英语汉译英 翻译问题 所有格以及句子做主语的问题?

作者&投稿:诸磊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1)原句翻译,你注意到没,those of their beloved ones,这里those实际是指代their own inner worlds.避免重复所以用those来代替。
你自己的翻译:but not everyone would pay attention to the brightness or cloudiness of the inner worlds of themselves and their beloved ones.这里肯定是用ones就可以,和themselves一起并列做介词of后面的宾语,你用ones'或者one's就变成所有格形式,显然是不对的。
one's就是单数的所有格形式,相当于形容词性物主代词用法 类似于 his,my,her
ones' 就是复数的所有格形式,相当于形容词性物主代词用法, 类似于their
关于你自己的翻译,句首的as是什么个用法?整个句子把后面的that去掉就可以的。regard it as( the most important philosophy of life) not to be bounded and enslaved by the material.(可以当做it是形式宾语,而后面的not to be .....是真正的宾语),但是中间的部分也很长,怪怪的。

长垣县18656681834: 英语问题(汉译英)1.一副刀叉2.一把刀和一个餐叉3.充满(两种表达) -
典怨丹桂:[答案] 1 a fork and knife 2 a fork and a knife 3 be filled with be full of

长垣县18656681834: 英语翻译汉译英1.学生问他们在秋天的什么时候才应该出问2.莎拉问她的朋友是不是要给父亲邮寄礼物3.汤姆说他的英语很棒,她会来参加英语比赛的4.玛丽问... -
典怨丹桂:[答案] 1.students asked when they should "出问?" in autum.2.Sara asked her friend if she should post her father a present.3.tom said his English is very good and he will come to the English competition.4.mar...

长垣县18656681834: 英语翻译汉译英.根据汉语提示及提示词翻译句子1.我愿呆在家里而不愿去参考一个聚会.(would rather…than)2.他可能在跑着赶公共汽车.(might be)3.无论... -
典怨丹桂:[答案] I would rather stay at home than present a party.He might run to catch a bus.Whatever you do, you must not miss the musical concert.We donot put off making a plan.I study by working with group.

长垣县18656681834: 翻译句子(用名词所有格) -
典怨丹桂: 1. my friend is visiting Britain. 2. walks 20 minutes from my family to the school. One of my friends is on a visit to UK. It's

长垣县18656681834: 名词所有格 英语翻译 -
典怨丹桂: 没有盐了 There is no salt. 一匹布 a piece of cloth 名词所有格 mike ---Mike's girls ---gilrs' my mother ---my mother's students---students' 翻译句子 这是迈克的课本 This is Mike's textbook. 它是丽丽和露西的房间. It is Lily and Lucy's room.那是小明和小强的父母 That is Xiao Ming and Xiao Qiang's parents

长垣县18656681834: 英语翻译 名词所有格方面的
典怨丹桂: 例子一: 如果这个房间为你们两人所共有,则应该说是“This is your & her room.” or "this room is for you & her." or "your and her room is this one" 第一种说法很少这样用,因为这不太符合英语的习惯,鼠疫不太正宗的英语. 例...

长垣县18656681834: 汉译英及几个英语小问题.请用以下括号内的词 来翻译句子.(都很简单.希望英语好的朋友帮助.不要用翻译软件了,那样我自己就解决了.)注意要用到括号里... -
典怨丹桂:[答案] 1.Watch out!The stairs are steep. 2.Put on more clothes to protect you from cold weather. 3.The boy is clever and hard-working,but on the other hand,he often makes mistakes. rainning去掉一个n,closely改成close It was raining hard.Mary felt cold.So she ...

长垣县18656681834: 关于英语的问题!汉译英:西红柿炒鸡蛋:鸡蛋、西红柿、糖米饭把上面的翻译一下! -
典怨丹桂:[答案] tomato saute egg:eggs、tomatos、sugar rice

长垣县18656681834: 汉译英5个英语句子 -
典怨丹桂: 1 I know that you will go to Beijing next week.2 Let's ask the policeman the way to the hotel.3 You'd better take a taxi to go there.4 Go straight along Renmin Road and then turn right.5 I hope you will have a good journey.

长垣县18656681834: 汉译英的问题
典怨丹桂: 1.The sun was shining. 2.The moon rose. 3.The universe remains. 4.We all breathe, eat, and drink. 5.Who cares? 6.What he said does not matter. 7.They talked for half an hour. 8.The pen writes smoothly.

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