
作者&投稿:源费 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ The origin of the Qixi Festival can be traced back to the legendary love story between the Weaver Girl, represented by the star Vega, and the Cowherd, represented by the star Altair. According to myth, the Weaver Girl was the granddaughter of the Emperor of Heaven, who was skilled in weaving and bored of her celestial life. She secretly descended to Earth, where she married a mortal cowherd and lived a normal life. Upon discovering this, the Emperor of Heaven was angered and ordered the Weaver Girl to return to heaven, separating her from her husband. They were allowed to meet only once a year on the Qixi Bridge on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.
Their enduring love moved the magpies, who formed a bridge with their bodies across the Milky Way, enabling the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl to meet on this special day.
Traditional folk customs associated with the Qixi Festival include:
1. Fragrant Bridge Festival: In Yixing, Jiangsu, a custom called the Qixi Fragrant Bridge Festival exists. Every Qixi, people gather to build fragrant bridges. At night, they worship the Double Stars, pray for blessings, and then burn the bridges, symbolizing the joyous meeting of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl across the Milky Way.
2. Collecting Dew: In rural areas of Zhejiang, it is customary to collect dew on this day. It is believed that the dew on Qixi contains the tears shed by the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl when they meet, and applying it to the eyes and hands is said to bring clarity and agility.
3. Needle Threading: In this custom, unmarried women compete to thread a needle最快的人被认为乞到了最多的巧,而输掉的人则需将事先准备好的礼物送给获胜者。

The purpose of the ancient separation and separation was mainly to coordinate the astrological theory for astronomical astrology.中文:七夕的牛郎织女传说最早来源于人们对自然天象的崇拜,早在远古时代,追求秩序的古人们不仅将天空规划得井井有条,还将星宿与地面区域一一做了对应,这个对应关系就天文...

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Qixi Festival was listed in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list by the State Council of the People's Republic of China.中文翻译:七夕节发源于中国,是世界上最早的爱情节日,在七夕节的众多民俗当中,有些逐渐消失,但还有相当一部分被人们延续了下来。在部分受中华文化...

Rumour has it that the cowboy’s parents died in the prime time ,he was ill-treated by his brother and sister-in- law. One day&...

中国情人节几月几日? 而在中国,传统节日之一的七夕节也是姑娘们重视的日子,因此而被称为中国的情人节。由于能表达共同的人类情怀,各国各地纷纷发掘了自身的“情人节”。 七夕情人节的由来: 七夕,传统的中国情人节之一,传说是牛郎与织女一年一度在喜鹄桥重逢的日子。 在我国,农历七月初七这一天是人们俗称的七夕节...

惠民县19531918255: 用英语来描述一下七夕节的来历,要简短,中文也要有 -
和季降脂: The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is the only Chinese festival devoted to love in the Lunar calendar. Unlike St. Valentine's Day in Western countries there is not so much emphasis on giving chocolates, flowers and kisses.Instead, Chinese ...

惠民县19531918255: 用英语介绍下“七夕情人节”的来历 -
和季降脂: According to legend the seventh Princess of Heaven fell in love with a poor herdsman. She stole away to marry him and lived happily for a time as a weaver. When her mother sent soldiers to fetch her daughter home they were forced to retreat before ...

惠民县19531918255: introduction of Double - Seventh Festival有关七夕节介绍的英文 它的由来 习俗 庆祝方式 -
和季降脂:[答案] The Double Seventh Festival,on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month,is a traditional festival full of romance.It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar. This festival is in mid-summer when the weather is warm and the grass and trees reveal their ...

惠民县19531918255: 七夕情人节的由来和习俗用英语怎么说 -
和季降脂: 七夕情人节的由来和习俗用英语 The origin and customs of Chinese Valentine's Day.

惠民县19531918255: 用英文介绍七夕的故事不超过50字 -
和季降脂: Qixi Festival, originating in China, is the earliest love festival in the world. Among the many folk customs of Qixi Festival, some gradually disappear, but a considerable part of it has been continued by people. In some Asian countries influenced by ...

惠民县19531918255: 七夕节的来源 英文版 -
和季降脂: 七 夕 节 的 来 历 七夕节又称为“乞巧节”,是中国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的节日.相传,每年农历七月初七的夜晚,是天上“织女”与“牛郎”相会之时.“织女”是一个美丽聪明、心灵手巧的仙女,凡间的妇女便在这一天晚上向她乞求智...

惠民县19531918255: 乞巧节由来?还有乞巧节用英语怎么说?
和季降脂: 乞巧节用英语表示是:Qiqiao Festival 乞巧节来历: 农历七月初七是我们中国人的情人节,也有人称之为乞巧节七夕或女儿节,这一天是女儿家们最为重视的日子.七月初七之所以称为乞巧,是因为民间传说这天牛郎织女会天河,女儿家们就在晚上以瓜果朝天拜,向女神乞巧. 她们除了乞求针织女的技巧,同时也乞求婚姻上的巧配.所以,世间无数的有情男女都会在这个晚上,夜深人静时刻,对着星空祈祷自己的姻缘美满. 谈到七夕节,不得不提民间流传的爱情故事――牛郎织女.他们一年一度相会的七夕,被多情儿女视为爱情的象征.他们的爱情悲剧,在每个华人的心灵里,留下了深深的印象.因此,每到七夕的夜晚,多情人都会对着暗夜的星空祈祷爱情永恒不渝.

惠民县19531918255: 用英语介绍七夕节 -
和季降脂: 圣诞节的由来英文版 the name christmas is short for "christ\'s mass". a mass is a kind of church service. christmas is a religious festival. it is the day we celebrate as the birthday of jesus. there are special christmas services in christian churches ...

惠民县19531918255: 七夕情人节的英语单词是什么? -
和季降脂: 七夕:the seventh evening of the seventh moon 情人节:Valentine's Day 七夕情人节:Chinese Valentine's Day

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