almost have no time与almost no time有区别吗?

作者&投稿:赞飘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
没有时间是no time 还是not time~

是no time。如:
Wasting no time, he went right to the core of the matter.
I almost have no time for the matter in hand.

have no 后主要接名词 have 是实意动词: I have no time.
have not 后主要接动词 have 是助动词: I have not to go there.

almost have no time与almost no time意思上差不多,不过句子结构不同,语法是有区别的,所以具体用法不同。almost have no time主要是谓语和宾语,而almost no time就只是宾语了,如下句子:
You almost have no time.
There is almost no time for you.

新林区14711032829: nearly和almost的区别?是不是nearly后不能接 -
堂质嗜酸: nearly后不能接含有no, none, nothing, never等词.nearly和almost的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、nearly:差不多. 2、almost:几乎. 二、用法不同 1、nearly:nearly的基本意思是“几乎,差不多”,表示事情...

新林区14711032829: “almost”和“nearly”有什么区别??
堂质嗜酸: 1.在肯定句,almost可以和 nearly互换,但almot=very nearly. 2.表否定时,可以说:almost any/no/none/never,不能说:nearly any/no/none/never,可以说:very/prety/not nearly,不能说:very/prety/not almost. 3.almost多用于口语,常用于动...

新林区14711032829: have no应该怎么用 -
堂质嗜酸: have no +名词 是一般较常用的 ,比如,I entirely have no idea 我完全不知道,I really have no clue. 我真的没有头绪,please do not disturb me for the moment ,I almost have no time. 请现在不要打扰我,我几乎没时间了 还有 have no choice 没有选择,etc 太多了

新林区14711032829: nearly与almost的区别 -
堂质嗜酸: 1 nearly,almost虽然都可以表示“几乎”,但是当要表示“接近”或“就要到了”时最好用nearly;当想表达“不足”或“尚差一点儿”时最好用almost 2 有时almost和nearly可以换用,但如果要表达“差一点儿”还是用almost确切 3 句中有no, ...

新林区14711032829: much, nearly, almost, not quite, not really 等等的区别 -
堂质嗜酸: 1、much,副词:非常,形容词:大量的(修饰不可数名词) eg:how much it costs.这多少钱 After much hard bargaining we reached an agreement.经过一番艰难的讨价还价,我们达成了协议 2、far, adv:久远地; (问到或谈及距离时说)有多...

新林区14711032829: almost everyone后接have还是has -
堂质嗜酸: has 例句: 1.Today almost everyone has a cell phone. 现在几乎人手一支手机. 2.Jack: Almost everyone has an answering machine. 杰克:几乎每个人都有一个电话留言系统. 3.Almost everyone has read about the Taj Mahal in India. 几乎所有的人都听说过印度的泰姬-迈哈尔陵 希望对你有帮助 望采纳最佳答案 谢谢

新林区14711032829: nearly和almost在用法上有什么区别,有哪位可以帮我解答,谢谢!!! -
堂质嗜酸: almost与nearly意思相同,当与动词,副词,形容词和名词连用时,这两个词可以互换.如: It”s almost(nearly) three o”clock. 差不多三点了. 但almost可以与no, none, nothing, never等词连用,但nearly不可以.如: Almost no one believed her. 几乎没人相信她. 在本句中不能用nearly代替almost.

新林区14711032829: almost与nearly的区别 -
堂质嗜酸: 二、almost和nearly的差异1.句法上的差异(1)almost可以用在any及否定词“no, no one, nobody, never, nothing, none, nowhere 等的前面,而nearly则不可以.eg:There is almost no leadership at all.(不可用nearly) 但是,nearly可以用在否定...

新林区14711032829: i am very busy today while i almost have nothing to do tomorrow 是什么意思 -
堂质嗜酸: 我今天很忙而明天我几乎没事做.I am very busy today while i almost have nothing to do tomorrow

新林区14711032829: almost和nearly的区别 -
堂质嗜酸: >> almost, nearly都是副词,意为“几乎,差不多”>> almost一般不带语气,表示“这事情已经这样了.” nearly一般带点语气,表示“这事情居然都已经这样了!”>> 另外almost多表示时间、程度、距离、进度,且almost可以修饰more than, ...

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