求《绿野仙踪》英文读后感 80--100词就OK拉.

作者&投稿:移映 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ "The Wizard of Oz" tells a beautiful kind-hearted girl Dorothy's adventures.
This book's characters are Dorothy,Tin Man,Scarecrow,Lion,Witch and the South,the East Witch of the North Witch,Witch of the West ......which,Witch of the East and the West Witch is evil,and Witches Witch of the North and the South good.
Very good story of Dorothy,she begins with Aunt Em and Uncle Henry lived in Kansas.One day,he and his little dog Toto were playing,the tornado came,Dorothy and Toto the dog hid under the bed,and Aunt Em and Uncle Henry hid in the cellar of the safety of the house fly slowly up after a while children,house and slowly drop down,crushing the evil Witch of the East,Dorothy also came to another country.
Dorothy wanted to return to their hometown - Kansas.Along the way she met a scarecrow without a brain,birth embroidered iron-and the Cowardly Lion.They suffered from poverty,come to the Emerald City,to see the great Oates.Oates agreed that they only kill the Witch of the West in order to achieve their own aspirations.Smart and brave the evil West,Dorothy killed the Witch,rescued lions,repaired her friends the Scarecrow and the Tin Man.Oates to achieve their great desire to have a smart brain the Scarecrow,Tin Man has a good heart,the Cowardly Lion had the courage,these are great Oates to help them achieve.The Dorothy and Toto dog in the South and the North Witch Witch help,finally returned to her hometown - Kansas,to see my dear Aunt Em and Uncle Henry.
Read the "Wizard of Oz",I feel a friend is very precious.Dorothy and the Scarecrow,tin and the lion,never met the friend,then tide over the difficulties together and help each other to achieve the results they desire.Our students are friends,we should help each other.Friends are precious,very important,and we should cherish him and let friendship flowers bloom forever.
From which I also understand the truth:people have to move forward towards their established goals drove in along the way with courage,the courage to fight bull by the horns,and ultimately the ideal haven.To achieve each goal is to work hard to pay,should not afraid of difficulties,with a good heart,and peer solidarity,mutual help,then you want to make a better day will come.In this book,Dorothy and her friends in order to achieve aspirations,not afraid of difficulties and help each other to defeat the enemy,and friends have achieved their aspirations,Dorothy finally in the south with the help of a good witch Glinda,but also back home in Texas,end of a long journey.I later in life,learning to Dorothy must learn from difficulties in life to find ways to solve it.In the study do not know to ask the teacher,ask students to make more knowledgeable.

绿野仙踪英文是:Wizard of Oz。重点词汇:Wizard 英['wɪzəd]释义:n.巫师,术士;能手,奇才;向导程序。adj.卓越的,杰出的,极好的,奇妙的;男巫的,巫术的。vi.练习巫术。vt.召唤。[复数:wizards]短语:The Wizard of OZ绿野仙踪;OZ国历险记;绿家仙踪;奥滋国历险记。例...

绿野仙踪的英文是:The Wizard of Oz。《绿野仙踪》是美国作家弗兰克·鲍姆创作的一部长篇童话,讲述了小女孩多萝西被一场龙卷风刮到了一个陌生而神奇的国度——奥兹国,并迷失了回家的路。在寻找回家的路上,她陆续结识了稻草人、铁皮樵夫和胆小狮,他们为了实现各自的心愿,互相帮助...

具体如下:The wizard of Oz is the opening work of the famous American children's literature writer Lyman Frank Baum's series of classic fairy tales of Oz, and it is also his representative work.《绿野仙踪》是美国著名儿童文学作家莱曼·弗兰克·鲍姆系列作品《奥兹国经典童话》的开篇之...

Dorothy lives on a farm in Kansas until a cyclone arrives, and picks her, her house, and her dog up and deposits them in the land of Oz. Things in Oz are strange and beautiful, but Dorothy just wants to get back home. She's helped by the Good Witch of the North, but...

绿野仙踪故事梗概英文 绿野仙踪内容梗概英文
1、主人公多萝西是一个寻常的女孩,她和叔叔婶婶住在乡下,朋友很少,生活单调乏味。在一场龙卷风中,她来到了一块神奇的土地。Dorothy, the protagonist, is an ordinary girl. She lives in the countryside with her uncles and aunts. She has few friends and her life is monotonous. In a ...


【绿野仙踪 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz】

欢迎探索小学生必读的文学瑰宝——《绿野仙踪》(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz),现在我们特别呈现英文动画版,还附赠丰富的学习资源和互动体验!这部作品不仅是美国儿童文学的里程碑,被美国儿童文学协会选为"十部最伟大的儿童文学作品"之一,也是教育界推荐的"最佳童书",陪伴了无数代人的成长历程。故事...

译文:《绿野仙踪》是高山文彦执导,Aileen Quinn等主演的冒险电影。影片讲述了善良的小姑娘多萝茜被一场龙卷风刮到了一个陌生而神奇的国度——奥兹国,并迷失了回家的路。在那里,她陆续结识了没有脑子的稻草人、没有心脏的铁皮人和十分胆小的狮子。他们为了实现各自的心愿,互相帮助,携手协作,历尽艰险...

《绿野仙踪》--Wizard of Oz

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解阎百咳: 作者:莱曼·弗兰克·鲍姆国籍:美国翻译:陈伯吹 内容提要: 善良的小姑娘多诺茜被一场龙卷风刮到了一个陌生而神奇的国度——奥兹国,并迷失了回家的路.在那里,她陆续结识了没脑子的稻草人、没爱心的铁皮人和胆小的狮子,他们为了实现各自的心愿,互相帮助,携手协作,历尽艰险,遇到许多稀奇古怪的事情.最终,他们凭借自己非凡的智能和顽强的毅力,都如愿以偿地完成自己的心愿.

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解阎百咳: After reading this wonderful story, I can feel love, brave, deep friendship and some other good spirits in the people. This book tells us a story of how a little girl Dorothy goes back to her hometown when she is in another strange city.I think we should ...

兴城市15715863833: 求《绿野仙踪》英文读后感 80 -- 100词就OK拉. -
解阎百咳: "The Wizard of Oz" tells a beautiful kind-hearted girl Dorothy's adventures. This book's characters are Dorothy, Tin Man, Scarecrow, Lion, Witch and the South, the East Witch of the North Witch, Witch of the West ... ... which, Witch of the East and ...

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