E04| Flipped the Sycamore Tree Chapter 4 笔记

作者&投稿:颛省 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ the words always come out soft and somehow heavy这些话总是显得柔和而沉重

the garage is stuffed with things that everyone thinks they need but no one ever uses车库塞满了每个人都认为他们需要但没人用过的东西

when I was little 当我还小的时候

when he was my age当他像我这么大的时候

when I got a little older当我长大一点

I explained it very well 我解释得很好

a record-breaking amount of time破纪录的时间

he kissed me on the forehead他吻我的额头

 a testimony to endurance耐力的见证

It wasn't anything fancy不是什么花哨的东西

my heart was positively racing我的心跳加速

he laughed a little nervous laugh他有点紧张地笑了

what's on your mind 你在想什么 ; 你在想什么呢

I sighed so heavily it surprised even me 我深深地叹了口气,连我都感到惊讶

he didn't interrupt me once他一次也没有打断我

give it a shot 试试吧,来吧

I don't think I slept more than five minutes the whole night.我认为整晚上我睡了不到五分钟

her cheeks flushed with the wind她的脸颊被风吹得通红

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and gave a mighty sniff我擦去脸颊上的眼泪,使劲地闻了闻

I managed tochoke out. 我哽咽着说出了这句话

a pile of sawdust一堆锯末

bear with somebody/something 


1 bear with me spoken used to ask someone politely to  wait  while you find out  information , finish  what you are doing etc 宽容某人

例句:Bear with me a minute, and I’ll check if Mr Garrard’s in.

2 to be  patient  or  continue  to do something  difficult  or  unpleasant  耐心点儿

例句:It’s boring, but please bear with it.

hesitate a moment犹豫一会儿

the fire of sunrise日出之火

 look off into the distance看向远方

obstructing progress on a contracted job 妨碍承包工作的进展

legitimate illness正当的生病

the doors folded open 门折叠打开

a bit of a blur有点模糊不清

Saturday was right around the corner

be  right around the corner 某事马上就要发生了

(just) around/round the corner


a)  near  There’s a bus stop just around the corner.

b)  likely  to happen soon

hold on to the branches tight紧紧抓住树枝

make a mental list of 在心里列一份清单

make a mental note铭记在心

朗文解释:to make a  special   effort  to  remember  something

造句: Sarah made a mental note to ask Janine about it later.

so alive如此真实,活力四射

catch my breath 喘气;摒住呼吸

朗文解释:(also get your breath back) to  start   breathing  normally again after  running  or making a  lot  of  effort

造句:Slow down, I need to catch my breath.

as opposed to something而不是

朗文解释:used to  compare  two things and show that they are different from each other

例句:Students discuss ideas, as opposed to just copying from books.

from exhaustion as opposed to spite

float around me漂浮在我周围

a beam of light 一束光线,一缕光线

double digits两位数

much of a 了不起的;称得上

not much of a 不是一个好的 ; 不太好的 ; 不十分好的 ; 不是很好的

be on the lookout for somebody/something 留心、注意(某人或某事)

朗文解释:to continuously  watch  a place or pay  attention  in order to find something you want or to be  ready  for problems or  opportunities

造句: We’re always on the lookout for new business opportunities.

t ake a shortcut  走捷径

beet red

朗文解释:having a  red   face , especially because you are  embarrassed

造句:She was so embarrassed she turnedbeet red. 她窘得满脸通红

put/add the finishing touches (on/to something) 正在进行收尾工作

朗文解释:to add the  final   details  that make your work  complete

例句:He put the finishing touches on a sunrise

The band are putting the finishing touches to their new album.

quiet as a mouse鸦雀无声

darn well [dɑːrn] 非常好地

not be much of a something

朗文解释:to not be a good example of something or not be very good at something

例句:I'm not much of a climber anymore

keep a good eye on sb/sth 密切注视;留心瞧着, 注意

t ake a shortcut  走捷径

out of spite出于恶意;为泄恨,恶作剧

poop out丧失功能,丧失活力(使)筋疲力尽,(使)疲乏=exhauted

例句:They never get exhausted because they won't stay up long enought to poop out.

nowhere near our house不在房子附近

nowhere near 远非;远不及; 一点儿也不;完全不;远不


a) a long way from a particular place

b) not at all

track down(对…)追查到底;跟踪找到;追寻; 找到,发现;查出; 追捕(查)到底; 追捕到底;

race up向上跑,急剧上升


weary 使人疲劳的; 使人厌烦的

studio[ˈstuːdioʊ  工作室

garage [ɡəˈrɑːʒ]停车房; 车库;

mason  美[ˈmeɪsn] 石匠; 泥瓦匠;

snapshot   [ˈsnæpʃɑːt]快照,快相;急射,速射;简单印象


easel  [ˈiːzl] . 画架;黑板架

picturesque  [ˌpɪktʃəˈresk]  独特的;生动的;别致的;图画般的

canvas [ˈkænvəs] 画布,帆布

transcend [trænˈsend] 胜过,超越

callus [ˈkæləs] 使生老茧;使变硬;使结痂

possessed [pəˈzest] 拥有;具有(特质)

例句:It's almost like his body has been possessed by some graceful spiritual being就好像他的身体被某种优雅的灵魂附体了

 spiritual being 灵性存在

scatter [ˈskætər] 撒播;散开;散布

ornery [ˈɔːrnəri]  坏脾气的;低劣的

meadow [ˈmedoʊ] 草地;牧场

sapling 树苗;年轻人

stutter口吃; 结结巴巴地说; 突突地吃力行驶(或艰难启动、艰难运转);

dive-bomb俯冲轰炸; 俯冲攻击

smirk [smɜːrk] 得意地笑,幸灾乐祸地笑,傻笑;假笑

scout  [skaʊt]  侦察;跟踪,监视;发现

shinny up/down

shinny /ˈʃɪni/ (shinnied, shinnying, shinnies) 击球; 攀爬

the right amount of intersections to make climbing easy

intersection 交集,交叉点,[交] 十字路口

the right amount of 适量的

dizzy [ˈdɪzi] 晕眩的;使人头晕的;昏乱的;心不在焉的;愚蠢的

pomegranates [ˈpɑːmɪɡrænɪt] 石榴花

prize 珍视;捕获;估价

heady [ˈhedi] 兴奋的;任性的;性急的;顽固的;使人头晕的;令人陶醉的

nudge  [nʌdʒ] (用肘)轻推;轻撞;推开;往前挤;劝说;接近

rip  ripped 裂开,被撕裂

造句:the seat of my pants was ripped wide open


marvel [ˈmɑːrvl]感到惊奇(或好奇);大为赞叹

humble [ˈhʌmbl] 谦逊的;简陋的;

majestic [məˈdʒestɪk] 庄严的;宏伟的

converge [kənˈvɜːrdʒ] 聚集;靠拢;收敛

a somewhat lonely joy一种有点孤独的快乐

somewhat 有点,稍微


tow [toʊ]拖;牵引;拽

trailer [ˈtreɪlər]拖车

cherry picker车载式吊车 ; 载式吊车 ; 巨型升降机

overhead power lines头顶的高压线

telephone poles  电线杆

thermoses/thermos [ˈθɜːrməs]  热水瓶(膳魔师)

earmuff  ['ɪr'mʌf] 耳罩

scowl [skaʊl] 怒视

trespass [ˈtrespæs] 非法侵入(他人的土地或财产)

plead [pliːd]    恳求;辩护

megaphone   [ˈmeɡəfoʊn]扩音器,喇叭筒

I functioned the best I could 我已经尽力了

function vi. 起作用; 正常工作; 运转

朗文解释:1. to work in the  correct  or  intended  way SYN= operate function normally/correctly/properly etc 正常工作

2 if something functions in a particular way, it works in that way 运行

mighty [ˈmaɪti]  有力的;强有力的;有势力的

泰安市13010972997: e04授权丢失怎么解决 -
怀桑盐酸: 当户户通出现“E04对不起,该频道未授权”的提示窗口时,通常情况下,我们只需要耐心等待一会,最多两个小时即可恢复正常.此过程重要用于通过卫星给户户通下载授权指令. 当然我们也可以转到“999”频道,此时将显示有...

泰安市13010972997: 德莱克斯壁挂炉显示e04是啥意 -
怀桑盐酸: 这个一般要看壁挂炉说明书的,每家的品牌壁挂炉设置不尽相同.当然,如果是按照通用原则设计故障代码的,那也有一定的规律,E04可能表示系统水压有问题.

泰安市13010972997: 佳能mp288:改了连供错误代码e04怎样解决 -
怀桑盐酸: 佳能288打印机警告灯显示E04,原因如下: 1、打印机墨盒没有正确安装,取出墨盒,重新安装测试. 2、打印机墨盒本身质量有问题,更换新的墨盒测试. 3、打印机墨盒芯片损坏,更换墨盒芯片测试. 4、打印机主控板故障,属于硬件故障...

泰安市13010972997: 特别想请教下,“怦然心动”用英语怎么说 -
怀桑盐酸: 怦然心动的英文:palpitating with excitement eager to do sth 参考例句:1、But when I think of him sound asleep clutching a plastic bowl for a sick child, he tugs on my heartstrings 但是当我想到他于酣睡中,为了病中的孩子,仍紧紧抓住那个塑料...

泰安市13010972997: 怦然心动 英文怎么说? -
怀桑盐酸: 怦然心动 palpitate with excitement eager to do sth

泰安市13010972997: 怦然心动 flipped 中 有哪些插曲, 一并写下吧.谢谢 还有,能找到贝克两兄弟在吃完饭时唱的吗?谢谢 -
怀桑盐酸: 1. Pretty Little Eyes Curtis Lee 2:43 2. One Fine Day The Chiffons 2:15 3. He's So Fine The Chiffons 1:55 4. Chantilly Lace The Big Bopper 2:24 5. There Goes My Baby The Drifters 2:11 6. You've Really Got A Hold On Me The Miracles 2:50 7. ...

泰安市13010972997: 有哪些适合英语初学者读的英文原版书 -
怀桑盐酸: 英语初学者,主要是不要太多生词,句子不要太难,不要太长、太厚. 1、The Little Prince小王子 2. Flipped 怦然心动 3.Animal Farm - George Orwell 动物庄园 4.Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll 爱丽丝漫游奇境 等等这些,还有一些儿童读物也是比较好的选择哦~

泰安市13010972997: matlab怎样翻转矩阵中的一行 例如 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 7 6 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -
怀桑盐酸: >> help fliplr FLIPLR Flip matrix in left/right direction. FLIPLR(X) returns X with row preserved and columns flipped in the left/right direction. X = 1 2 3 becomes 3 2 1 4 5 6 6 5 4 See also FLIPUD, ROT90, FLIPDIM.

泰安市13010972997: She flipped through the pages of a magazine,not really concentrating on them.这里的flip是什么意思呢? -
怀桑盐酸:[答案] 她随便浏览杂志,并没有真正的太过于关注上面的内容. flip 在这里是翻动(书页)的意思

泰安市13010972997: 曾让我心动的人 英语4级以上的帮忙翻译一下 用网上网页翻译的就别回了 -
怀桑盐酸: 2010年的一部美国电影叫《Flipped》,译为《怦然心动》,此处借用一下 the one once flipped me或someone who has flipped my heart

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