
作者&投稿:蠹欧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

One possible version:
Our Art Festival Last month our class took part in the Art Festival of the school. We had a class meeting
first, discussing what to perform in the festival. My classmates had several ideas such as putting on a drama,
singing or dancing. As many of us were eager to participate, drama was our final choice.
Preparations started right after the discussion. Though most of us were new to drama, we all had the
confidence to try. All our actors and actresses began to practice the play we chose. Meanwhile, other
classmates were preparing the stage properties like costumes and other decorations. Our monitor even made
some lovely hats for the drama.
The big day finally came. Every actor and actress performed at their best, impressing the audience greatly.
Cheers and applause rose as they went up to receive the first prize. Our dream came true with the joint effort
throughout the whole process.

A top Priority to Save Water
Some people think we can get water forever for we have rivers, lakes and underwater. However, this is not the case. In fact, water is limited on the earth.
Water is very important for us. If there were no water, we could not have our industries and even we could not live on the earth. So we should save water from now.
We should stop some bad manners to waster water in our life. When we see the top dripping or running on campus, we should make it stop as soon as possible. When we wash the clothes,we should reuse the water. When we have a shower, we should take shorter showers. When we drink bottle water, we whould drink up.
Saving water is to saving us and saving our earth. Saving water is the first top priority in our life.

  In order to improve our English, my friend and I decide to wake up early and practice our spoken English. At first, I am so excited, I wake up before

  7 o’clock, but a week passes, I find it is hard for me to wake up so early, now I have given up. I know I will give up so easily, I must have the

  strong will. So from now on, I need to get up early.
  Children’s Day is coming soon, I am so excited, because I will have a performance on that day. Last week, my teacher decided to make up a dance

  group in our class, she wanted us to dance. We are so happy and practice every day. Now we can dance well, on Children’s Day, we will present our

  best performance. I am so looking forward to it.

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我校积极响应上级号召,召开了一次为期一周的网络安全教育活动。活动的开展是对师生网络安全的教育的一次很好的宣传,但时间短很多工作还没进一步开展,但效果是明显的,今后我校还要不断推动此项工作的开展。 开展网络文明活动简报 篇14 为了让网络空间更加文明、干净、清朗,确保广大网友上网安全,笔者以为,在抓好《意见》...

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牟卞小儿: As a high school student, I consider English a very important subject. In order to learn it well, apart from English class, I took an active part in English corner and other after-class English activities, which benefit me a lot.In the English corner, I meet ...

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牟卞小儿:[答案] One possible version: Our Art Festival Last month our class took part in the Art Festival of the school. We had a class meeting first, discussing what to perform in the festival. My classmates had several ideas such as putting on a drama, singing or ...

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牟卞小儿: 2016年5月13日,我们学校举办了第一届文化艺术节,地点在学校操场,我们全校师生都参加.在举办艺术节的前一天,放学后,学校里一副忙碌的景象:有的老师和同学们在忙着排练节目;有的老师则忙着发放联欢会的气球;还有一些学生在...

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牟卞小儿: 1、和谐文化,艺术校园.2、立中国风,树民族韵.3、泼一抹墨色,国风脉脉.调几声弦音,民韵悠悠.4、艺术校园,艺术人生. 5、有艺术的世界更美好.6、民族风韵,共展乾坤,舞出艺术,唱出国风.7、用艺术点缀我们的生活,让文化丰富我们的心灵.8、风采艺术节,展现新舞台.9、美丽的艺术出于你美丽的心灵.10、艺术源于生活,艺术点亮生活.11、文化是艺术的摇篮,艺术是文化的体现.12、迈向精彩艺术人生,绽放校园文化魅力.

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