
作者&投稿:才莉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

小品词就是那些小的介词和副词:at, in, on, off, up, out of, into, away…

小品词小,而且看似简单。on不就是“在……之上”吗?当然,有些人还会想起在go on, get on中意为“继续进行”。


On turning the corner, he descended the slope.



再比如 “with”, 如果仅知道“和……一起”,下面的句子也会有困难。

Companies with low accident rates work hard to keep their safety programs alive and active.(with: 具有/拥有)


With care, they will take home not the problems of science and technology, but the benefits.(with表条件: 只有/只要)




(Characters: three reindeers, Santa Claus, policeman, little match-girl + narrator)

Voiceover: As the financial crisis is sweeping across the world, The Santa Claus who used to be rich became so poor recently. For him, it’s doubt how to celebrate the Christmas Eve tonight. Look, his three reindeers are walking in front of the house. Let’s listen to what they will say.

Linden: I hope to eat turkey!
Scott: Oh, darling, tonight is Christmas Eve, not Thanksgiving Day. We’re stars tonight!
Linden: Star? No, no, tonight the stars are those kids and that guy ----- the boss. You know, we haven’t touched meat since last Thanksgiving Day. Now, everyday eats potato, and potato and potato, I hate potato! Now anything is turkey in my eyes.
You, and you, are all turkeys.
Oh, my turkey.
Baker: You're crazy!
Linden: I can't bear it any more, so, I plan my job hopping.
Baker: You? Job hopping? Serve Obama, I believe he has never eaten a reindeer.
Linden: Shut up! You fatty!
Scott: Linden is right. Boss owes us so much salary, moreover, I have a big family to support. I think we should take a measure by now.
We need to get a life, a classy life.
Baker: But it’s due to the financial crisis.
Linden: Stop!
Scott: Sh~ boss is coming.  
(角色:三个驯鹿,圣诞老人,警察,小match-girl +旁白)


下面是英文翻译。A:sir,sir,please give me a piece of bread.thank you,sir.I'm hungry to die.B:get away,get away,dirty man.A:sir,sir!!B:run away,please run away.I have no food,and I don't have money,either.C:hey,xiao D,he is so foolish,isn't he?D:yes,yes.A:...

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