《The Sound of Music》----音乐之声英语求翻译

作者&投稿:银盆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求电影The sound of music——《音乐之声》的英文简介!~

概要: Shot in Salzburg against the majestic Bavarian Alps, THE SOUND OF MUSIC is considered one of the greatest screen musicals ever made. Winner of five Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best... Shot in Salzburg against the majestic Bavarian Alps, THE SOUND OF MUSIC is considered one of the greatest screen musicals ever made. Winner of five Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director (Robert Wise), the film, based on a real family and their true events, tells the story of a young postulate, Maria (Julie Andrews), who, after proving too high-spirited for the Mother Abess and other nuns, is sent off to work as a governess to seven unruly children. The Von Trapp family is run, in military style, by the seemingly cold-hearted Captain Von Trapp (Christopher Plummer), a lonely widowed naval officer. Seeing how badly he and his children need companionship, he proposes to the Baroness Schraeder (Eleanor Parker), a calculating, mutual friend of beloved family friend Max Detweiler (Richard Haydn). It is the baroness who soon realizes that it's Maria--with her warmth and love for the children--the captain really loves. It is nearly bliss for the newly formed family who loves to sing together--except for the cloud looming over their beloved Austrian horizon: Hitler is ascending to power, forcing Von Trapp to decide whether to join the Nazi party--which he loathes--or force his family to leave their home forever. One of the most memorable scores ever written (by Rodgers and Hammerstein) and breathtaking performances by Andrews, Plummer, and the seven children mark this classic as one of the world's most favorite films.

The hills are alive with the sound of music,

With songs they have sung for a thousand years.

The hills fill my heart with the sound of music.

My heart wants to sing ev'ry song it hears.

My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds

that rise from the lake to the trees.

My heart wants to sigh like a chime

that flies from a church on a breeze,

To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over

stones on its way,

To sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray.

I go to the hills when my heart is lonely.

I know I will hear what I've heard before.

My heart will be blessed with the sound of music.

And I'll sing once more.























1.The hills are alive with the sound of music, …=The hills are full of life because of the sound of music.



He was still alive when we got to the spot. 我们赶到现场时,他还活着。

The school is alive with students. 学校因有学生而充满生机。

He seems alive today. 他今天看起来还算有活力。

be alive and kicking:生气勃勃;精神饱满;欢蹦乱跳;活泼;活跃

be alive to sth:对…注意到或敏感

be alive with sth:充满(活的或动的东西)


Don't worry about him. He is alive and kicking. 别为他担心。他现在欢蹦乱跳,精神饱满。

She is always alive to others'words. 她对别人说的话总是敏感。

This pond is alive with fish. 这个池塘充满游来游去的鱼。

with在这一行中意思是: beccuse of; on account of

Her face blushed with embarrassment. 她的脸因难为情而发红。

She trembled with fear at the sight of him. 她一看见他便怕得发抖。

2.With songs they have sung for a thousand years.

=(The hills are alive with the sound of music and) with songs that they have sung for a thousand years.

for a thousand years并非实指“一千年”,正像“桃花潭水深千尺”中“千尺”不实指一样,这里指时间之久长。

3.The hills fill my heart with the sound of music

=The hills make my heart full of the sound of music.


fill sth with sth:用…充满…


He fills the bottle with cold water. 他用凉水把瓶子灌满。

Before I left home, my daughter filled my bag with fruit. 我离家前,我女儿往我书包里塞满了水果。

4.My heart wants to sing ev'ry sone it hears.

=My heart wants to sing along every song it hears.

it hears是定语从句,其先行词是every song.


He flatters everyone he meets. 他见到谁就奉承谁。

5.My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds / that rise from the lake to the trees.



The bird beat its wings and flew away. 那只鸟拍动翅膀,飞走了。

My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds that flies from the lake to the trees说明 my heart wants to fly from the ground to the trees, ie, from a low place to a high one.



The cost of living has risen a lot. 生活费用上涨了许多。

Seeing her darling and her best friend sitting right ahead of her, she rose, cried and walked home. 见她心人和她最好的朋友就在她前边坐着,她起身离座,流出眼泪,走回家去。

He rose from the ranks to become an officer. 他从士兵升为军官。

rise to the occasion:有随机应变的能力

rise above sth:(表明自己)优于某事物,有能力处理


He is now experienced enough to rise to the occasion. 他现在经验已够丰富,能随机应变。

She rose above the crisis and established a new business. 她战胜了危机,建立了新业务。

6.My heart wants to sigh like a chime/ that flies from a church on a breeze.




The chime of church bells spreads far and wide.


Your sighs blow my soul away. 你的叹息将我的灵魂吹走了。

He often sighs as if sorrow always followed him.


“I am old, ” he sighed. “我老喽,”他叹息地说。

on a breeze:乘微风



The white clouds floating in the clear sky and gentle sea breeze make him home-sick. 蓝天上漂浮的白云和轻柔的海风使他想起了家。

some people think translating is a breeze. 有些人认为翻译是件容易做的事。

7.To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over stones on its way

=(My heart wants) to laugh like a merry brook as it flows over and through stones.



He tripped over the vine of the melon and fell.


The brook trips over stones. 小溪轻快地从石上流淌。

trip sb up:绊倒某人;使某人犯错误、泄秘


He almost tripped me up with a rope. 他差一点用一根绳子把我绊倒。

He tripped up in the interview and said something that he should not have said. 他在面试中犯了个错误:说了不该说的话。

on one's way:在路上

8.To sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray.

=(My heart wants) to sing all night like a lark who is learning to pray

lark:百灵科鸣禽,尤指云雀(any of several small songbirds, esp. the skylark)。有人将 lark 译为“夜莺”(nightingale),但a nightingale is a small reddish-brown bird of the thrush family, the male of which sings tunefully by night as well as by day.

get up with the lark:早起

9.I go to the hills when my heart is lonely.

=I go to seek the pleasures the hills provide us with its sound of music when I feel lonely. 充满音乐的群山成了“我”孤寂时可以寻求安慰的伙伴。


She goes to the mountains when she lacks inspiration. 她没有灵感时便来到山里。

10.I know I will hear what I've heard before.

what I have heard before是宾语从句,作 hear 的宾语。


I will know what happened to her when I get there. 我一到那儿便会知道她发生了什么事。

11.My heart will be blessed with the sound of music.

bless sb with sth:用…祝福…



He blessed the people. 他求神赐福给人们。

The priest blessed the bread and wine. 牧师将饼和酒净化。

We bless God. 我们颂扬上帝。

12.And I'll sing once more.

=And with the blessing of the hills alive with the sound of music, I know I'll be able to sing once more.











塘沽区19648264525: 电影 音乐之声 主题曲 -
钟昭苁蓉: 主题曲就叫音乐之声sound of music 其他名曲还有哆来咪,雪绒花,孤独的牧羊人,也都是这两个人谱曲.

塘沽区19648264525: 歌曲the sound of music 想表达什么意思? -
钟昭苁蓉: 这首歌的名字叫做 the sound of slince, the sound of music 是sound of music 电影的主题曲. Sound of slince 的大意是指有时候沉默也是一种表达自己感情的方式. 特别是当你没有想好要怎样讲话的时候就最好保持沉默, 大意是言多必失.搂主明明说了是毕业生的主题曲了,毕业生哪里来的音乐之声呀?

塘沽区19648264525: The Sound Of Music 歌词 -
钟昭苁蓉: 《音乐之声(The Sound Of Music)》是电影《音乐之声》的主题曲 作曲:理查德·罗杰斯(Richard Rodgers) 作词:奥斯卡·汉默斯坦二世(Oscar Hammerstein II) 主唱:朱莉·安德鲁斯 THE SOUND OF MUSIC My day in the hills Has ...

塘沽区19648264525: the sound of music 歌词中文 -
钟昭苁蓉: 歌曲名:The Sound Of Music 歌手:Angela Cartwright&Bill Lee&Charmian Carr&Debbie Turner&Duane Chase&Heather Menzies&Kym Karath&Nicholas Hammond 专辑:An Original Soundtrack Recording The Sound Of MusicJullie Andrews ...

塘沽区19648264525: 求电影The sound of music——《音乐之声》的英文简介! -
钟昭苁蓉: 概要: Shot in Salzburg against the majestic Bavarian Alps, THE SOUND OF MUSIC is considered one of the greatest screen musicals ever made. Winner of five Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best... Shot in Salzburg against the ...

塘沽区19648264525: the sound of music英文观后感 -
钟昭苁蓉: 从来没有一部电影如此深入人心,不但里面的角色、情节、经历家喻户晓,主题歌曲也被广为传唱,由它带来的影响面之广、覆盖范围之大、被感染的人之多,可谓空前绝后、独一无二,它就是来自著名的阿尔卑斯山脉的《音乐之声》(The ...

塘沽区19648264525: Sound Of Music歌词? -
钟昭苁蓉: Sound Of Music Edelweiss, Edelweiss Every morning you greet me Small and white, clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, Edelweiss Bless my homeland forever ...

塘沽区19648264525: 求一篇有关于《the sound of music》的英文观后感. -
钟昭苁蓉:[答案] 本片的英文观后感,见附件.如果看不到附件,请用电脑访问.

塘沽区19648264525: 有首英文歌叫 all of us是什么歌曲 -
钟昭苁蓉: 歌曲copy: Climb Ev'Ry Mountain (R 歌手2113: Chorus and Orc 专辑: 《The Sound Of 》 复制歌5261词4102 下载1653LRC歌词 Climb Ev\'ry Mountain Mother Abbess The Sound of music OST Climb ev\'ry mountain Search high and low Follow ev\'ry by-way Eve.

塘沽区19648264525: 有一首英文歌里有of silents -
钟昭苁蓉: 寂静之声(The Sound of Silence)在1967年作为美国电影《毕业生》的主题歌,是20世纪60年代民歌二人组Paul Simon and Garfunkel的成名作.中文名称 寂静之声 外文名称 The Sound of Silence 所属专辑《sounds of silence》歌曲原唱 Paul Simon ,Grafunkel 填 词 保罗·西蒙,加芬克尔 音乐风格 民谣,摇滚

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