
作者&投稿:葛方 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

buy 过去式和过去完成时都是bought buy的现在进行时buying buy的单三buys

buy 过去式和过去完成时都是bought buy的现在进行时buying buy的单三buys

buy 过去式和过去完成时都是bought buy的现在进行时buying buy的单三buys。

过去分词(英语:past participle),是分词的一种,通常含有被动意义。



  • i—a—u变化。(7个)  begin—began—begun  drink—drank—drunk  sing— sang—sung  ring—rang—rung  swim—swam—swum  sink— sank—sunk  spring—sprang—sprung

  • 词尾为-ow,-aw时,过去式将其变为-ew,过去分词在其原形后加n。(5个)  blow—blew—blown  draw—drew—drawn  grow— grew—grown  know—knew—known  throw—threw—thrown(show除外)

  • 词尾为“i+辅(1个)+e”,过去式将i变为o,过去分词多在原形后加n,若那个辅音字母为d或t,须双写d或t后加n。(4个)(give,hide除外)  drive—drove—driven  write—wrote—written  ride— rode—ridden  rise—rose—risen

  • 过去分词在过去式后加n。(3个)  wake—woke—woken  speak-spoke-spoken  steal-stole-stolen

  • 过去分词由过去式加-ten构成。(2个)  get-got-gotten/got  forget—forgot—forgotten

  • 过去分词由原形加(e)n构成。(7个)  be—was(were)—been  eat—ate—eaten  fall—fell—fallen  give—gave—given  see—saw—seen  hide—hid—hidden(hid) take—took—taken

  • 词尾为-ake时,过去式将其变为-ook,过去分词在原形词后加-n。(2个)  take—took—taken  mistake—mistook—mistaken

  • 原形、过去式和过去分词都不相同。(6个)  do—did—done  fly—flew—flown  go—went—gone  lie—lay—lain  show—showed—shown  wear—wore—worn

  • 词尾为-eak时,过去式将其变为-oke,过去分词在过去式后加-n。(2个)  break—broke—broken  speak—spoke—spoken

  • 词中间为“oo+辅(1个)+e”或“ee+辅(1个)+e”,过去式将oo、ee变为o,过去分词在过去式后加-n。(2个)  choose—chose—chosen  freeze—froze—frozen

  • AAB型

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we did it we`ve done it we got a way we replayed an old song sunuy holiday so night you know what is all about party have to find you are ready no doubt You and me We are always on the run having fun Knowing me Knowing you It's the best we can do You and me W...

蝶山区15016217364: buy的过去将来时怎么写? -
线具消银: buy的过去将来时有以下几种: 1. would buy 2. was/were going to buy 3. was/were to buy 4. was/were about to buy 以上供参考,具体用法还得根据实际情况.

蝶山区15016217364: buy过去式和过去分词,其他的也给一下 -
线具消银: buy-bought-bought do did done have had had see saw seen open opened opened air aired aired ask asked asked put put put go went gone be was/were been 望采纳,一字一字打上去的啊!!!

蝶山区15016217364: buy的过去式 -
线具消银: buy 英 [baɪ] 美 [baɪ] vt.& vi. 购买,购得 n. 交易,买卖;便宜货 vt. 够支付;买通;收买;贿赂 过去式:bought 过去分词:bought 现在分词:buying 第三人称单数:buys(1)买;购买If you buy something, you obtain it by paying money for it.He...

蝶山区15016217364: buy的非谓语动词是什么? -
线具消银: 非谓语动词是指在句子中不是谓语的动词,主要包括不定式、动名词和分词(现在分词和过去分词)三类.非谓语动词一般有三种形式:动词不定式、动名词和动词+ed形式.因此buy作谓语动词,可根据具体语境,分为to buy、buying、to have bought三种形式

蝶山区15016217364: buy的单三形式 -
线具消银: buy 英[baɪ] 美[baɪ] vt. 购买,购得; n. 交易,买卖; 便宜货; vt. 够支付; 买通; 收买; 贿赂; [例句]He could not afford to buy a house 他买不起房子. [其他] 第三人称单数:buys 现在分词:buying 过去式:bought过去分词:bought

蝶山区15016217364: buy的各种时态形式? -
线具消银: buys is/was/were buying bought had/have boughtwill/would buy have /had been buying

蝶山区15016217364: buy的第三人称单数形式 -
线具消银: 第三人称单数形式1.一般情况下,加s2.以s,x,ch,sh,o结尾的动词,加es:uses,mixes,watches(看),washes,goes等等.3.以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i,加es:carry——carries.

蝶山区15016217364: 在英文中买的过去式 -
线具消银: 买的英文是buy.过去式: bought bought 英 [bɔ:t] 美 [bɔt] v.购买,购得( buy的过去式和过去分词 );做出牺牲以获得;够支付;买通 例句:I also bought some casual clothes for the weekend. 我还买了些周末穿的休闲装. I've just bought a ...

蝶山区15016217364: buy的第三人称单数形式是什么和现在分词是什么和过去式是什么 -
线具消银: 第三人称单数形式:buys, 现在分词:buying, 过去式:bought. 望采纳,谢谢!

蝶山区15016217364: buy怎么加ing形式和s/se 过去式是什么?leave的过去式是什么?make的过去式是什么? -
线具消银: buy 现在分词buying 单三形式 buys 过去式 bought leave 过去式 left make 过去式 made

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