
作者&投稿:相扶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Beijing roast duck, is the Beijing famous food, it by luster redcolorful, pulp delicate, flavor mellow, fat but not greasycharacteristic, is "the world delicacy" but is renowned at home andabroad by the reputation.

Hands down, America of the roast duck, is the source to preciousvariety Peking duck, it is now the world highest quality one kind ofmeat duck. It is said, this special pure white Beijing duck's raising,approximately gets up before the millennium about, is because allprevious dynasties of king the distant gold dollar swims hunts for,the partner attains this pure white wild duck to plant, latter raisesfor You Lieer, continuously continues down, only then this is finepurebred, and cultivates now the precious meat duck to plant. Namelywith fills in feeds one kind of white duck which the method fattens,therefore "force feed duck". Not only that, Peking duck once inhundred years before passes on to Europe and America, amazes the worldwith a single brilliant feat after breeding. Thus, took the highquality variety Peking duck, becomes the world precious duck to plantthe origin already long time.
In the roast duck family most magnificent had to be the Quanjude, was it has established roast duck family's Beijing vivid ambassador the status.Quanjude founder Yang Quan the kernel previously was the small trader who lives the duck business after the job chicken, accumulated the capital gradually, founded the Quanjude roast duck shop, invited once a roast duck skilled worker who serves as a petty government official in the clear palace imperial kitchen, with the palace the roaster roast duck the technical fine roast duck, causes the roaster roast duck to come in the folk multiplication.The Quanjude adopts is the roaster roasts the law, does not cut up the chest and abdominal cavities to the duck.Only opens a small hole on the duck body, takes the internal organs, then fills the boiling water toward the duck belly inside, after then ties again the small hole hangs on the fire roasts.Because this method both does not let the duck roast dehydrates and may let duck's skin zhang open is not roasted softly, roasts the duck skin is very thin very crisply, has become the roast duck most delicious part.The roaster has the stove hole not to have the fire door, take fruit trees and so on jujube wood, pear as the fuel, with open fire.When fruit tree burn, smokeless, the fire in a stove is prosperous, the combustion time is long.After the duck enters the stove, must use to select the pole in a disorderly way to exchange duck's position, causes duck being heated to be even, the whole body all can roast.Roasts the duck outward appearance is full, the color assumes the deep red, the cerebral cortex is crisp, outside Jiao Linen, and has a fruit tree's delicate fragrance, the fine goods gets up, the taste is more wonderful.Strictly speaking, only then this kind roasts the law only then to call Beijing the roast duck.


啤 酒:日本人最喜欢喝啤酒,无论是生啤酒或是瓶装的都受欢迎在夏天,部分百货公司更高有露天啤酒馆,吸引大量游客。
威 士 忌:日本人喜爱喝威士忌加冰加水称(Mizuwari)
烧 酒:这种酒是用蕃薯、大麦、蔗糖等材料制成,经过滤后的
炸猪排(Tonkatsu):猪肉片在面包屑里一滚,然后用油煎 !


Traditional Celebration of the Chinese New Year

Of all the traditional Chinese festivals, the new Year was perhaps the most elaborate, colorful, and important. This was a time for the Chinese to congratulate each other and themselves on having passed through another year, a time to finish out the old, and to welcome in the new year. Common expressions heard at this time are: GUONIAN to have made it through the old year, and BAINIAN to congratulate the new year.

Turning Over a New Leaf
The Chinese New year is celebrated on the first day of the First Moon of the lunar calendar. The corresponding date in the solar calendar varies from as early as January 21st to as late as February 19th. Chinese New Year, as the Western new Year, signified turning over a new leaf. Socially, it was a time for family reunions, and for visiting friends and relatives. This holiday, more than any other Chinese holiday, stressed the importance of family ties. The Chinese New year's Eve dinner gathering was among the most important family occasions of the year.

Sweeping of the Grounds
Preparations for the Chinese New Year in old China started well in advance of the New Year's Day. The 20th of the Twelfth Moon was set aside for the annual housecleaning, or the "sweeping of the grounds". Every corner of the house must be swept and cleaned in preparation for the new year. SpringCouplets, written in black ink on large vertical scrolls of red paper, were put on the walls or on the sides of the gate-ways. These couplets, short poems written in Classical Chinese, were expressions of good wishes for the family in the coming year. In addition, symbolic flowers and fruits were used to decorate the house, and colorful new year pictures (NIAN HUA) were placed on the walls (for more descriptions of the symbolism of the flowers and fruits.

Kitchen God
After the house was cleaned it was time to bid farewell to the Kitchen God, or Zaowang. In traditional China, the Kitchen God was regarded as the guardian of the family hearth. He was identified as the inventor of fire, which was necessary for cooking and was also the censor of household morals. By tradition, the Kitchen God left the house on the 23rd of the last month to report to heaven on the behavior of the family. At this time, the family did everything possible to obtain a favorable report from the Kitchen God. On the evening of the 23rd, the family would give the Kitchen God a ritualistic farewell dinner with sweet foods and honey. Some said this was a bribe, others said it sealed his mouth from saying bad thins.

Free from the every-watchful eyes of the Kitchen God, who was supposed to return on the first day of the New Year, the family now prepared for the upcoming celebrations. In old China, stores closed shop on the last two or three days of the year and remained closed for the first week of the New Year. Consequently, families were busy in the last week of the old year stocking up on foods and gifts. Chinese New Year presents are similar in spirit to Christmas presents, although the Chinese tended more often to give food items, such as fruits and tea. The last days of the old year was also the time to settle accumulated. debts.

Family Celebration
On the last day of the old year, everyone was busy either in preparing food for the next two days, or in going to the barbers and getting tidied up for the New Year’s Day. Tradition stipulated that all food be pre-pared before the New Year’s Day, so that all sharp instruments, such as knives and scissors, could be put away to avoid cutting the "luck" of the New Year. The kitchen and well were not to be disturbed on the first day of the Year.

The New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day celebrations were strickly family affairs. All members of the family would gather for the important family meal on the evening of the New year’s Eve. Even if a family member could not attend, an empty seat would be kept to symbolize that person’s presence at the banquet. At midnight following the banquet, the younger members of the family would bow and pay their respects to their parents and elders.

On New Year’s Day, the children were given Red Lai-See Envelopes , good luck money wrapped in little red envelopes. On New Year’s day, everyone had on new clothes, and would put on his best behavior. It was considered improper to tell a lie, raise one’s voice, use indecent language, or break anything on the first day of the year.

Starting from the second day, people began going out to visit friends and relatives, taking with them gifts and Lai-See for the children. Visitors would be greeted with traditional New year delicacies, such as melon seeds, flowers, fruits, tray of togetherness, and NIANGAO, New Year cakes.

Everybody’s Birthday
The entire first week was a time for socializing and amusement. On the streets, the stores were closed and an air of gaiety prevailed. There were numberous lion dances, acrobats, theatrical shows, and other diversions. Firecrackers, which symbolized driving away evil spirits, were heard throughout the first two weeks of the New year. The Seventh Day of the New Year was called "everybody’s birthday" as everyone was considered one year older as of that date. (In traditional China, individual birthdays were not considered as important as the New Year’s date. Everyone added a year to his age at New Year’s time rather than at his birthday.)

Lantern Festival - 15th Day
The New Year celebrations ended on the 15th of the First Moon with the Lantern Festival. On the evening of that day, people carried lanterns into the streets to take part in a great parade. Young men would highlight the parade with a dragon dance. The dragon was made of bamboo, silk, and paper, and might stretch for more than hundred feet in length. The bobbing and weaving of the dragon was an impressive sight, and formed a fitting finish to the New Year festival.

Chinese New Year Festival as Seen in the United States

The Chinse New Year celebration in San Francisco Chinatown and other Chinese American communitites should not be interpreted as direct transplants of Chinese culture. Due to differences in their social environment and physical limitations, these local celebrations have developed special characteristics of their own. Along with old customs imported directly from China, the Chinatown celebrations also contain adaptations from other cultures in the United States.

Traditional vs Modern
The first point to be noticed in comparing the Chinatown celebrations of today to that described in the preceeding section is that they have been shortened or simplified. Chinese American stores in this country do not close for a week to celebrate, nor is is likely that a Chinese American could take two weeks off from work. Therefore, many of the festivities have been adapted for the evenings or the weekends. This includes the social visits, the family dinners, and even the Chinatown parade, which is always held on a Saturday. In many Chinese American homes, the annual housecleaning is still done at New Year’s time. Spring Couplets can be seen in Chinatwon stores everywhere, but these are now bought from the Chinse Hospital as a fundraising effort - an interesting variation on an old Chinese custom.

In addition to the Spring Couplets, the Chinatown lion dances have also been promoted as a fundraising event for the Chinese Hospital. In the earlier days of Chinatown, lion dances were relatively rare. In the 1920’s, a fundraising program was started whereby lion dancers would go from store to store to dance and wish them luck. In return, storekeepers would give Lai-see packets which were donated to the Chinese Hospital.

Chinatown Festival & Parade
The Chinatown parade is a bend of typical American marching parades and the traditional Lantern Festival. Although the dragon dance is adopted from the Chinese celebration, the rest of the Chinatown parade, including the beauty pageant, floats, and marching bands, was obviously inspired by non-Chinese models. The parade was first started in 1953 by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and has since attracted thousands of spectators each year.

Family Associations
Some Chinatown festivities also reflect the earlier history of Chinese Americans. Prior to the present generation, the Chinese American community was essentially a bachelor society. Restrictive immigration laws had made it extremely difficult for Chinese families to emigrate to the United States. As a result, most Chinese Americans in the past were not able to hold family dinners at New Years’s time. In place of the family banquets, Chinatown developed a unique tradition of Spring Banquets hosted by the " family associations" in certain Chinese restaurants. These Spring Banquets, originally developed to take the place of family dinners, are still held today, even though Chinatown is no longer a society of single men.

Terminology & Symbolism

Chinese Lunar Calendar: The Chinese calendar will often show the dates of both the Gregorian (Western) calendar and the Chinese Lunar Calendar. The Gregorian dates are printed in Arabic numerals, and the Chinese dates in Chinese numerals. Chinese Lunar Calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, and is constructed in a different fashion than the Western solar calendar.

Family Associations: organized according to family surnames, such as the Wong Family Association, etc., are social clubs or lodges which were first set up in Chinatown to serve the social and personal needs of Chinese workers.

Flowers: Flowers are an important part of the New year decorations. In old China, much use was made of natural products in celebrations as well as in daily life. The two flowers most associated with the New Year are the plum blossom and the water narcissus

Lai-See Envelopes: (Also called Hong-Bao) Money is placed in these envelopes and given to children and young adults at New Year’s time, much in the spirit as Christmas presents. Presents are also often exchanged between families.

Lucky Character: The single word " FOOK ", or fortune, is often displayed in many homes and stores. They are usually written by brush on a diamond-shaped piece of red paper.

Plum Blossoms: stand for courage and hope. The blossoms burst forth at the end of winter on a seemingly lifeless branch. In Chinese art, plum blossoms are associated with the entire season of winter and not just the New Year.

Spring Couplets: Spring couplets are traditionally written with black ink on red paper. They are hung in storefronts in the month before the New Year’s Day, and often stay up for two months. They express best wishes and fortune for the coming year. There is a great variety in the writing of these poetic couplets to fit the situation. A store would generally use couplets hat make references to their line of trade. Couplets that say "Happy New Year" and " Continuing Advancement in Education" are apprpriate for a school.

SweepingOut the Old: Welcoming in the New: Old business from the past year is cleared up

Tangerines, Oranges, Pomelos: Tangerines and oranges are frequently displayed in homes and stores. Tangerines are symbolic of good luck, and oranges are symbolic of wealth. These symbols have developed through a language pun, the word for tangerine having the same sound as "luck" in Chinese, and the word for orange having the same sound as "wealth". Pomelos are large pear-shaped grapefruits.

Tray of Togetherness: Many families keep a tray full of dried fruits, sweets, and candies to welcome guests and relatives who drop by. This tray is called a chuen-hop, or "tray of togetherness". Traditionally, it was made up of eight compartments, each of which was filled with a special food item of significance to the New Year season.

Water Narcissus: Flower that blossoms at New Year’s time. If the white flowers blossom exactly on the day of the New Year, it is believed to indicate good fortune for the ensuing twelve months.

Chinese Zodiac: The rotating cycle of twelve animal signs was a fok method for naming the years in traditional China. The animal signs for one another in an established order, and are repeated every twelve years. 1976 was the Year of the Dragon, 1977 was the year of the Snake.


A Different New Year Book:
Learn about about Chinese New Year!

This teacher’s guide, produced as part of the Ethnic Heritage Studies Project of the Chinese Culture Foundation, is an effort to develop teaching materials on the Chinese New Year festival suitable for use in secondary schools. This teacher’s guide was written by Joe Huang. Requests for information concerning this manual or the Ethnic Heritage Studies Project should be addressed to the Chinese Culture Foundation, 750 Kearny Street, San Francisco, CA 94108.


1、桂花糕 桂花糕自古以来就是收到很多人喜欢的,主要是用糯米粉和桂花加上糖制作的,口感细腻,还有桂花的清甜和芳香,是中国古代十大传统名糕之一。2、绿豆糕 绿豆糕是很受欢迎的糕点,不会很甜腻,粉粉糯糯的,入口绵密,主要就是以绿豆为主制作而成的,非常有特色的一种糕点,是中国十大传统糕点...

泰国人的主食是大米,副食主要是鱼和各种新鲜蔬菜。他们早餐喜欢吃西式食物,如烤面包、黄油、果酱、咖啡、牛奶和煎鸡蛋。泰国人偏爱粤菜和川菜,喜欢辣椒,鱼露和辣椒是常用的调味品。泰国人喜食民族风味的咖喱饭,并且有饭后吃水果的习惯。五、英国饮食文化 英国人偏爱清淡的食物,喜欢鲜嫩、焦香的食物,...

“美”食 四季有别 一年四季,按季节而吃,是中国烹饪又一大特征。自古以来,中国一直按季节变化来调味、配菜,冬天味醇浓厚,夏天清淡凉爽;冬天多炖焖煨,夏天多凉拌冷冻。讲究美感 中国的烹饪,不仅技术精湛,而且有讲究菜肴美感的传统,注意食物的色、香、味、形、器的协调一致。对菜肴美感的表现是...

1. 风味多样:我国由于地域广阔,气候和物产各异,各地饮食习惯和食文化因此呈现出多样性。不同地区的菜肴口味、制作方法各具特色,形成了丰富多样的地方风味。2. 四季有别:中国饮食文化强调根据四季变化调整饮食。冬季偏好浓郁口感,夏季则偏爱清淡。菜肴的制作方法和食材选择会根据季节变化而调整,以适应...


(4)淮扬菜:淮扬菜是中国长江中下游地区的著名菜系,其覆盖地域甚广,包括现今江苏、浙江、安徽、上海,以及江西、河南部分地区,它有“东南第一佳味”、“天下之至美”之誉,声誉远播海内外。 由于后来浙江菜、徽菜以其鲜明特色各为八大菜系之一,淮扬菜汇于江苏,同时烹饪界习惯将淮扬菜系所属的...

一、南北各异,风味独特 中国幅员辽阔,地大物博,各地在气候、物产、风俗习惯都存在着差异,经长期演变,在饮食上也就形成了不同风味且各具特色。主要表现为主食上以南米北面,口味上有南甜北咸东酸西辣,风味上则是巴蜀、齐鲁、淮扬、粤闽四大菜系,又因四季有别在烹饪上冬天味醇浓厚,夏天清淡凉爽...

中国传统文化有多种多样,颇具特色:1.饮食 中餐(Chinese food),即指中国风味的餐食菜肴。其中有粤菜、川菜、鲁菜、淮扬菜、浙菜、闽菜、湘菜、徽菜“八大菜系”。除”八大菜系“外还有一些在中国较有影响的菜系,如:东北菜、冀菜、豫菜、鄂菜、本帮菜、客家菜、赣菜、京菜、清真菜等菜系。2.书法 ...



江海区13624119556: 中国特色文化简介及食物的简介(都要是英文的) -
桑舍氨肽: the beijing roast duck, is the beijing famous food, it by luster redcolorful, pulp delicate, flavor mellow, fat but not greasycharacteristic, is "the world delicacy" but is renowned at home andabroad by the reputation. hands down, america of the roast ...

江海区13624119556: 中国的饮食特点 简略100字 -
桑舍氨肽: 中国饮食特点中国是文明是国,亦是悠久饮食文化之境地.吾存于世,吃喝二十余年,有所心得有所感悟,现将饮食文化归纳出以下几个特点,望大家见教: 第一,风味多样.由于我国幅员辽阔,地大物博,各地气候、物产、风俗习惯都存在着...

江海区13624119556: 中华饮食文化 -
桑舍氨肽: 中华饮食文化简介 中国人的传统饮食习俗是以植物性食料为主.主食是五谷,辅食是蔬菜, 中华饮食文化 外加少量肉食.形成这一习俗的主要原因是中原地区以农业生产为主要的经济生产方式.但在不同阶层中,食物的配置比例不尽相同.因...

江海区13624119556: 简述何为饮食文化,并简要描述一下中国饮食文化的特点 -
桑舍氨肽: 中国饮食文化涉及到食源的开发与利用、食具的运用与创新、食品的生产与消费、餐饮的服务与接待、餐饮业与食品业的经营与管理,以及饮食与国泰民安、饮食与文学艺术、饮食与人生境界的关系等,深厚广博. 从外延看,中国饮食文化可以从时代与技法、地域与经济、民族与宗教、食品与食具、消费与层次、民俗与功能等多种角度进行分类,展示出不同的文化品味,体现出不同的使用价值,异彩纷呈.中国饮食不但讲究“色、香、味”俱全,而且“滋、养、补”的特点.而随着社会的发展,菜式越来越丰富,吃法也是越来越多样.吃还是人们联系感情、社交活动的重要组成部分,社会交际应酬活动多在餐桌上完成.俗话说就是填饱肚子,就是一个“吃”字.形式比较原始,只解决人的最基本的生理需要.

江海区13624119556: 介绍中国各个地方的特色菜 -
桑舍氨肽: 中国一共有八大菜系:川菜,粤菜,鲁菜,苏菜,浙菜,徽菜,湘菜,闽菜.每个菜系都有其特色菜. 川菜特点:以味多、味广、味厚、味浓著称. 代表名菜:宫爆鸡丁、一品熊掌、鱼香肉丝、干烧鱼翅 . 粤菜特点:烹调方法突出煎、炸、烩、...

江海区13624119556: 我国的饮食特色是什么 -
桑舍氨肽: 国家的历史有长有短,疆域有大有小,实力有强有弱,人口有多有少,民族构成、宗教信仰、政权性质和经济结构也有差异,故而各国的饮食文化是不一样的. 中国饮食文化 在中国传统文化教育中的阴阳五行哲学思想、儒家伦理道德观念、中...

江海区13624119556: 饮食文化的内容简介 -
桑舍氨肽: 中国饮食文化丰富多彩、博大精深.本教材对我国的饮食文化遗产进行了深入的编撰整理.它涉及“饮”与“食”两个方面.“饮”主要指分别代表酒精饮料和非酒精饮料的酒和茶;“食”则是我国长期形成的以五谷为主食,蔬菜、肉类为副食...

江海区13624119556: 介绍一下中国的“吃”文化, -
桑舍氨肽: 南甜北咸西南辣 山西陕西加醋酸 东北乱炖多野趣 江淮清淡广东甜

江海区13624119556: 求一篇中国面食传统文化的简介,简明扼要,100字以内.给小学生用. -
桑舍氨肽: 面食是指主要以面粉制成的食物,世界各地均有不同种类的面食,中国主要有:面条、馒头、拉条子、麻什、烧饼、饺子、包子等.中国的面点小吃历史悠久,风味各异,品种繁多.面点小吃的历史可上溯到新石器石代,当时已有石磨,可加工面粉,做成粉状食品.到了春秋战国时期,已出现油炸及蒸制的面点,如蜜饵、酏食、糁食等.此后,随着炊具和灶具的改进,中国面点小吃的原料、制法、品种日益丰富.出现许多大众化风味小吃.如北方的饺子、面条、拉面、煎饼、汤圆、煎饺等;南方的烧麦、春卷、粽子、元宵、油条等.此外,各地依其物产及民俗风情,又演化出许多具有浓郁地方特色的风味小吃.

江海区13624119556: 请介绍一下我国少数民族的饮食文化? -
桑舍氨肽: 蒙古族——除夕更岁时,一家人围坐在包内火炉边,在向长辈敬献“辞岁酒”之后,饱餐烤羊腿和煮水饺.高山族——台湾高山族有吃“长年菜”的习俗.长年菜也叫作“芥菜”,吃这种菜是预示寿命长.有的人将长长的粉丝加入长年菜里,...

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