将下面两篇日记翻译成英语(高一水平) 1. “今天利用课余时间我和朋友一起去学校图书馆借了一本书,后来...

作者&投稿:惠质 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
将下面几篇日记翻译成英语(高一水平) 1.“今天做了一份数学试卷,我感觉还行,只是做的速度有点慢,我...~

Today I had finished a piece of paper about math,feeling just okay,but the speed is a little slow,I thought if I didn't have enough time in a real exam,what should I do?
I was so tired after the PE class,the teacher tested our grade on 1000 meters,I had tried my best to do it,with the legs pain and the heart tired.
Today things just were there,I had nothing special deserved to writing down,just let it go!

The bad news is that I caught a cold. Being sick makes me so uncomfortable. I'm also incredible headache which can't make me concentrate.

It's time to go home again. I just wonder why the weather is always horrible whenever I'm heading home. Especially it rained again since this afternoon. How upset!


1. “今天利用课余时间我和朋友一起去学校图书馆借了一本书,后来发现这本书并不好看,这让我很无奈,为什么没有好一点且我喜欢的呢。”I gonna the school library borrowed the book with my friends when I have had the free time today,what a pity,when I was read this book it wasn't very good,I thought it's so terrible,why haven't had I like books,so pity.
2. “今天又可以回家了,感觉时间过得很快也非常高兴,终于可以回家好好睡一觉了,可惜回家时间太短,有点遗憾。”I can go home again today,I felt the time go fast,finally,I can go home to have a sleep,but what a pity when I was go home the time was so short.

1. “今天利用课余时间我和朋友一起去学校图书馆借了一本书,后来发现这本书并不好看,这让我很无奈,为什么没有好一点且我喜欢的呢。”
I went to the school lbray with my friend and borrowed a book, but later I found that the book wasn't quite as good, which made me feel kind of helpless. Why there isn't any good ones or one that I like?

2. “今天又可以回家了,感觉时间过得很快也非常高兴,终于可以回家好好睡一觉了,可惜回家时间太短,有点遗憾。”
Today I can go home again. I feel that how time flies but I am also very happy. I can go home and have a good sleep at last. Unfortunately, I can only stay home for a very short time, which is my only regret.


Today a friend and I borrowed a book from the school library, but only to find that the book is not that good later. I felt embarrassed and thought why there was no book fitting my taste.

2. Time flies! It is delightful that I can go back home again soon and have a nice sleep. The only problem is also that I will have to return to school soon for the time flies.


Spare time with my friends and I went to the school library to borrow a book, but later found that this book does not look good, it makes me very helpless, why not a little better and I like it. "2." Today you can go home, I feel the time flies very pleased, finally can go home and sleep, but unfortunately short time to go home a little disappointed.

"The use of spare time my friends and I go to school today to the library to borrow a book, then find the book does not look good, it makes me upset, why not a little better and I liked it."2 "today can go home again, feel that the time flies are also very happy, can finally go home and have a good sleep, but home time is too short, a little regret."

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有英语达人帮我翻译3篇日记么? 回答的好的话再追加20分!
Events: today is the first day I went to work, and a little bit nervous, things are carefully. Afternoon to receive many blank bank, declare, fill in and sealed by the bank to exchange money, get back office began to seal, thick declaration of my hands are a bit cover ...

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凤鹏迈格:[答案] 1.今天体育课我们玩的很开心,我觉得很放松,体育课真的很好,希望下次的体育课快点到来! I had a good time during the... 今天早上起床的时候看了一下时间快六点了,我着急地刷完牙后发现才五点,这让我很不高兴.”帮忙一下,翻译成英语. I ...

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凤鹏迈格: 1.The bad news was that I had a cold.The illness made me feel terrible.My head hurt so that I couldn't concentrate on my study.展开全部2. Back home again, but I want to ask why the weather is terrible when I come home. Today it rained, and it made me very sad.

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凤鹏迈格: At last I am so thrilled that teachers performed a program too1. Today I am extremely delighted that my head teacher doesn't punish us for my friend and I being late yesterday. 希望帮到你.2. Before I went home this afternoon, our school held a ...

龙文区13251806209: 将下面两篇日记翻译成英语(高一水平) 1. “今天利用课余时间我和朋友一起去学校图书馆借了一本书,后来... -
凤鹏迈格: Today a friend and I borrowed a book from the school library, but only to find that the book is not that good later. I felt embarrassed and thought why there was no book fitting my taste. 2. Time flies! It is delightful that I can go back home again soon ...

龙文区13251806209: 将下面几篇日记翻译成英语(高一水平) 1.“今天做了一份数学试卷,我感觉还行,只是做的速度有点慢,我... -
凤鹏迈格: Today I had finished a piece of paper about math,feeling just okay,but the speed is a little slow,I thought if I didn't have enough time in a real exam,what should I do?I was so tired after the PE class,the teacher tested our grade on 1000 meters,I had ...

龙文区13251806209: 求100词左右英语日记!带翻译!高一水平
凤鹏迈格: Today, I still went to my mother's office. My mother was very busy, so was my father... I will take a job and work. It' time for me to begin to learn how to work翻译:.今天...

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凤鹏迈格: 1.可以就行踪来写: 这几天主要去哪里了 有何感受 学到了什么 失去了什么 日志其实就是这样的2.可以抓住这其中发生的某一件事来写:比如说你学会了什么 怎么学会的 从哪学的 学着对以后的生活有什么用等等3.还可以扯淡的写:就说和你女朋友出去玩了 开心的事多写写就OK了

龙文区13251806209: 高一英语日记(带翻译,80左右) -
凤鹏迈格: 积极看待每一天If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view. 如果你觉得心有余力不足,觉得缺乏前进的动力,有时候你只需要改变思维的角度. ...

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