
作者&投稿:箕可 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It's a beautiful sunny autumn day today. I went to a trip with my family. We went to the mountain to enjoy the beautiful maple leaves. The leaves turn red in the autumn and the whole mountain became as red as fire. We went hiking in the mountain and took many photos for the landscape. Although I felt a little tired, I really enjoy this trip. I also like to pass time with my family. What a great trip!

I love travelling. When I was young, my parents always took me to other places to visit, such as Beijing, Zhuhai and Guilin. But as I grow up, there’s such a heavy study-pressure that I can hardly afford time and energy to travel. Fortunately, I can “travel” to a lot of far-away attractions in the fantastic world of books and TV. Recently I have learnt about Rio De Janeiro from books. I feel excited and want very much to travel there. Rio De Janeiro lies along the coast of Atlantic Ocean. It’s Brazil’s second largest city. Firstly, I love the climate in Rio De Janeiro. Sea climate is comfortable and it never gets too dry or too wet. Secondly, I love the beautiful beaches. I always form a picture in my mind of being at the seaside. I imagine myself walking on the beach. The sunshine is mild in the late afternoon and I feel the soft wind moving across my face. I can see the sun moving slowly below the sea level, just like a hot, red ball falling into the water. Some seagulls are flying above the sea and others rest themselves on ship-boards. I take off my shoes. Soft sand flows through my toes. Little waves sometimes run towards me and wet my trousers, just like naughty children. I enjoy this feast for both my body and spirit. Now I know that the beauty of nature is the greatest beauty in the world. Alone, I’m just walking, walking and walking……

Early in the morning,we in the teacher's leading down to the autumn outingdestination -- Urban Green valley.Into the valley,the ground neat with colorful flowersbonsai,flowers.Enthusiastic tour guide aunt introduced to us:the city green valley is the successor of Chen's garden,built in the late Qing Dynasty,has been 100 years ofhistory,created by one of the modern Nantong industrialist Mr.Chen Weiyong,is the largest private garden in our city.

描写秋天的日记篇1 炎热的夏天过去了,凉爽的秋天来了,地上的小草慢慢的变黄了,树上的叶子被风吹的飘落下来。大雁开始往南飞了,麻雀们叽叽喧喳忙着找食物。垒巢准备过冬。我走在田野的小路上,看见农民伯伯正在地里收玉米呢。你看这些玉米秆比我还高,玉米棒长得很像牛角似的插在玉米秆上。棒子...

描写秋的日记如下 第一篇 秋天的美是理智的不像春那么抚媚,夏那么火热,冬那么含蓄。每当秋风吹过人们脸颊时中间所掺杂的那种香气向四周散发,人们都会深吸一口气,似乎想把岁月的精气全部吸光。秋天的美是成熟的它不像春那么羞涩,夏那么袒露,冬那么内向。秋霜是它重要代表物,许多诗人都将笔墨花在...

写秋天的日记1 当阳光照着已不是那么刺眼,当微风吹在脸上已有些凉意,当金黄色的顽皮叶子从树上飘落下来,它告诉人们秋天来到了!天空更蓝更高远了,金色的田野里收获的季节到了,那金色的稻田一望无际,玉米也露出了一排排金黄的牙齿,当秋风吹过田野翻起金色的细浪,连田野里劳作的人们也变成...

篇一: 秋天来了 秋天来了,一片片黄叶落了下来。我和小伙伴们在校园里玩耍,看见花朵,枯萎了,小草变黄了,但是我们的校园还是那样的美丽。每当下课铃声响后,同学们纷纷从教室里走了出来,校园里到处都是同学们的身影,有的在玩扔沙包,有的在跳皮筋,还有的在做游戏,校园里充满了欢声笑语...

【关于秋天的日记一】 春、夏、秋、冬四个季节中,我最喜欢的是瓜果飘香的秋天。秋姑娘来到了公园里。秋风轻轻吹,叶子纷纷飘落下来,小路好像铺上了一条美丽的地毯,脚一踩上去,厚厚的叶子就会发出咯吱的声音,好像动听的歌声。田野里的菊花千姿百态,各式各样,紫菊花像爆炸头,也像紫色的水母一...


秋天的日记 篇1 秋天像一盒颜料,秋天到了,树叶黄了,有的落下来了,有的还没有落确变成了黄叶子,让我们走进秋去感受秋天的凉爽。秋天是丰收的季节,一到秋天农名伯伯满脸笑容的来收果实和粮食,秋带着一身金黄,迈着轻盈的脚步悄悄的来到了我们的地方。叶子们经不住秋风的吹袭,从树上纷纷...

日记描写秋天的景色如下:1、第一篇 秋天的空气是温暖而又温柔的,秋风吹在脸上仿佛是一层柔纱轻轻地拂过,好似秋姑娘的裙边轻轻地碰触到脸上一般。秋天的天空是碧蓝的,金色的太阳挂在高高的天空上,好像显得格外的远;偶而有几朵白云飘过,和太阳妈妈做着欢快的游戏。秋天的雨像春雨一样是牛毛般的,...

第一篇:秋天不寂寞 红蜻蜒已经飞远,蝉鸣声也听不到了,不知不觉,春与夏淡化成了无言的细节。天蓝蓝,海蓝蓝。白云如山峦,层层迭迭地衬托着水汪汪碧蓝的天幕。潮涌如雪,浪花如雪,开放在一望无际的蔚蓝的大海上,鲜明而蓬勃。秋风乍起,一点点吹走了海滩的炎热与浮躁,海岸线复归于宁静与温馨,...

篇一:秋天来了 一阵风吹过,秋姐姐迈着轻盈的步伐走来了。秋姐姐来到了田野里,金黄的稻谷向她点头,玉米笑得露出了满嘴的大黄牙,火红火红的高粱像一个个站得笔直的小卫士守卫着田野。秋姐姐挥一挥魔杖,棉花地里马上铺上了一层毛茸茸的白地毯,漂亮极了!秋姐姐来到了果园里,看见了一个个苹果...

广宁县18563446110: 请以日记形式写一篇秋游的日记,英语作文 -
宇轮典比: Early in the morning,we in the teacher's leading down to the autumn outingdestination -- Urban Green valley.Into the valley,the ground neat with colorful flowersbonsai,flowers.Enthusiastic tour guide aunt introduced to us:the city green valley is the ...

广宁县18563446110: 一篇关于秋游的英语作文. -
宇轮典比: Unforgetable autumn outingI still remember that it is a refreshing autumn weather.All my classmates and teachers came to the People'Park to boat.There is a big lake called WeiYang Lake.Light wind blowed and the surface of the lake microwave ...

广宁县18563446110: 如何写一篇秋游的英语作文 -
宇轮典比: We fall camp(我们的秋游) Last week,we were go to the Laohutan marine park fall camp.We saws dolphins、seals、whale sharks and hippocampus…Then we were go to the happy-theater.The host was very humor,the animals star was very lovely...

广宁县18563446110: 关于秋游的一篇英语作文五年级水平 -
宇轮典比: Yesterday I went to the white kiosk. There drizzling. Beautiful scenery. In the afternoon we went to the lotus pond, barbecue. Also we made the game. I had a very happy day.

广宁县18563446110: 把你最难忘的一次郊游,以日记的形式写下来.(英语作文) -
宇轮典比:[答案] A Happy Time The weekend of the National Holiday,I went to Dalian with 7 students and had a happy time.At 6:30 we beginning,we went there by car.It was fun.We went to the Sea World,Universal Studio and the beach.There are a lot of sea animals at ...

广宁县18563446110: 用英语写一篇旅行日记,70词左右,初二水平 -
宇轮典比: In the summer vocation, I went to Huang Mountain, the most famous moutain in Anhui province. Huang Mountain lies in the east of our country. It is famous for its beautiful pine trees,sea of clouds,and strange stones. The mountain is very high. I spent...

广宁县18563446110: 用英语以日记的形式写一篇游记(采用过去时) -
宇轮典比: Last Saturday, June 13, the weather was fine and I take a bus to Hangzhou, the students play, starting 7:00 am this morning, we have toured the West Lake, where boating. Afternoon, we went to the zoo, we saw many interesting animals, and there ...

广宁县18563446110: 用英语写一篇旅游日记,只有5句话,很简单,带翻译 -
宇轮典比: I went to the country park with my friends today. The weather was cloudy and windy. We flew kites and picnic together. We had a wonderful time. I hope that we will go there again.

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