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"发言稿" 用英文怎么说?~

发言稿的英文:speech manuscript
例:I composed this statement myself, and it took a good many hours'concentration.
n. 演讲;讲话;语音;演说
例:His speech became increasingly thick and nasal.
例:He could imitate in speech or writing most of those he admired.
n. 手稿;原稿
adj. 手写的
例:He had seen a manuscript of the book.
例:I have deleted many unnecessary words from my manuscript.

1、speech recognition 语音辨识
2、freedom of speech 言论自由
3、speech signal 语言信号
4、speech act 言语行为
5、make a speech 发表演讲

(speech) script



I rerwote my speech draft just yesterday.

speech script 通常指演讲提纲,因为演讲者为了效果生动,经常会脱稿发挥,因此 speech script 提供了大概段落,论据等,但又有一定的自由发挥空间。
完整的演讲稿则用 speech draft,通常在演讲完成后传发给媒体的稿件就是用 speech draft。

speech draft
I just rewrote my speech drafe yesterday

奥巴马芝加哥演讲稿 英文怎么说
Oobama's speech in chicago

我演讲的题目是 英语这几种翻译都行么?
一般来说 你可以用 The topic of my speech is...更好。your topic of the speech 和 My topic of the speech 都是 中式英文。用 the topic of my(your) speech 会更地道。

It's my honor and happy that I can stand here making a speech to all of you.I want to be a chairman in the English club.And I believe my competence in this position, for that i love english and have passion and responsibility.I will。 try my best to make the club ...

The theme of my speech: Love = hey We have devoted many parents love, our life, our joy, it is undeniable that they are given. Nothing could be more beautiful.But the great love, there will be frustration. We have a heated argument with them, we Shuaimen while walking, we...

1:Many people simply say that they want something, but they do not expend the substantial effort required to achieve it. Many people let the threat of failure stop them from trying with all of their heart. The secret of success is based upon a burning inward desire that fuels ...


Teachers, students:Everybody is good! My name is Angel, Shirley, the topic of my speech today is: try again What still harder than a stone, or than water soft? However soft water but penetrated the hard rock, unremitting just.A young man to Microsoft for the company, and ...

问题一:一般英语演讲开场白和结束语怎么说 开头:Good morning\/afternoon,everyone.Today I would like to share with you something about...结尾:...That's all for my presentation.Thank you for listening.问题二:英语演讲稿结尾怎么写 That's all.Thanks for your attention.【我的演讲...

以下是一个有为无畏的英语演讲稿的示例如下:Hello everyone:Today, I want to talk to you about the idea of "有为无畏" – which translates from Chinese to English as "being daring without any trace of fear"。 This is a philosophy that I think we can all learn from, especially...

英文演讲稿的格式发言稿一般由称呼语、正文和结束语三部分组成。1、开头可以是:Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so ...

珲春市17730292096: 演讲稿的英文怎么说? -
貂毅小儿: I rerwote my speech draft just yesterday. speech script 通常指演讲提纲,因为演讲者为了效果生动,经常会脱稿发挥,因此 speech script 提供了大概段落,论据等,但又有一定的自由发挥空间. 完整的演讲稿则用 speech draft,通常在演讲完成后传发给媒体的稿件就是用 speech draft. 不过要提醒一下,演讲顾名思意要有“演”有“讲”,因为要面对台下的观/听众,所以最忌照稿宣读.

珲春市17730292096: “演讲稿”用英语怎么说? -
貂毅小儿: 演讲稿 :Speech

珲春市17730292096: “演讲稿”用英语怎么说 -
貂毅小儿: 发言稿 基本翻译 the text of a statement or speech 一个单词,就用speech

珲春市17730292096: "发言稿" 用英文怎么说? -
貂毅小儿: 发言稿的英文:speech manuscript 例:I composed this statement myself, and it took a good many hours'concentration.我自己写了发言稿,花了我很长时间的精力.词汇解析1、speech 英[spiːtʃ];美[spitʃ] n. 演讲;讲话;语音;演说 例:His...

珲春市17730292096: “演讲稿”用英语怎么说?
貂毅小儿: (speech) script______________________本人国外生活5年精通英语.请楼住分清中国英语与欧洲英语.

珲春市17730292096: 英语演讲用英语怎样说 -
貂毅小儿: a speech/ presentation in English 均可;如果是学校的演讲作业,后者更精确些,指陈述、报告等.

珲春市17730292096: 演讲的英文怎么写 -
貂毅小儿: 演讲: speech lecture make a speech give a lecture祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)

珲春市17730292096: 英语演讲稿有什么格式?开头例如:今天我演讲的题目是:XXXX.结尾我的演讲完毕,请用英文翻译下, -
貂毅小儿:[答案] Hello everyone, today I am here for my speech "XXXX" That is all. Thank you!

珲春市17730292096: 英语演讲稿一分钟,带翻译 -
貂毅小儿: Hello,everyone!Do you like sport? I like it very much! Sometimes I like to do some sports with my friends. You should do the sport more, because it is very good for your healthy! On your free time, how about running?I always do it! Why don't you play ...

珲春市17730292096: 讲学稿用英语怎么说 -
貂毅小儿:[答案] 讲学稿(Lecture manuscript ;Draft lecture)是江苏省南京市溧水县东庐中学在新课改过程中首创并经过长期探索、完善而汇集成的有效课堂教学研模式的一大特色和亮点,是集教案、学案、笔记、作业、测试和复习资料于一体的师生公用的教学研文...

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