
作者&投稿:门瑗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The ancients said: when have we reported wrongs and wrongs, we must forgive people and forgive others. We all know that this is a kind of tolerance, a broad mind, a kind of unrestrained chic, a great kind. So what is tolerance?
Since ancient times, tolerance has been respected by sages and even the common people as the principle and belief of life, which has become a part of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and a glorious canon of educating people and self-discipline.
In one year, withers and thrives once each year, the grass is adorable. Grateful for the blue sky and white clouds, the eagle flies high in the cold jade world; Thanks for the towering mountains, the stream flows down from the mountain stream; With gratitude for the vast land, the soil sends out a refreshing fragrance in the fields.

Gratitude is the source of strength: the root of love: the root of courage. Be grateful to your parents, you will never let them down; Grateful to the society, you will gently lift up the elderly who fall to the ground; Appreciate life, you will smile to the storm, smile to the horizon that a beautiful rainbow.
Life is picturesque, there are thick ink splashing, there are light pen light description; Life is like a song, there are light chanting and shallow singing, there are also Huang zhongdalu. Don't you see Li Taibai: the life of Du Gongbu was full of thick ink, which created the greatness of life; Pei Duofei: Shelley's life, light pen light description, finally write the true meaning of life.
You can't see Tao Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the East fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan" and Tan Sitong's "I smile from the horizontal knife to the sky, leaving my liver and gall in Kunlun".
Life is a mountain, we can't estimate its length, we have to pursue its height. Life is the road, it is composed of small pieces of sand and stone, rather than spreading gold and silver, showing the perfection of life. Life is a boat, sailing in the vast sea, only through the baptism of the storm, will usher in the rising sun on the sea tomorrow.
Youth, is a strange illusion, give me a kind of empty uneasiness. Sometimes, I feel like I'm under the stage; Sometimes, I see myself on the stage in the dark corner. Finally, I learned that the stage is full of drama, no one can stay out of it, the amorous feelings flicker under the eyelashes, taking away the joy of the years, leaving only the surface of the scarred prosperity.
The surface of prosperity is too beautiful, but youth is an emotional carnival, lonely people in the quiet corner of the sad, silent interpretation of all the sad and helpless, lively, eventually return to calm.
Youth is too busy, we are too in a hurry, bustling mirage piled up in a moment with the collapse of memories. Finally, our youth is full of ruins, prosperity is no longer.
People on the journey, earthly flashy, to face depression, in the face of decadence, in the face of irritability, in the face of sadness, we are not like the butterfly, looking for a small flower of our own, settling down, smelling the faint fragrance of chrysanthemum, sleeping peacefully. Tired, holding a book; Tired, looking for a fragrant petal; Tired, full of a quiet eye; Find a resting place for the soul.
A drop of dew is enough to wash and rinse the dusty heart; A meter of sunshine is enough to make the heart full of misery swim and turn. To give the soul a resting place, in fact, it doesn't need to be so spacious. A grain of sand and stone, a clear spring... When the soul has a resting place, the perspective of seeing the world becomes wider, and the mood turns into a pair of invisible wings, flying between heaven and earth!




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