
作者&投稿:丘苑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



No.14, Xingmao 1st Street, Majuqiao Logistics Base, Tongzhou District, Beijing, China

Fancy getting your feedback, and hope everything goes well with you.

Payment mode: 30 days after cargo arrives

We have a fixed logistics agency,
please help share the sample invoice and packing sheet with us in advance before cargo shipping,
so that we can send request to our agency.

If any, please contact me freely, thanks!

It's great to hear back from you, I hope you are well.
Payment method: 30 days after receiving the stock
We will delegate specific logistic companies, please prepare and send us the reciept format and packing list when we exchange stock, this will make it more convenient for the ship bookings.
Please contact me if there is any queries, thank you.

I'm very glad to get your reply. Hope you are well.
Payment terms: 30 days after the arrival of the goods
We will specify the freight company, When you delivery, please send proforma invoice and packing list to us in advance, So that we can convenient to set the ship.
If you have questions, please contact me, thank you.

I am glad received your reply. I hope you good.
Payment: 30 days after arrival
We will specify the delivery of freight company, please send us proforma invoice and packing list, we can easily make the ship.
If you have any questions please contact me, thank you.

We are very glad to receive your reply.We hope that youare fine.
payment terms: 30 days after the arrival of the goods .
we will specify the freight company, please send proforma invoice and packing list to us in advance when deliver the goods so that it's convenient for us to order the ship. If there is any question, please contact me. Thank you.

望采纳 ^_^

Thanks.( 最简单的)Thank you.(最常用的)Thanks a lot.(比较郑重的)Thank you very much.(比较动情的)Many thanks.(不胜感激,比较口语的)I don't know how to express my thanks to you.(比较书面的)No words can express my thanks to you.(比较书面的)thank 一、音标:英 [θ&#...

(翻译成英语)~谢谢! 我这么忙,平时连电话都不会打过来问候下。还谈...
Thank you! I so busy, peacetime even telephone all not dozen come over greetings. Still talk what care care words!这句比较委婉一些。适合于日常交谈。

繁忙英语翻译是什么?急用阿,谢谢你们回答一下 !急!!
1. 他作曲家和指挥家的双重身份使他非常繁忙。His dual role as a composer and a conductor made him very busy.2. 看起来他似乎很喜欢大城市的热闹繁忙的生活。It seems that he enjoys the hustle and bustle of life in the big city.3. 远洋航路总是很繁忙.The ocean lanes are always ...

谢谢你给我们帮了这么多的忙翻译英文:Thank you for helping us so much.表示“感谢某人做某事”,英语最常用的表达是thank sb for doing sth,但是不能用thank sb to do sth。如:Thank you so much for helping me. 非常感谢你帮助我。Thank you so much for coming here. 非常感谢你来这里。

1、我这些天很忙。 翻译句子 2、谢谢你帮了我这么大的忙。
1、我这些天很忙。I have a lot of irons in the fire these days.2、谢谢你帮了我这么大的忙。Thanks for offering me such a big favor.

Thank you for your calling. I'm busy right now, but I'll call you back later. Believe me.不好意思,没有人在美国会说“相信我一定会跟你联系的”,人家都只是说“稍后我会跟你联系”,或者是类似的东西。而且,只有你在等别人帮你转接的时候,人家才会说“请稍后”。

英文:Sorry!The number you dialed is out of service.有以下几种情况会提示“用户正忙”:1、用户在对方的黑名单里,对方设置的打电话返回提示“用户正忙请稍后再拨“;2、对方正在通话中;3、对方不方便接听用户的电话直接挂掉或者未接听也会收到同样的提示。4、有时候关机也会提示对方正忙。

聊天时 “你忙吧 不打扰你了”用英语 怎么翻译
1、I know you are busy, I'll let you go now.2、You're probably busy, I won't take any more of your time.具体词可以变换, "I shouldn't", "I dont' want to", etc.

"感谢您百忙之中抽空来。。。" 这句英文怎么说?
是个人简历里常用到的句子了:)~~"感谢您百忙之中抽空来..." 英文可以这么说:)Thank you for sparing a time to...(in the midst of pressing affairs)如:感谢您百忙之中抽空阅读我的自荐材料。...Thank you for sparing a time to read my recommending material in the midst of pressing a...

The hospital is very busy?

阜康市17144326860: 帮忙翻译成英语谢谢 -
说沈九合: After the infinite dream even empty world also can fly

阜康市17144326860: 帮忙翻译成英语谢谢 -
说沈九合: In order to get some social experience ,I do some part-time jobs when I was in college,for instance,family education.

阜康市17144326860: 帮忙翻译成英语!谢谢 -
说沈九合: My English teacher is a very good people , she is called MISS LI. Her very beautiful strong point's very high but a little bit thin. She is fond of reading a book and touring. She often educates us , our help is face to face very big. She had once got the teaching competition first. This be our English teacher! 望采纳 谢谢

阜康市17144326860: 帮忙用英文翻译,谢谢!
说沈九合: I'm still thinking of you ,It is really hard (difficult ) to forget you.

阜康市17144326860: 帮忙翻译成英文,谢谢
说沈九合: Originally I was always a person, no one understands me ==========================祝你:开开心心哦,o(∩_∩)o ==========================希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!

阜康市17144326860: 帮忙翻译成英文 谢谢 -
说沈九合: 这段话可以翻译为: I am eager to return to youth because it gives me much pleasure. I love childhood, because it break up with somebody! I have many shortcomings, from small very fun, do not love learning ... ... I always believe in fate! University ...

阜康市17144326860: 帮忙翻译成英语 谢谢 -
说沈九合: 1. I consider myself as a diligent person, I can enjoy the fortunes as well as face the difficulties. I am positive to work and life, I am able to master new knowledge quickly, which I am greatly interested in. 2. I have two objectives: one is to improve my ...

阜康市17144326860: 帮帮忙翻译成英语 谢谢
说沈九合: At that time I was thinking if I were a nice doctor, I will be able to alleviate her pain. If I were a doctor I can help more people in the world as all the suffering will not be tortured, I I hope everyone will not be tortured by the disease, because we are a ...

阜康市17144326860: 帮忙翻译成英语的~~!!谢谢
说沈九合: 五一"劳动节放假期间,我们全家人到库尔勒玩, During May day,we go to Kuerle. 那真是一座真正的美丽的城市有许多高大的建筑物和树木还有许多花. that is a beautiful city with many tall buildings, trees and nice flowers. 这使得这里变成了一...

阜康市17144326860: 帮忙翻译成英语句子,谢谢!!! -
说沈九合: Just like the cup of ice cubes, one floating in the water, the melting will not allow water level, and the other reactor in the water after the melting of water diffuse o...

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