hot 有辣的意思吗

作者&投稿:蔡诸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hot基本的意思是表示温度很高,用来表示辣的时候一般有两种情况: 一是品尝到辣的感觉,造成口腔内火烧火燎的,其实表示的意思还是温度很高;另一个用法是表示人身材很火辣,身材很棒的意思,也是从身材好到让人温度升高这一点引申出来的.

表意:热。 而外国人的俗语是:形容女人的身材很火辣。

/ hɔt; hɑt/ adj (-tter, -ttest)
(a) having a relatively or noticeably high temperature; giving off heat 热的; 烫的: a hot day, meal 热天、 热的饭菜 * hot weather, water 炎热的天气、 热水 * Cook in a very hot oven. 放在炽热的烤箱里烹调. * This coffee is too hot to drink. 这咖啡太烫, 不能喝. Cf 参看 cold1, warm1. (b) (of a person) feeling heat (指人)感到热的: I am/feel hot. 我很热. (c) causing the sensation of heat 使人感到热的: be in a hot sweat 热得出汗.
(of spices, etc) producing a burning sensation to the taste (指调味品等)辣的, 辛辣的: a hot curry 辛辣的咖喱 * Pepper and mustard are hot. 胡椒和芥末都是辣的.
intense; fiery; passionate 强烈的; 激烈的; 热烈的: have a hot temper, ie be easily angered脾气暴躁 * in the hottest part of the election campaign 在竞选活动最激烈的部分 * The current debate about privatization is likely to grow hotter in the coming weeks. 目前这场关於私有化的争论在未来几周内可能愈演愈烈.
(a) (of the scent in hunting) fresh and strong (指猎物的臭迹)新鲜而强烈的. (b) (of news) fresh, very recent and usu sensational (指新闻)新鲜、 及时且通常为引起轰动的: a hot tip 最新秘闻 * a story that is hot off the press, ie has just appeared in the newspapers 刚见报的轰动新闻.
(infml 口) (of a competitor, performer or feat) very skilful or impressive (指竞赛者、 表演者或技艺)技术高明的, 令人赞叹的.
(sl 俚) (of goods) stolen and difficult to dispose of because of determined efforts made by the police to recover them (指物品)(因警方极力查找)难於销赃的: This painting is too hot to handle. 这幅画不好销赃.
(of music, esp jazz) rhythmical and emotional; stirring (指音乐, 尤指爵士乐)节奏感强、 情绪激昂的, 扣人心弦的.
(sl 俚) radioactive 放射性的.
(infml 口) (in children's games, etc) very near the object sought; very close to guessing correctly (儿童游戏等)快找到目标的, 快猜中 的: You're getting really hot! 你快猜着了!
(idm 习语) be hot at/in/ on sth (infml 口) be skilled, gifted or knowledgeable in sth 有某方面的技艺、 才能或知识: I'm good at history but not so hot at arithmetic. 我的历史成绩不错, 但算术不太好. be hot on sb (infml 口) be infatuated with sb; admire sb 迷恋某人; 爱慕某人. be in/get into hot `water (infml 口) be in/get into trouble or disgrace 惹来麻烦或羞辱. blow hot and cold => blow1. go/sell like hot `cakes sell quickly or in great numbers or quantity 畅销; 卖得快; 卖得多: The new portable computers are going like hot cakes. 新的便携式计算机卖得很快. hot `air (infml 口) empty or boastful talk 空话; 大话. (all) hot and `bothered (infml 口) harassed because of fear, the pressure of work, the need to hurry, etc (因恐惧或担忧、 工作有压力、 紧迫等)心急火燎的. (too) hot for sb (infml 口) (too) difficult for sb to cope with 某人感到(太)难应付或处理: When the pace got too hot for him, he disappeared. 他感到跟不上时, 便溜之大吉了. * They're making things very hot for her, ie making her life difficult or dangerous. 他们逼得她走投无路. (be) hot on sb's `heels following sb veryclosely 紧跟某人; 接踵而来. (be) hot on sb's `tracks/`trail; (be) hot on the trail (of sth) (infml 口) pursuing sb or searching for sth so closely that one has almost caught him or found it 紧追某人几至将其逮获; 彻底搜寻某物接近於发现目标. a hot po`tato (infml 口) thing or situation that is difficult or unpleasant to deal with 棘手的或讨厌的事物或情况: The racial discrimination issue is a political hot potato. 种族歧视问题是政治上的棘手问题. the `hot seat (infml 口) the vulnerable position of a person who has important responsibilities and must face criticism, answer questions, etc 因身负重任而须面对批评、 回答问题等之难堪处境. a hot spot (infml 口) difficult or dangerous situation; place where (eg political) trouble is likely 困难的或危险的情况; 可能(如在政治上)出事之处; 热点. hot `stuff (sl 俚) (a) person or thing of first-rate quality 第一流的人或事物: She's really hot stuff at tennis. 她可真是网球好手. (b) sexually attractive person 性感的人. hot under the `collar (infml 口) angry, indignant or embarrassed 愤怒的; 愤慨的; 尴尬的. like a cat on hot bricks => cat1. not so/too/that `hot (infml 口) not well; not good 不太好; 不怎麽好: `How do you feel?' `Not so hot.' ‘你觉得怎麽样?’‘不过如此. * Her exam results aren't too hot. 她考得不太好. piping hot => piping. strike while the iron is hot => strike2.
> hot v (-tt-) (phr v) hot up (infml 口) become more exciting or critical; intensify; increase 变得更兴奋或更紧急; 增强; 增加: With only a week to go before the election things are really hotting up. 还有一个星期就要进行选举, 一切越来越紧张了.
hotly adv (a) passionately; excitedly; angrily 热烈地; 激动地; 愤怒地: a hotly debated topic 热烈辩论的话题 * Recent reports in the press have been hotly denied. 有关方面极力否认新闻界最近的报道. * `Nonsense!' he replied hotly. ‘胡说!’他怒气冲冲地答道. (b) closely and determinedly 紧紧地; 坚决地: a hotly contested match 争夺激烈的比赛 * The pickpocket ran off, hotly pursued by the police. 那扒手望风而逃, 警察紧追不舍.
# hot-`air balloon = balloon 2.
`hotbed n
1 bed of earth heated by rotting manure to help plants to grow (用粪肥发酵产生热量的)温床.
2 (fig 比喻) ~ of sth place where sth evil or undesirable is able to develop easily and freely (有利於坏事物滋生发展的)温床: a hotbed of vice, crime, intrigue, etc 罪恶、 犯罪、 阴谋活动等的温床.
,hot-`blooded adj (a) easily angered; excitable 易怒的; 易激动的. (b) passionate; ardent 热情的; 热烈的: a,hot-blooded `lover 感情炽热的爱人.
`hot cake (US) = pancake.
,hot cross `bun sweet bun (usu containing currants) marked with a cross and eaten toasted on Good Friday 十字面包(通常为带葡萄乾的甜面包, 表面有十字图案, 於耶稣受难节烤热食用).
,hot `dog 1 hot sausage served in a soft bread roll, often with onions and mustard 热狗(中间夹有热香肠并常佐以碎洋葱和芥末的长圆面包). 2 (US infml 口) (used as an interj to express pleasure or surprise 用作叹词, 表示高兴或惊讶).
hot `favourite competitor most fancied to win a race, etc 竞赛等活动中众望所归的热门参赛者.
,hot`foot adv in great haste; quickly and eagerly 匆忙地; 急忙地: The children came running hotfoot when they heard tea was ready. 孩子们听说茶点已准备好了, 便赶紧跑过来. v (idm 习语) `hotfoot it (infml 口) walk or run hurriedly and eagerly 急走; 急跑: We hotfooted it down to the beach. 我们急急忙忙地赶到沙滩.
,hot `gospeller (infml often derog 口, 常作贬义) eager and enthusiastic preacher 热心的传教者; 狂热的鼓吹者.
`hothead n person who often acts too hastily or rashly; impetuous person 性急的人; 急躁的人; 容易冲动的人. ,hot-`headed adj rash; impulsive; impetuous 性急的; 容易冲动的; 急躁的. ,hot-`headedly adv.
,hot-`headedness n [U].
`hothouse n heated building, usu made of glass, used for growing delicate plants in; greenhouse 温室; 暖房.
`hot line direct and exclusive communication link between heads of government, eg those of Moscow and Washington 热线(政府首脑之间, 如莫斯科与华盛顿的首脑之间, 直通的通迅专线).
,hot `money funds moved frequently from one financial centre to another by speculators seeking high interest rates and the greatest opportunity for profit 投机者为追求高利率及最大获利机会而由一金融中心转移到另一金融中心的频繁流动的资金; 国际游资.
`hotplate n flat heated metal surface on a cooking stove, etc used for cooking food or keeping it hot (炉灶等上的金属的)加热板(用以烹制食物或使之保温).
`hotpot n stew of meat and vegetables cooked in the oven in a dish with a lid 炖或焖的肉和蔬菜.
`hot rod (sl 俚) motor vehicle modified to have extra power and speed (经改装而使功率加大的)高速汽车.
`hotshot n (US infml 口) person who is skilful or talented in a showy or aggressive way 卖弄技艺的人; 艺高而自负的人: [attrib 作定语] a hotshot young lawyer 好展才的年轻律师.
,hot `spring spring1(2) of naturally hot mineral water 温泉.
,hot-`tempered adj easily becoming very angry 性情暴躁的.
,hot-`water bottle container, usu made of rubber, that is filled with hot water and put in a bed, etc to warm it 热水袋.

当然有 辣 的意思了
因为吃辣的, 嘴巴就很烧啊, 所以hot是很形象的

hot: 热的,热情的,辣的

有,吃饭的时候你可以跟老外说it's very hot.

乌审旗15514052093: hot可以翻译为辣吗? -
务功九华: 可以的.hot除了热的还可以有辣的含义,例如,The foods in the restaurant is very hot. 这个餐饭的菜很辣.I like hot food. 我喜欢辣的食物.She can't stand hot foods她不能忍受很辣的食物.

乌审旗15514052093: 为什么hot是热的,也是辣的的意思 -
务功九华: 热辣辣,热得一定程度皮肤等触感就会有麻麻的.在语言方面,不同语种的人感受都会差不多的.在中文里有热辣辣一词是有原因的.在翻译中就有直译,意译之别.

乌审旗15514052093: HOT中文是什么意思 -
务功九华: hot的基本意思是“热的,烫的”,可用于指事物、天气或人. 引申可表示“辣的”,指问题或事件可译为“棘手的,争议大的”,指气氛或氛围可译为“激烈的,热烈的”,指人的脾气可译为“暴躁的”,指新闻、书刊等可译为“刚做好的,...

乌审旗15514052093: 关于英语中的“热”和“辣”英语中hot有两种意思:“热”和“辣”但是“又热又辣”怎么翻译呢 -
务功九华:[答案] hot and spicy spicy 辣

乌审旗15514052093: hot可以翻译为火辣吗 -
务功九华: hot可以翻译为火辣hot 英 [hɒt] 美 [hɑ:t] adj. 热的;热门的;辣的;激动的 vt. 使兴奋,使激动 adv. 热的;紧迫的 vi. 变热

乌审旗15514052093: 辣的英文是什么 -
务功九华: 辣的英文翻译是hot,句中hot可以作为动词、副词和形容词使用. hot 英 [hɒt] 美 [hɑ:t] adj.热的;热门的;辣的;激动的 vt.使兴奋,使激动 adv.热的;紧迫的 vi.变热 相关短语: 1、hot dog [食品] 热狗 ; 红肠面包 ; 小红肠 ; 热狗肠 2、Hot ...

乌审旗15514052093: HOT是什么意思…
务功九华: 最基本的意思是热..然后有辣的意思//有的时候指别人sexy...

乌审旗15514052093: 关于英语中的“热”和“辣” -
务功九华: hot and spicy spicy 辣

乌审旗15514052093: 淘宝上hot是什么意思 -
务功九华: 一、HOT 的意思:热的; 热门的; 辣的; 激动的;意思. 二、淘宝商品上的图片带有HOT ,表示这件商品是热卖产品,是商家的一种促销手段. 三、也可以表示是一种人气商品

乌审旗15514052093: 为什么英语不分热和辣? -
务功九华: 并不是不分热和辣,只是有些词一次多义,这和中文是一样的 hot比较常用的意思有热、烫、性感和辣;但是辣也有专用的词汇,spicy 希望能帮到你^ ^

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