
作者&投稿:戈桑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ free speech 言论自由;          teeny legs 小短腿 ;         for starters 首先;

high-pitched voice 尖嗓音; be dangling by a thread;命悬一线

tower over sb 完全碾压 sb;           egghead 书呆子;          corset 束身衣; go nuts 疯狂;

be tired of breathing 不想呼吸;Trick or treat ,不给糖就捣蛋;rep 代表;

feel bad for me 可怜我;    It was all in good fun,无伤大雅的小玩笑。

He shouldn't dish it  out if he can't take it.己所不欲勿施于人。

The Bill of Tight,美国《权利法案》;spoiler alert 剧透一下;

Gorblimey 哎哟喂; Does it ring any bells? 你想起什么了吗?

I'm all ears.我洗耳恭听;        like a maniac不怕死; satisficer 满意即可型人格;

more make-up好假;            hold one's breath 小声点;

I don't know  if I'm up for it. 我不知道自己做不做得到;

people pleaser 喜欢讨好别人;          swing for thhe fences 挥出全垒打;

Let's open it for questions. 下面请大家尽情提问吧。rule out possibilities 排除各种可能性;

stop being such a satisficer all the time.不要再对别人百依百顺了。

you heart me 你稀罕我。              I'm nothing if I'm not flexible. 我能屈能伸。

leave in a huff.愤然离开; don't take this the wrong way. 你别多想。

give knowing winks, 会心地眨眼,  put together a proposal,写一份建议书。

I didn't want to ruffle any furthers or step on any toes.我不想惹毛或者冒犯到别人

where the heck are we? 这是什么鬼地方。 deep down 内心深处;

That'll show 'em ,点醒这些傻子。 agonize over sth ,纠结某事;

for the record 说真的; you should run by me ,你应该先问过我;

well played 做得好。 I've been dinged on this before,我以前为这事栽过跟头。

but I'm not taking no for an answer.但我不接受否定答案。  take a cheap shot at me无耻地攻击我;

far-fetched牵强附会; co-lead联合首席; photon光子; random attention-seeking nobody某个想出名的无名小卒;

literally can't stand up.真的站不起来了。   what did he ever see in her?他到底看中了她什么呀?

why don't you keep him company?你陪他吧。  sometimes opposites attract.异性相吸;

block out the rest of the evening.留出今晚的余下时间,   I'm a little jet-laggy.我还在倒时差;

spontaneity 随性而为; mix it up炒饭;    rinse off 冲凉;   ball buster 泼妇;

Big Bang Theory S12 E7-E9 口语整理

if he tries himself out now, he'll sleep better tonight.如果他现在把精力耗光, 晚上会睡得比较熟。

sorry, I haven't had a second to myself . 抱歉,前面一直 忙的不可开交。

Do I detect a little swagger in your step?某人好像春风得意马蹄疾啊。

I have sole discretion .全凭我一人处置。hold on别着急。

kissing of the buttocks 溜须拍马。 form a line 排队

have trouble history 有过节。 give me a fair shot 公报私仇。

bring it in!抱一个          hang in there.加油吧      koi 鲤鱼。

I'm gonna be stuck at work for a while. 我还得加会儿班。

just so decisive.太杀伐果决了。

I just came by to pay you a compliment.我只是表扬你一下。

Nice try,想得美。 denying things left and right.这个不行那个不准。

Your proposal is also in the mix.你的计划书也在考虑范围内。

but your request is definitely in the running. 但绝对优先考虑你的要求。

  I smell a rat.我闻到了可疑的味道。

Show me the money. 让我赚大钱。    hold a grudge 记仇。

I need everyone to back off.你们都别干涉我。

pros and cons lists.利弊分析表

meta-scoring system.元打分系统。

Are you trying to get us caught?你想害我们被发现吗。

free up more money.放出更多资金。

hear me out.听我说完。 sap 倒霉鬼

What-cha doin?你在干什么      so spill.老实招来

I'm just running some errands.我只是要去办事。

Got to stay hydrated.我得随时补充水分

I would literally do anything.我什么都愿意做。

some sort of long con 放长线钓大鱼。

checkmate 将军【象棋用语】。

so it comes and goes?所有你这也没个准数。

  you are stretching the truth. 你在扭曲真相

lay on the guilt,激发内疚感

don't freak out.先别慌

she just need some downtime.她只是需要自己的时间静静。

life insurance人寿保险

they made a very compelling case.他们的理由特别令人信服。

its quantum efficiency is off the charts .量子效率简直突破天际。

Don't make any sudden moves.别轻举妄动。

stereotype 刻板印象;

If anything, I'm overconfident, edging into smug.


transitive property 传递性。 back at ya,你也是。

sign on for a lifetime of mediocre sex. 过一辈子平淡无奇的床笫生活。

  it's my cover story.借此掩饰过去。

feel free to look around.随便逛吧。voila !奇迹发生。

I am freaking out.我都要疯了。

get the lay of the land,踩点。

she's on her way up!.她马上就到了。

be right out. 马上出来; come off 脱下。 a word.聊两句;借一步说话。

  we need to get going.我们得走了。close-up magic近景魔术。

little eccentricities 小怪癖

deep-seated psychological disturbance。深层的心理障碍

a picture's worth a thousand words.一图胜千言。

nothing beats ....无敌。 selfie 自拍。

Don't beat yourself up.别太为难自己。

we're in the middle of a game.我们在玩游戏。

I'm bonding with your mom.我在和你妈联络感情。

all your action figures are on fire,你的手办全部着火了。

I'm in my PJs,我穿着睡衣。

Even after she threw  you under the bus, you're still gonna defend her.


you are a delight,你真讨人喜欢。  watch closely看好了。

bottomless intellectual curiosity 深不可测的求知欲。

bibliography 参考文献。    avocado 牛油果

there are hundreds of citations to track down.有数百条引文要查询。

grad student 研究生  childlike innocence 烂漫童心。

He doesn't wait until you're all the way dead to eat you.他不会等你全部死透,就把你吃了。 

I' m having an affair. 我出轨了。  took him out 干掉他了。

couldn't keep one's hands off you.对你上下其手。

cutthroat 残酷      haunted house 鬼屋

can't you just rub his nose in that? 拿这件事去跟他炫耀不久够了吗。

my Russian's a little rusty.我的俄语也有点不利索了。

kind of rolls right off your tongue.还有点朗朗上口。

does not bear the weight of further examination. 无法进行更深入的研究。

be snarky恶毒      pretend to be okay 故作坚强

wee 赞哦!  you guys look all comfy,你们挺放松自在啊

down by seven 稍微落后。

We worked our butts off on this paper.我们为这篇论文拼尽心力

pep talk鼓励的话                what a rush!真爽。

I cut you a lot of slack.我对你优待有加。I've gotten under your skin.让你难受了。testy 暴躁的; 

sexually frustrated 欲求不满; I'll have to take your word for it.那我只能相信你的话了;

vindictive women 报复心强的女人;   martial congress 夫妻房事;  voila! 请看。  She called your bluff,吹牛被抓到了吧;

to guesting on the local news.去地方电视台当嘉宾;   live TV电视直播;   go check it out.去看看情况;

you caught me in a lie.被你抓到我撒谎了。  the sequel stands on its own这续集能自成一部。

wizard robes 巫师袍; socially sanctioned受社会认可的;  RAJ is on the next. 马上轮到RAJ了。

to be fair 老实说。 astrophysics天体物理学。 pull up停下来,快刹车;   

 I want to look away, but I can't.简直不忍直视,但我眼睛舍不得转。

He'a mousy little man who can't stand up for himself.他就是个胆小如鼠、不敢捍卫自己的小男人;

smack down怒怼; overbearing 超级霸道;      I'm too much for him.他受不了我了;

hit the road上路吧;              street cart 路边摊;  I'm not particularly  physical person.我不太喜欢肢体接触;

bedroom endeavors 床上运动; heavily-muscled肌肉发达的; get off 高潮; 

open mic night开放麦脱口秀;  all due respect.无意冒犯;  goombas笨蛋;

beat  sb into risotto把sb打成肉泥; meal ticket,常客;   whole M.O全部套路

I woule in no way call him a gentleman.我绝不会称他为绅士。

no business like show business,娱乐至上。 my fee is covered.我的钱已经收到了,time served服刑;

bar-back服务员。 get personal 人身攻击; claustrophobic 幽闭恐惧症;  catch up on赶进度; 

wet one's whistle让某人垂涎; I'm back in it.我再次进入状态了【热血沸腾】;

got a sec?有时间吗 ;  stop by,特地来一趟;  spotlight舞台,聚光灯;

I just stormed out for dramatic effect.我夺门而出只是为了做效果;  Poincare algebra庞加莱代数;

newlyweds新婚夫妇; allow me to rephrase that.让我重新说一遍;  epic screwup严重的事。

take a temporary sabbatical暂时休假;  they're gonna get on earful.我要弄死他们。

just between you and me,偷偷告诉你;  quite step down弱很多;on the tenure track成为终身教授;

you were spread too thin.你兼顾不了两边;lay it on us说吧;  I folded 我屈服了;

steal the show抢风头;    just be the bigger man。稍微心胸大度一点;

free up personnel空出人员; don't go mansplaining things to her.别拿直男癌说教那一套对她。

be cleared for landing.安全着陆;   delicatessens 熟食店。manifestation of subconscious意识的化身;

lean 瘦肉;  cut out停下;  double check 再确认一下;CDC疾控中心;

whatever she dishes out, you can give it right back double.无论她出什么招,你都可以加倍奉还。

there you go,就是这样。  bring it in。来抱一个! whee!赞一个

just a heads-up,提醒一下;

they are checking all my boxes.我的要求他们都照着做了。

It's just such a bummer.好令人失望啊!

I got to do it.我忍不住了;   

  If we present a united front,we have a much better shot at winning.如果我们统一战线;获奖的机会更大。

I am  up to it.我能胜任。

It's part of the new sports complex.就在体育中心里。

informative meeting有教育意义的会议

I'm just a little bit run-down.我只是有点流鼻涕;  head cold伤风;

stop rubbing it in.别再显摆了;  snot bag鼻涕虫;

when life gives you lumens, make lumen-ade.当生活给你流明光,你就做成流明水。

    break room 休息室      you don't say.可不是嘛。

hold a conference召开记者会            shame on you鄙视你。

imposter冒名顶替者;  yikes 可怕。  rave狂欢派对;

let's get our story straight.我们来对一下供词。

keep your traps shut,免开尊口 ;    I  snapped我突然失去理智了。

This is my time.这次归我;  do it in slo-mo.慢动作;    frumpy 磕碜; 

we're all on the same page.大家步调一致;heck 天呐;   you dog,你个色狼;

 hoodie 连帽衫 ;  I‘m done tiptoeing around him.我受够小心翼翼迎合他了;

for no earthly reason.毫无理由;  turn in上床睡觉; 

be a return to the status quo.回到原样;  the most docile最听话的;

we've been draging our feet,我们一直在拖延时间;parenting strategy教子之方;

Indian giver.印第安给予者;Indian 部落送出礼物后要求回礼,否则可索回礼物;

push me to be the best version of myself.逼迫我成为最好的自己;

what's the fracas.妈蛋,什么鬼;

that's a weight of my shoulders.让我如释重负。catch the two of you later.回头见啦你们二位。

but the excuse is runninng out of steam.这个借口都用烂了。

throw a tantrum.发脾气;         ~ is baked into our biology. 是我们的天性; 

with my  health being what it is, I try  to live one day at a time.鉴于我的身体状况,我是过一天算一天的人。

I stand by my statement.我不改口; you never know 世事难料;很难说;你永远不知道;

whittle it down.缩减。       my head is wrapped.我处理好了。

don't let her pull you.别让你牵着走。    rue  the day.后悔;    will not fly in her.在这行不通。

why don't you kick us off.你来起个;    the loosey-goosey attitude.大大咧咧的态度;

pair off and practice.分组练习。 airsick 晕机。 case in point,例子;  speaking of which。 说到这里。

take it up with ~    。和~打一架。  have a meltdown.精神奔溃;

I was under a mispresentation that.....我一直误以为。。。

you would be the authority on the subject.你是这问题的关键。

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2技能:增加效果:爆炸后将在区域产生弹坑持续每段造成50(+6\/Lv)(+0.05Ap)伤害 9. 花木兰 虽然在蓄力过程中无法移动产生了较高的技能释放成本 但花木兰从蓄力期间获得免伤的收益依然高过了这些成本,使得花木兰在承伤这一项上相对于其他战士拥有过大的优势 我们会持续关注花木兰在对局中的表现 重剑...

2技能:增加效果:爆炸后将在区域产生弹坑持续每段造成50(+6\/Lv)(+0.05Ap)伤害 9. 花木兰 虽然在蓄力过程中无法移动产生了较高的技能释放成本 但花木兰从蓄力期间获得免伤的收益依然高过了这些成本,使得花木兰在承伤这一项上相对于其他战士拥有过大的优势 我们会持续关注花木兰在对局中的表现 重剑...

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湮灭: 姜子牙在指定地点引爆能量,击退爆炸点周围的敌人并造成法术伤害。断罪: 召唤能量聚集持续4秒,蓄力过程中进行任意操作都会中断蓄力并放出冲击波造成高额法术伤害,蓄力越久伤害和射程越高。推荐加点:主升:1技能忏悔 | 副升:2技能湮灭 | 召唤师技能:治疗术或闪现 王者荣耀s12赛季姜子牙出装...

又凭什么推动一个无穷大的质量的物体运动? 所以我们得出结论:①人的运动不可能达到光速;②“人的运动要是能达到光速”,那个时候的人不是“长生不老”而是早已死去。 俗话说:人到七十古来稀。但你希望再活一百年吗?一些未来学家预测,随着科学的进步,终有一天这美梦会成真。而另外一些专家则认为,人类存在生理...

如果有一天,地球真的到了爆炸那一天,全球人都炸死了,你还没有炸死,一个人在无垠的宇宙中飘浮或是坠落,到那时,你会觉得更大的恐惧。即使这样,何求长生...所以,在长生论中,不能把长生与长寿混为一谈,不能说实现人活多少岁。 人的长生即人永远活着。要实现人的长生,即是要确保人永远活着。活即有生命,人的...

提问者: s123321w - 试用期 一级 最佳答案 这是可能的。人体的衰老主要是由细胞再生能力的逐步减弱或逐步失去功能。 而造成衰老最主要的原因,就是自由...如果有一天,地球真的到了爆炸那一天,全球人都炸死了,你还没有炸死,一个人在无垠的宇宙中飘浮或是坠落,到那时,你会觉得更大的恐惧。即使这样,何求长生...

2技能:增加效果:爆炸后将在区域产生弹坑持续每段造成50(+6\/Lv)(+0.05Ap)伤害 9. 花木兰 虽然在蓄力过程中无法移动产生了较高的技能释放成本 但花木兰从蓄力期间获得免伤的收益依然高过了这些成本,使得花木兰在承伤这一项上相对于其他战士拥有过大的优势 我们会持续关注花木兰在对局中的表现 重剑...

沾益县15619579759: 谁有生活大爆炸全部的台词,最好是中英文对照的… -
万琪参术: 1、 我不需要那些不如我的人对我的肯定. i don't need validation from lesser minds. 2、 火箭科学家?火箭科学家?你怎么不干脆告诉他们我在金门大桥收过路费?我是研究弦论的理论物理学家.火箭科学家!太侮辱人了! The rocket ...

沾益县15619579759: 求 生活大爆炸 第一季第一集口语摘录5句!要求 准确,地道,且出自美剧 生活大爆炸第一季第一集. -
万琪参术:[答案] Take your time.不着急,慢慢来.What do you guys do for fun around here?你们平时都玩些什么?Make yourself at home.就当在自己家一样.I think I've made my point.我想我的意思表达清楚了.I'm such a mess.我真是...

沾益县15619579759: 求美剧(生活大爆炸)经典对白 -
万琪参术: 你个这问题不好说 我打了个我觉得挺经典的,sheldon总让leonard替他去买东西,条件刻苛,还总不满意 sheldon:did you ask for the chicken with broccoli to be diced,not shredded?leonard:yes Even though the menu description speciflies "...

沾益县15619579759: 生活大爆炸中的经典深刻台词有哪些 -
万琪参术: 只记得这么多了,你看下1、嗯,今天我们尝试手淫是为了钱.2、是的,它告诉我们,你参与的群众文化有个错觉,以为太阳的视位置相对于任意星座的定义你的出生,在某种程度上影响你的人格.3、你没有与乔伊斯·金“分手”.她...

沾益县15619579759: 谁有生活大爆炸的台词啊,急求 -
万琪参术: 个人比较喜欢的一些推荐给你:1.你太善良了,这个世界会把你啃得尸骨无存.2.你毁了我容忍SB的能力.3.人穷尽一生追寻另一个人类,共度一生的事,我一直无法理解.或许我自己太有意思,无需他人陪伴,所以,我祝你们在对方身上得到...

沾益县15619579759: 求<生活大爆炸>经典台词~
万琪参术: “请问这里是高智商精子银行吗?” 护士白眼道,“连这都要问,那显然这里不是你该来的地方.” 谢尔顿突然说,“我办不到.” “为什么?你可是半个职业选手啊.” 然后谢尔顿说,“那些可怜的妇女会对我的精子报以极高希望,但是很有可能将来生的孩子不一定是高智商.就像我和我姐一样,我智商187,但我姐只是个服务生.” “你干嘛不理你妹妹?” Sheldon:“我不是不理她,我是无视你们所有人.” “工程学的问题应该我回答,我是物理工程师” Sheldon:“人类所有问题都该我回答,因为我是人.” Sheldon:“我不需要没我聪明的人来肯定我!” 莱斯利经典台词:“勾引男人靠胸,留住男人靠脑.”

沾益县15619579759: 生活大爆炸经典对白
万琪参术: sheldon:did you ask for the chicken with broccoli to be diced,not shredded? leonard:yes Even though the menu description speciflies "shredded" yes. brown rice,not white? yes did you stop at the korean grocery? yes and get the good hot mustard...

沾益县15619579759: 求生活大爆炸经典片段10分钟,有7~8人对话的 -
万琪参术: 七八个人对话的不是很多,买餐桌那段也就四个人呀,我感觉第八季第6集开头那段关于sheldon和raj要去矿井工作,然后其他几个人每人都说几句话取笑sheldon这个挺有意思,符合你的7-8个人,那段是7个人都在说.不过没有10分钟.生活大爆炸都是每个小片段演一两分钟就跳到下一个片段.满意请采纳,有问题请追问.

沾益县15619579759: 求《生活大爆炸》里的有趣对白 -
万琪参术:yes,it tell us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the sun's apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of you...

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