以下全是翻译。 快快快快快快快快快快快。 急急急急急急急急急急急急。 现在就要。

作者&投稿:匡瑾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语谜语,带翻译,带答案 全部都要翻译 快快快快快急急急急急急急急~

1.what man cannot live in a house?


Key: snowman(雪人)

2.What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?


Key: dictionary (字典)

3.What question can you never answer "Yes" to?


Key: Are you dead?(你死了吗?)

4、You have it.You read it.There're some pictures in it?


Key: book(书)

5、A mouse has a large pocket. What is it?


Key: a kangaroo(袋鼠)

6、It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel?


Key: a car(汽车)

B: 我喜欢这个。
A; 你喜欢二宝吗?
B; 不,我不能忍受他,但是我不介意他的兄弟,小宝。
A; 我不喜欢他。其实,我不喜欢连续剧。

Can they jump off the wall?

Does he know about horse-riding?

Can we stand our heads?

The nest is full of bird's eggs.
There are eggs everywhere in the nest.

Please don't turn off the light.

Hope this helps, cheers!


1 Can you jump down from the top of the wall?
2 Can he ride a horse?
3 Can we stand on our head?
4 The bird nest is full of eggs.
Eggs are everywhere in the bird nest.
5 Please don't turn off the light.


Can they jump off the wall?
Can he ride a horse?
Can we stand on our heads?
There are full of bird eggs in the nest. A lot of bird eggs in the nest.
Please do not turn off the lights.

They can jump down from the wall?
He can ride a horse?
We can stand?
The bird's nest is full of eggs. (two)
Please don't turn off the lights.

矿区13449748213: 以下全是翻译. 快快快快快快快快快快. 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急. 现在就要. -
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矿区13449748213: 快快快快快快快快快快,翻译 -
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