
作者&投稿:全阎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My school
My school is beautiful, there is a great playground and a library, there are a lot of flowers, you can hear the birds are singing in the morning! I came to school every day, can hear a model LangLangDe home, national and the students sang. I love this school

In the sound of firecrackers, we usher in the biggest section of the Chinese Yue - Chinese New Year, every family beaming, hang up red lanterns, red paste couplets, busy ... ...
Holiday movies, but also a happy child reads.
Are from the past, I have the latest person may fight today I had a first, because most want to smell that smell fragrant smoke of firecrackers. A string of lit firecrackers in people's hands, sounds really big, four splash, as if a blessing to every household must each, successive rounds of firecrackers, crackling crowded.
In the sound of firecrackers after, it's no fun of. Or eat breakfast bar, a little later went out to play a play!
Eaten dinner, I invited a few friends together to play in the street lit firecrackers on the ground out a beautiful flower, beautiful, bags filled with the parents give pocket money, say nothing more happy. Today's birds are also along for the ride out, presumably they are also very heart rejoice.
On the street is indeed the street, play eat everything evil. Most see some kids, I glanced at on a few spicy sharing business best:
"I want a bunch of cake!" Cried a fat child.
Zaiqu look at how other places? Tanqian in a stationery store, I was stopped in her tracks. There are a variety of play things: airplane model, a telescope, electric car ... ... to do some fun stuff. I have found that those who play the most popular thing.
In other places, I also saw some balloons in the sale, pistols, rope skipping, and some in the selling snacks, dessert, fruit, clothing and used to eat everything evil is indeed full of wonders.
Played a morning, afternoon, I have to go to attempt to visit New Year's greeting, and this certainly is a happy thing.
Excitement in fits of overzealous today, really! Be hand-fed three Yibaoyanfu two palate blessings. The most fortunate are those vendors, and business is booming today, but Hello!
Sincerely hope that today the country's children in the new year, happily, there is no trouble, but do not "Wanwusangzhi" yo!在爆竹声中,我们迎来了中国人最盛大的节曰——春节,家家喜气洋洋,挂上红红的灯笼,贴上红红的春联,忙忙碌碌……

Children is coming, it falls on the 1st of June, every year. This coming children day my father has promised to bring me to the theme park. I will ride my favourite ride, which is the ferris wheel. Besides thai i shall ride on the merry-go-round and magic teacup as well. I will ask my dad to buy me a big toy and some cotton candy as well. I believe that i will have a lots of fun on that day.
儿童节快来临了,每年的六月一日是儿童节。这来临的儿童节,我爸爸答应带我去游乐场玩。 我会坐我最喜欢的摩天轮。 除此之外我也要骑旋转木马和做旋转魔幻茶杯。 我要叫爸爸给我买一个大玩具还有棉花糖。 我相信当天我应该会玩的很开心

Children is coming, it falls on the 1st of June, every year. This coming children day my father has promised to bring me to the theme park. I will ride my favourite ride, which is the ferris wheel. Besides thai i shall ride on the merry-go-round and magic teacup as well. I will ask my dad to buy me a big toy and some cotton candy as well. I believe that i will have a lots of fun on that day.

Yesterday was the last children’s day for me. I had a school trip with my classmates. At first, we went to a pottery art village to learn how to make pottery. It was really fantastic and I was excited about that. We all did some pottery works by ourselves. Next we went to a wetland park and had lunch there. We were really tired and hungry so we ate quickly. In the park we found a lot of plants we have never seen and we made some leaf samples. Finally, we came back at 4:00 pm. It was a meaningful and unforgettable day.

成语作文 篇4 愉快的暑假生活开始啦!我又一次忘情地在书海中荡起小船儿。小船儿轻轻飘荡在《成语故事》的海面,我与一个个成语交起了朋友。 在与“磨杵成针”这个成语相处时,我和大诗人李白结缘了。小时候,李白很贪玩,没有耐心读书。有一次,看到一位老奶奶在磨刀石上磨一根铁杵,他很好奇,问奶奶在干什么?奶奶告...



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四年级上册第六单元的作文这样写: 夜空,群星闪耀。我做完作业,随手翻开语文书,不经意间,目光定格在一幅图画上一个汉族小姑娘和一位苗族老奶奶紧紧地拥抱着。我看着这幅画,一股暖流在心头慢慢漾开…… 在一个群山连绵的小山村,村头有座古老的小木屋,小木屋经历风吹雨打,早已破旧不堪。但走进屋子,屋内收拾得干...

小猫吃饭(小练笔)以前,奶奶家养了几只可爱的小猫。最可爱的,还是小猫们吃饭的样子。 吃午饭的时间到了。奶奶用筷子敲打着饭碗,发出“当当当”的声音。小猫们听见后,就争先恐后地跑到碗边。它们互不相让,都伸长了脖子,使劲地挤。力气大的小猫获得了“胜利”,津津有味地吃了起来。它们轮流把...


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