
作者&投稿:福咱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When I was reading in the bedroom, the thief fell down from the upstairs and hurt his back.

2. 那个已经拍了五部电影的著名女演员昨天下午在购物.
That has made five films of the famous actress in shopping yesterday afternoon.

3. 在我找到一些吃的之后,我把它送给了我的隔壁邻居。
I find some to eat, I gave it to my neighbor.

4. 他整天说他已经看过那部电影八次了。但我不认为他在说真话。He said he had seen the film eight times. But I don't think he is telling the truth.

5. 我那经常考试不及格的弟弟说这份法语试卷上的题目太难了,他不会做。 My brother often fail in the examination, said the French paper on the subject too difficult, he won't do.

6. 他把我昨天买的花瓶放在窗户前面。 He gave me a vase bought yesterday in front of the window.

7. 在我丢的那把钥匙之后,他买了一个新锁。 After I have lost the key, he bought a new lock.

8. 苍蝇是没有人喜欢的讨厌东西。 The fly is nobody likes hating.

9. 他也想买那辆我可以用分期付款的方式购买的小车。 He also wants to buy a car I can use installment payment to buy the car.

10.我非常想要一只可以帮我做数学题的狗。 I really want a can help me with my math dog.

11. 你能描述一下你上星期丢的那辆自行车吗? Can you describe the bike you lost last week?

12. 他已经接受了我们昨天给他的建议。 He has accepted our suggestion for him yesterday.

13. 昨天那位加班的先生刚刚离开办公室。 Yesterday the overtime has just left the office.

14. 这位曾经将车3次撞向了电线杆的女士是我妈妈。 The lady had the car 3 times hit a telegraph pole is my mother.

15. 在我超过了哪两我买不起的车后,我想司机挥了挥手。 In my more than two I can not afford to buy the car, and I waved to the driver.

I love you so much.Hold my hand firmly if you do love me!

1.My parents often asked me not to spend to much time on watching TV.
2.Children are often told not to play with fire.
3.When did you get to Shanghai? How long have you been in Shanghai?
4.With teacher's help, I have passed the English test.
5.Please eat less, otherwise you will get fatter and fatter.
6.The students became queit as soon as the bell ran.
7.It is impolite to make fun of others.
8.I can't wait to meet you.
9.He got lost in the rainstorm.
10.These children looked very well.
11.The silk cloth feels very soft to touch.
12.The food taste off-flavor.
13.He didn't notice me as he passing by.

1, my parents often ask me not to spend too much time to watch tv. 2, often tell children not to play with fire. 3, when did you arrive in Shanghai? How long will you stay in Shanghai? 4, with the help of the teacher, I have passed the English exam. 5, please eat less, otherwise you will get fatter and fatter. In 6, when the bell rang, the students on the quiet. 7, it is impolite to laugh at others. In 8, I am unable to hold oneself back to see you again. In 9, he lost in the storm. 10, the children look very healthy. 11, the silk feels very soft. 12, the food tastes. In 13, he passed by me without noticing me.

1.My parents often asked me not to spend to much time on watching TV.
2.Children are often told not to play with fire.
3.When did you get to Shanghai? How long have you been in Shanghai?
4.With teacher's help, I have passed the English test.
5.Please eat less, otherwise you will get fatter and fatter.
6.The students became queit as soon as the bell ran.
7.It is impolite to make fun of others.
8.I can't wait to meet you.
9.He got lost in the rainstorm.
10.These children looked very well.
11.The silk cloth feels very soft to touch.
12.The food taste off-flavor.
13.He didn't notice me as he passing by.

my parents usually ask me not to spend much time in watching TV.
usually tell children not to play with fire.
when are you going to shanghai? how long have you been in shanghai?

busy 英['bɪzɪ] 美[ˈbɪzi]adj. 忙碌的;占线;繁华的;爱管闲事的 vt. 忙着做某事;使奔走;使经营 n. 〈英俚〉侦探;包打听 ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是...

So hurriedly did we left that we forgot to lock the door.We left so hurriedly that we forgot to lock the door.We left in such a hurry that we forgot to lock the door.In such a hurry did we left that we forgot to lock the door....

kind of busy a little busy a little bit busy

我的爸爸忙于工作 用英语怎么写
天哪,busy是形容词,不可能有动名词形式,关于busy,有两个词组 一个是 be busy with sth 另一个是be busy in doing sth 你这个句子可以翻译为 My father is busy with his work.work可以换成jobs 或者是My father is busy in working....

Some idle away their time and some are swamped.

您拨打的用户忙用英语:The subscriber you dialed is busy.subscriber的意思是用户。(1)subscriber 英 [səbˈskraɪbə(r)] 美 [səbˈskraɪbər]n.用户,订户;定期捐款者;预约者;签署者。例句:Sorry, the subscriber is power-off.对不起...

跪求英语大神帮我用中文句子翻译成英文句子。 “或许你真的很忙,甚至...
或许你真的很忙,甚至连回我一条短信的时间都没有Maybe you are really busy, even I have no time for a message

聊天时 “你忙吧 不打扰你了”用英语 怎么翻译
1、I know you are busy, I'll let you go now.2、You're probably busy, I won't take any more of your time.具体词可以变换, "I shouldn't", "I dont' want to", etc.

日常使用第二个翻译更好,较为官方的表达可以用第一个 首先,第一个翻译中使用了"a heavy workload"来描述工作很忙的人,这是一个更正式和专业的表达方式,指的是 "繁重的工作量",但并不是所有读者都熟悉这个术语。相比之下,第二个翻译使用了"busy work"来描述,这是一个更常见和直观的表达...

I will be busy this afternoon. what about this evening ?

定边县15267677699: 帮忙用英语翻译一个句子,急急急 -
貂怎比亚: I love you! If you love me, please firmly grasp my hand.

定边县15267677699: 帮忙用英语翻译以下句子
貂怎比亚: 1. I often practise writing Chinese characters. 2. His smile infected us greatly 3. Cancers are a kind of incurable disease. 4. This problem is very intractable. 5. Have you read the instructions of this product? 6.. His laziness has some effect on his ...

定边县15267677699: 请帮忙用英语翻译几句话....
貂怎比亚: I'm very pleased to know you are interested in our products. And I'm pleased to tell you that we are now in a position to manufacture the products as shown in your picture according to your specific requirements. I'm looking forward to offering our service for you.

定边县15267677699: 帮忙用英语翻译五个短句. -
貂怎比亚: 1:在这条河里游泳很危险.It's dangerous to swim in this river.2:放学打篮球,很有意思.It's interesting to play basketball after school.3:现在已经不可能抓住小偷了.It'...

定边县15267677699: 帮忙用英文翻译几个句子 急~
貂怎比亚: 1.If only the letter has come in time! 2.I hope that he can receive my letter tomorrow. 3.Hope you get good marks in the entrance exam. 4.It sounds like he had been there when it comes to Paris. 5.It feels as if it was spring now. 也可能不对...应该差不多吧

定边县15267677699: 帮忙用英语翻译下面的句子
貂怎比亚: My character is neutral, I will play crazy for people who are familiar with, strangers, I cannot ignore, because of the tall, so I prefer to play basketball, and also playing table tennis; comparison there is not much interest in life, occasionally to the Internet, hope in the days ahead we can relate to

定边县15267677699: 帮忙用英语翻译一下这几个句子....
貂怎比亚: 1、列车到达北京车站的时间是18:27 Time to Beijing Station of this train is twenty seven past six pm. 2、下一站将要到达兰州站,请你提前做好下车准备.The next station we are arriving is Lanzhou.Pls prepare yourself for leaving. 3、大约还有20分钟到达终点站. We'll arrive the terminus in twenty minutes.

定边县15267677699: 帮忙翻译英语句子 -
貂怎比亚: 1.I'm going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.2.She doesn't save money this year.But,she'll spend these money to buy a big house.3.Are you going to send your acticles to the newspapers or zhe magezines?4.When are you going to hold your ...

定边县15267677699: 帮忙用英语翻译下列句子
貂怎比亚: 1. 我们应该学着去把问题看作挑战并喜欢面临挑战. -> We should learn to regard the problems as challenges and like to face the challenges. 2. 当你遇到生词时,不要停下来去用词典查阅它们.相反,你应该尽量去猜一下它们的意思. -> ...

定边县15267677699: 帮忙翻译英语句子(急)
貂怎比亚: 1、In ancient times, the food was difficult to find. 2、Autumn festival held to celebrate the harvest. 3、Dragon Boat Festival commemorates poet Quyuan. 4、Because of his outstanding work. 5、In the Spring Festival when children dress up new play.Hope my answer can help you!!!

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