
作者&投稿:范洋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



短语搭配:at the beginning of起初;在什么之初。to begin with首先。begin with开始;以什么开头;首先以。begin doing开始做;开始从事;开始行动。begin on开始着手;开始进行。begin to do开始做;开展;开始。begin as一开始是。to begin开始;要开始;首先。

单词辨析:开始。inaugurate指正式而隆重的开始。commence可与begin换用,但commence系书面正式用词,语气庄重,特指有正式程序或一定仪式,或某种正式行动的“开始”。start 在许多场合可与begin通用,但start侧重动作的起点。initiate 指创始或发起,侧重某过程的第一步,不考虑结束,强调起始。

begin 最常用词,含义广泛,其反义词是end,多用于行动、工作等的开始。


1、If you begin to flag, there is an excellent cafe to revive you.


2、The boy must begin to learn his métier as heir to the throne.


3、Economic recovery will begin once the election is out of the way.


4、The people are about to begin a new chapter in their history.


5、Trees providing a friendly stage on which seedlings begin to grow.


6、The past few months have seen the state's health insurance legislation begin to take shape.


7、Such a fate is unlikely to befall him to begin with, his is a genuine talent.


8、Cheese stored at room temperature will quickly begin to sweat.


9、Your skin will begin to feel revitalized and dewy.


10、The missiles' launch crews would begin their final countdown.


you re the apple of my eye.中文翻译是什么。
You're the apple of my eye.中文翻译是你是我的挚爱,我的宝贝,不能按照字面意思去直接翻译 apple of my eye.我的掌上明珠;掌上明珠;眼中的苹果 扩展例句1.Oh, darling, do not say like that, you are the apple of my eye.啊,亲爱的,可别这么说,你可是我的心肝宝贝哟。2.Eg. ...

...比如美化一个单词,eg:in contrast to our old house,th

工作目标根据下列方法支持数据管理中饲养团队:o Keeping existing applications within the breeding department up and running. 在饲养部门保持现有应用运转 o Training and supporting users in specific breeding applications. 培训...

...get in touch with you.I have eve翻译成中文
我好想买你的故事。我不想失去和你取得联系。我有平安夜 I'd like to buy your house if you are willing to sell it.如果你愿意卖的话,我想买你的房子。Good heavens! I forget to buy your birthday present.糟糕!我忘了替你买生日礼物了!Don't stall me. Eg. I don't buy your ...

之前有一首被翻译成中文的英文诗惊艳到了我。他的英文是这样的:“Some of us get dipped in flat,some in satin,some in gloss.But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent,and when you do,nothing will ever compare.”他的中文翻译是:“有人住高楼,有人在山沟;有人光...

谁有镜音双子的恶之娘和恶之召使的歌词 ?要中文的和日文的~~~
恶之娘:むかしむかしあるところに 很久很久以前 mu ka shi mu ka shi a ru to ko ro ni 恶逆非道の王国の 在某个大恶不道的王国 a ku gya ku hi do u no o u ko ku no 顶点に君临するは 有一位君临天下 h o u te n ni ku n ri n su ru wa 齢十四の王女样...

bring out the in sb是什么意思
“bring out the in sb”的意思是:把某人的...出版\/生产\/说出。例句:To bring out the worst in sb His ugly face was repellent to her. 使(某人)显露其最丑恶的一面他的丑陋面孔使她产生反感。He has the ability to bring out the best in others. 他能做到扬人之长。They try ...

1、center强调位置;eg:The flag was red, with a large white circle in the center 旗子是红色的,中央有个白色大圆圈。central强调地位,多翻译为中央 Central Bank of China 中央银行 2、center可作名词,形容词,动词,比较常用 eg:Career service center; job center 职业介绍所 central是...

The water is pollured.中文翻译
The water is polluted. 水被污染,水受到污染,水污染。原句中“pollured”单词不存在。polluted [pə'lju:tid]adj. 受污染的;被玷污的 v. 污染(pollute的过去式和过去分词)eg. The water in the river once was clear but now polluted.这条河里的水曾经很清澈但是现在被污染了。

Using a new technology named SHIN-Walk, Chroino has the ability to walk more naturally than traditional robots that walk stiffly with constantly bent knees. The ability to walk naturally, similar to a human, have long been expected. Thanks to this latest advancement in technology ...

岑溪市18233269156: begin翻译成中文是 -
曲泰丽珠: 翻译如下 begin vt.& vi.开始;着手;创始;创办 vi.(从…)开始;起始;起初是;开始讲话 例句 Could I begin with a few formalities? 请允许我开场先讲几句套话.

岑溪市18233269156: Begin翻译成中文是什么意思 -
曲泰丽珠: 开始

岑溪市18233269156: begins是什么意思?翻译一下 -
曲泰丽珠:[答案] 开始begin-动词开始start,begin,commence,initiate,start off开头start,begin始start,begin起start,rise,begin,set up,get up,raise开工start,begin,go into operation开幕open,begin,start,inaugurate启start,open,...

岑溪市18233269156: begin的过去式 -
曲泰丽珠: 您的问题很简单.呵呵.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:begin 翻译: vt. 开始;vi. 开始;首先过去式began 过去分词began 现在分词beginningbegin with 以…开始;开始于… begin at 几点开始;从……开始 begin again 重...

岑溪市18233269156: 东方神起的begin是什么意思 -
曲泰丽珠: Begin中文歌词(原创翻译) 米:想哭的时候就哭出来,不要勉强自己忍住泪水 米/珉:因为眼泪流干后,笑容就会随之出现.看,已经露出了笑容!秀:曾经失落彷徨,但是因为有未来,我要有那种胜过一切的勇气 全体:Every day and night ...

岑溪市18233269156: “开始”英文翻译 -
曲泰丽珠: 开始”英文翻译: begin/ start

岑溪市18233269156: begin的短语搭配 -
曲泰丽珠: begin的短语与句式: 1 . begin to do sth 开始做某事.如: Soon it began to rain. 不久天就开始下雨了. He sat down at the desk and began to write. 他在桌子前坐下就开始写了起来. 2 . began doing sth 开始做某事.如: He began doing this ...

岑溪市18233269156: 翻译英语演讲比赛今天下午两点半开始.(begin) 翻译贝蒂总是把她的房间收拾得干干净净.(make) -
曲泰丽珠:[答案] The English Speech Contest will begin at 2:30 pm today. Betty always make her room clean.

岑溪市18233269156: began的中文意思 -
曲泰丽珠: v. 开始; ( begin的过去式 ) 着手; 创始; 创办;[网络] 召呼后自然就会开始; 贝加; 始;[例句]A nurse began to try to save his life.一名护士开始试图挽救他的生命.

岑溪市18233269156: 东方神起《begin》的中文意思+音译歌词 -
曲泰丽珠: Micky:泣きたい时は泣けばいいから 想哭的时候哭就好了 nakitaitokiwa nakebaiikara ねえ 无理はしないで 不要勉强 nee muriwashinaide 涙涸れたら 笑颜はひらく 当眼泪干涸的时候 笑容便会展开 namidakaretara egaogahiraku ほら、もう笑...

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