走,如果我必须,继续前进,并且希望一天遇见将显示我爱和注意方式我该当显示的人,我更要您有一次尝试。 上帝,多么我爱你。


She is a literary talent

在线英文句子翻译器_2009年6月17日 帮忙中文翻译英文句子。(拒绝用翻译器) 5 2008-8-30 ?, 麻烦帮忙翻译一句英文句子。(谢绝翻译器答案) 2 2009-7-26 德语在线翻译-德文(汉译德\/德译汉)-北京千英翻译 千英“德语在线翻译器”,可以实现德汉、汉德在线翻译,从德语翻译成中文、英语、韩语、...

我们发现我们有很多共同点 友谊是带理解的爱【这个有难,不能直译,意会一下吧o(╯□╰)o 诚实在任何关系中都是重要的一部分 在最近去香港玩的时候她遇到了她的老朋友 Mary在第六街和主道的拐角下了公交车 He has called on that famous author for many times When he checked into the hotel,...

我家有5个人,我的爸爸、妈妈、弟弟和我的奶奶。There are five people in my family, my father, mother, yonger brother and my grand-mother.我还有许多兄弟和姐妹、我的叔叔和弟弟现在在美国,他家养了宠物,是一条很大的狗,他非常大,也非常的可爱。I also have many cousins (这里注意了。

"So I went to Learn from the mother of dance, calligraphy, painting, etc., and finally found themselves in the painting is more natural, also, in the XX students in the art exhibition was awarded the Silver secondary grade group"2. “我一直坚持自己着的爱好,最终顺理成章地选择...


1直到现在还没有你的回信.你很忙吗?I haven't heard(received) from you and I guess you must be busy.2晚上的聚会不要喝太多酒.那样对身体不好.Don't drink too much at the party tonight, and it's bad for you.3请注意身体.Take care of yourself....

accidents.12.It is of great beneficial for students to get closer to the nature so that they can breathe fresh air which is advantageous . Besides ,they can do some exercises to relax their mind and brain.参考资料:完全是我自己翻译的,我可以很明确告诉你,二楼的是电脑翻译的 ...

1.从1915年开始,这种以卓别林电影中的角色为原型的小玩偶变得异常盛行:“纽约的所有商店和杂货店都一度脱销。”From the beginning of 1915, this film by Charlie Chaplin's role as the prototype of a small doll become very popular: "New York, once all the shops and grocery stores sold...

1.No matter what the weather is like, we all want to go there.2.Without water, there would be no life on the earth?3.You'd better speak at the meeting instead of her.4.Protecting environment is every one of us.5.China has a long history of great country....

you!"3.同时,让我们记住他们这些可爱的福娃,也让我们记住“同一个世界,同一个梦想”。Meanwhile, let's remember these lovely mascots, and the theme "With a world, with a dream."4.我的演讲完了,谢谢。That is the end of my speech, thank you.罹烟的质量认证:人工翻译。

盈江县17235754534: 谁帮我翻译一句话,汉译英.
宓磊单磷: Pig,I can do it if you give me some time!这句话绝对搞定,如果你是想表示亲昵,可以把Pig改为Dear,那样效果也不错

盈江县17235754534: 谁帮我把中文翻译成英语
宓磊单磷: 第一、我爱你胜过我的生命. i love you more than my life. 第二、请原谅我不能陪你走到最后 please forgive me that i cannot make it to the end of life together with you. 第三、算是我任性的要求 see it as one capricious request of mine.

盈江县17235754534: 谁能帮我把汉语句子翻译成英语句子啊!急啊! -
宓磊单磷: Don't do that. you will set an bad exampie to children I've had the benefit of good educationThe smell of sea reminded of her childhood memories The last exam you too careless, you should have passed It must have rained last night.楼下的那是机械式翻译,存在语法错误的.

盈江县17235754534: 谁帮我把中文句子翻译成英语
宓磊单磷: only i can understand my own blood and tears,

盈江县17235754534: 谁能帮我把中文翻译成英文句子?谢谢!
宓磊单磷: 妈妈,我想为你吟诗 Mom,I want to recite poems for you.

盈江县17235754534: 谁帮我把两句中文翻译成英文 -
宓磊单磷: The more you care about him,the more you can't unerstand him.Foget it/him./Forget about it/him.

盈江县17235754534: 谁能帮我英文翻译一句中文啊?? -
宓磊单磷: I don't like to wait others,and I don't like to be wait,either.

盈江县17235754534: 英语连词成句,谁帮我翻译啊
宓磊单磷: The man is very old. 这个男人已经很老了.

盈江县17235754534: 谁来帮我把4句中文翻译成英文啊?
宓磊单磷: we go to shaing for going surfing and barbecuing in the beach 2 we appreacite beautiful sundown together 3 in the night , we have a walk along the beach under the moonlight 4 now, this unforgetable experience is impressed in my mind

盈江县17235754534: I don't know to say at the meeting. 谁帮我翻译成中文啊着句话在语法上有错误吗 错了帮我改正一下 -
宓磊单磷:[答案] 少成分啊...宾语呢?少个what吧...“我不知道在会议上说些什么好”

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