
作者&投稿:王殷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Today's increasingly competitive society, people to choose

The demand is getting higher and higher

vt.需要; 要求,请求; [法] 召唤; 询问,盘问;
n.需求; 需要; 要求,请求; 销路;
vi.需要; 请求; 查问;

nowadays, the competitions are becoming harder and harder and the standards of jobs are higher and higher and higher.

Recently, the competition of contmporary society bacomes more and more fierce.At the same time, people's demands for
ideal jobs becomes higher and higher.

TV.9.下学期我们将没有化学课。We won't have chemistry class next term.10.我们下周将不用上学。We won't go to school next week.11.五十年后将会有更多的树。There will be many more trees fifty years later.12.明天将会有一场篮球比赛 there will be a basketball match tomorrow....

The so-called responsibility refers to a person to oneself, to family, to the enterprise and even the social responsibilities and obligations of the cognitive attitude, is to be responsible for things can, active and responsible attitude, is to oneself have negative mission have loyalty...

I am sorry to inform you that the invoice and packing list needed modifying. Besides the net weight, you should mark the grass weight.In addition, please forward us the recent contract, which will be used in payment.

这位同学勤奋好学,遇到不懂的问题总是愿意积极向老师寻求帮助,认真完成作业,获得老师们的普遍好评。她的学习成绩也十分优异,总是名列前茅。The students work hard, do not understand the problems encountered are always willing to actively seek help from teacher, homework seriously, obtained the...

汉译英 马拉松起源 急!急!急!急!急!急!急!
Marathon movement originated in 490 BC in ancient Greece. Legend has it, the Greeks and Persians in the Greek town of Marathon to a war, the Greeks won a victory. In order to win the news to Athens, sent a Mingjiaofei of Biscay soldiers from the marathon went to Athens has...

中译英,谢谢……急用~ 希望能够得到你的帮助,谢谢!
Remember there was a art class, my teacher let us to draw out favorite cartoon character, but we have to use our memory to draw them. i felt really really hard, because i am really suck at drawing, at least i felt like this. But the teacher told me afterward that " you...

一段时间 a period of time 七件家具 seven pieces of furniture 型号 model\/type 一团羊毛 a bulk of wool 两张纸 two pieces of paper 五分钟的步行 five-minute walk 两盆水 two basins of water 一篮花 a basket of flowers 一堆纸 a mass of papers 七个孩子 seven kids\/children ...

Sure, it's my pleasure. Is photography your hobby? I'm so glad to get to know a friend like you. Have a nice day!其实最好能看你下你朋友给你的信,这样“好的,我很乐意,您不用这么客气”可以翻译的更准确些。

1.We used to go to the theatre every week, which was our only pastime.2.The reason why he was late was that he met with a traffic jam.3.It is more difficult for those who lack education to succeed than those who are well-educated.4.The floods in the southern area this...

英语作文,,,急!!! 假如你是凯里(Cary)的笔友李东,听说凯里得了重感冒...
您好:I am sorry to hear you have a bad cold.You should see a doctor,Because you have a bad headache.And you should look after yourself.After you eat medicines,you should keep your healthy.Take exercise every moring helps you keep healthy.And you shouldn't eat too much cold...

龙城区19317132769: 急!急!急!怎样用英语翻译”当今的社会竞争越来越激烈,人们对选择理想的职业的要求也越来越高”谢谢了 -
舟左欣咯: nowadays, the competitions are becoming harder and harder and the standards of jobs are higher and higher and higher.

龙城区19317132769: 帮我翻译几句英文句子,急.很急,非常急 -
舟左欣咯: 1、下32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333335333161午六点钟左右体育馆通常很忙.(tend to) The gym tends to be very busy at about six pm. 2、这个地区现在不安全,还是远离它为好.(stay away from) This area is not ...

龙城区19317132769: 现在英文怎么说,现在的英文例句 -
舟左欣咯: 表现现在的英文单词有:now; today; nowadays 一、now 1、音标:英 [naʊ] 美 [naʊ] 2、释义: (1)adv.现在;其时;立刻;(改变话题或要对方做某事前,引起对方注意)喂 例句:Now I see that I was wrong. 现在我知道我错了. (2)adj.现在...

龙城区19317132769: 问:求英语大神帮忙翻译: “当今,世界面临着资源匮乏,能源短缺,粮食匮乏的问题.” 不要谷歌翻译什 -
舟左欣咯: Nowadays, the world is facing problems like lack of resources, shortage of energy and shortage of food supply.我是外国留学生,自己翻译的~~ 求采纳~~

龙城区19317132769: 急!急!急!怎样用英语翻译”并把它们张贴在窗户和门上”谢谢了 -
舟左欣咯: And posted them on the windows and doors

龙城区19317132769: 怎样用英语翻译”当今的社会竞争越来越激烈,人们对选 -
舟左欣咯: 当今的社会竞争越来越激烈,人们对选 Today's increasingly competitive society, people to choose

龙城区19317132769: 用英语翻译,急急急急急!!!
舟左欣咯: 在飞机上 on the plane . 在公交车站 at the bus station.

龙城区19317132769: 现在,目前英文怎么说. -
舟左欣咯: 翻译如下: 目前 at present 例句: 目前他正在上海. He is at present in Shanghai.

龙城区19317132769: 英文翻译(急!急!急!~~~~~~~) -
舟左欣咯: This is my room,the book is on the table,the pencilcase is on the chair and the basketball is under the bed,those are my CDs which are put in the bag.I have two pens, one pencil,a eraser and a ruler;they are all in my pencilcase which is on the book.

龙城区19317132769: 急急急,汉语翻译英语 -
舟左欣咯: 端正你学习的态度,不能随意,要下定学好英语的决心!!!! 这点超重要 接下来开始背单词和重点词组搭配和固定句型.相信你可以的!!!

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