
作者&投稿:柯柿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求 新概念英语第二册课后练习题及答案~

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语言学习的秘诀就是要多听录音 多模仿。反复地听课文录音 听到能够脱口而出 这样你的听力口语和记忆力都将得到很大的提高 事半功倍。如果只是盲目地背单词、学语法,这样的学习效果并不好,学了容易忘,而且会感觉枯燥。配合课文录音,调动起自己的全身细胞来学,那效果就很不一样了。
记住语言学习是个体力活 而不是脑力活哦!一定要多听多模仿!
新概念英语是一套适合背诵的经典教材 都是专业录音员灌录的 很适合用来练听力和口语 建议你配合课文录音进行全文背诵 这样会进步很快
希望对你有所帮助 祝六时吉祥

Lesson 7
Detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. Two men took the parcel into the Customs House after the arrival of the plane. Two detectives opened it. The parcel was full of stones and sand.

(A)Detectives were waiting; They were expecting; detectives were waiting; others were waiting; two detectives were keeping guard.

(B)1 When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.
2 When two of the detectives opened the parcel, two others were keeping guard at the door.

(C) 1 I was getting into my bath when you telephoned me.
2 I was reading Hamlet when you saw me in the library this morning.
3 Iwas saying that you must see the new film when you inrerrupted me.

(D) 1 was leaving; arrived 2 worked/was working; was sitting/sat 3 was walking; met 4 was reading; heard 5 was preparing; set/was setting 6 dropped;spoke

1 He gave all his books away.
2 She woke the children up early this morning.

(a) 1 I enjoyed the film yesterday.
2 My mother went to market.
3 (This morning) the children asked questions continuously in class.
4 (On Sundays) we stay at home.
5 (This morning) I borrowed a book from the library.
(b) 1 She rarely...
2 The shops always...
3 We never...
4 We sometimes...
5 Do you ever...(后面直接照抄)
(a) are playing...play...is kicking...is running
(b) died...left...spent...bought...went...stayed...listened...lent...kept...lost
(c) I have just received...He has been there...he has already visited...He has just bought...and has gone
(d) 1 ...did...buy...
2 ...hasnever lent...
3 Have you burnt...
4 ...fought...
5 ...have just won...
(e) 1 was leaving/left...arrived
2 was working/worked...was sitting/sat
3 was walking/walked...met
4 was reading...heard
(f) 略
(g) 1 shall be ironing
2 will be arriving
3 We'll be seeing
4 shall be watching
5 will be correcting
(h) 1 After...
2 After...
3 When...
4 ...him until he...
5 As soon as...
(i) ...was built...became/had become...died...was built...were called...was begun...(was)completed...cost...has beenvisited...
(j) 1 told...would come/would be coming
2 said...(had) cut
3 told...had never played
4 did he say...had done/would do
5 did he tell...(had) bought/would buy
(k) 1 rains 2 will never pass 3 is 4 will get 5 enjoys
l Fashing...catching...catching...havingspent...fishing...fishing...sitting...doing
(a) 1 You must/will have to see a doctor.
2 Must you/Do you have to make so much noise?
3 she said we must/would have to/had to stay here.
4 I must/have to some help.
5 He had to go out last night.
(b) 1 He must be a fool.
2 He must be mad.
3 She must be over forty.
(c) 1 Can/May I use your telephone?
2 He may telephone tomorrow.
3 Can/May I have two tickets please?
4 The play may have begun already.
5 Can/May I leave the table please?
(a) 略
(b) ...a...\...a...a...a...the...\...a...the...the...a...a...\...the...a...a...a...
1 the most unusual
2 better...than
3 more interesting than
4 the laziest
5 worse than
1 in
2 On
3 during/in
4 at
5 on...in
6 in
7 at...in
1 in
2 from
3 on
4 of
5 in
6 of
Special difficulties
1 By the way
2 borrowed
3 ask
4 grown
5 Besides
6 its
7 yet
8 desk
9 It is
10 home
1 at
2 up
3 on
4 out...back
5 out
1 Who knocked this vase over?
3 Put your jacket on
5 The thieves woke the night watchman up
1 ...the men to fire at the enemy.
2 ...his wife to wear this dress.
3 ...us to explain it.
4 ...allow him to enter the room.
5 ...her son to read.
1 She made me this dress.
2 I lent him my book.
3 I showed George the letter.
4 Pass your mother that cup.
5 Johnny gave his sister the doll.

Key Structures
a 1 I enjoyed the film yesterday.
2 My mother went to market.
3 (This morning) the children asked questions continuously in class.
4 (On Sundays) we stay at home.
5 (This morning) I borrowed a book from the library.
b 1 She rarely...
2 The shops always...
3 We never...
4 We sometimes...
5 Do you ever...(后面直接照抄)
a are playing...play...is kicking...is running
b died...left...spent...bought...went...stayed...listened...lent...kept...lost
c I have just received...He has been there...he has already visited...He has just bought...and has gone
d 1 ...did...buy...
2 ...hasnever lent...
3 Have you burnt...
4 ...fought...
5 ...have just won...
e 1 was leaving/left...arrived
2 was working/worked...was sitting/sat
3 was walking/walked...met
4 was reading...heard
f 略
g 1 shall be ironing
2 will be arriving
3 We'll be seeing
4 shall be watching
5 will be correcting
h 1 After...
2 After...
3 When...
4 ...him until he...
5 As soon as...
i ...was built...became/had become...died...was built...were called...was begun...(was)completed...cost...has beenvisited...
j 1 told...would come/would be coming
2 said...(had) cut
3 told...had never played
4 did he say...had done/would do
5 did he tell...(had) bought/would buy
k 1 rains 2 will never pass 3 is 4 will get 5 enjoys
l Fashing...catching...catching...havingspent...fishing...fishing...sitting...doing
a 1 You must/will have to see a doctor.
2 Must you/Do you have to make so much noise?
3 she said we must/would have to/had to stay here.
4 I must/have to some help.
5 He had to go out last night.
b 1 He must be a fool.
2 He must be mad.
3 She must be over forty.
c 1 Can/May I use your telephone?
2 He may telephone tomorrow.
3 Can/May I have two tickets please?
4 The play may have begun already.
5 Can/May I leave the table please?
a 略
b ...a...\...a...a...a...the...\...a...the...the...a...a...\...the...a...a...a...
E 1 the most unusual
2 better...than
3 more interesting than
4 the laziest
5 worse than
F 1 in 2 On 3 during/in 4 at 5 on...in 6 in 7 at...in
G 1 in 2 from 3 on 4 of 5 in 6 of
Special difficulties
a 1 By the way
2 borrowed
3 ask
4 grown
5 Besides
6 its
7 yet
8 desk
9 It is
10 home
b 1 at 2 up 3 on 4 out...back 5 out
c 1 Who knocked this vase over?
3 Put ypur jacket on
5 The thieves woke the night watchman up
d 1 ...the men to fire at the enemy.
2 ...his wife to wear this dress.
3 ...us to explain it.
4 ...allow him to enter the room.
5 ...her son to read.
e 1 She made me this dress.
2 I lent him my typewriter.
3 I showed George the letter.
4 Pass your mother that cup.
5 Johnny gave his sister the doll.


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求新概念英语新版第二册的课本答案 !
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初三和高一 新概念英语第二册适合初三和高一。高二可以继续学习新概念英语第三册。在高中阶段,在学习新概念英语时,以阅读训练为主,辅以听力训练。如果能背诵的话,那是最好的了。

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卓柱氟马:[答案] Key Structures A a 1 I enjoyed the film yesterday. 2 My mother went to market. 3 (This morning) the children asked questions continuously in class. 4 (On Sundays) we stay at home. 5 (This morning) I b...

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卓柱氟马:[答案] 你没发现吗,新概念经常这样,往往答案要在前面再加个词,不影响对错,你觉得的答案并没错.

夷陵区13342674939: 跪求:哪位高人知道有新概念英语第二册的课后习题答案?要有解析的,请给我请上来一下呀,我万分感激!1至6课已有. -
卓柱氟马:[答案] Lesson 7 Detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.Two men took the parcel into the Customs House after the arrival of the plane.Two detectives opened it.The parcel was full ...

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夷陵区13342674939: 网上哪里可以找到新概念英语第2册的课后习题答案啊 -
卓柱氟马: http://www.english-sky.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=20&id=2356

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卓柱氟马: 1.from 11.on...in 21.of 31.from 2.on 12.of 22.of/from 32.on 3.in 13.in 23.of 33.on 4.on 14.on 24.from 34.on 5.from 15.of 25.in 35.in 6.from 16.of 26.on 36.from 7.of 17.from 27.on 37.on 8.on 18.fo...on 28.from 38.on 9.from 19.on 29.on 39.in 10.in 20....


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