我们是自己未来的建筑师 英语作文

作者&投稿:徭侨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I want to be an architect,I have designed high-rise buildings will give more people warm.In this world,there are too many unhappy.The pressure of work,the misunderstanding between friends,these are enough to destroy us.But imagine,when you got home and saw a pleasant environment,whether physical and psychological pleasure?This is the architect of the highest level,is ideal.Some people may not understand,but I will still move in this direction,I thought to create the housing,making it a paradise.
I want to be an architect.

理想 每个人都有自己的理想,我也不例外.不过要实现自己的理想,首先得树立一个坚定的信念,那就是为这个小小的理想努力奋斗.俗话说“宝剑峰从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”“千里之行,始于足下”我也得知其中的道理.初一的我,有一个小小的理想——期中考试取得一个优异的成绩.可是目前我的各门功课学习状况及所存在的问题有:英语、语文、数学、美术等方面的基础知识还可以,语文阅读理解稍差,数学计算速度跟不上,英语汉译英,英译汉不过关,美术学的还相当不错,曾经在美术方面也有过小小的成绩.针对以上的问题我做了以下决定:要提高计算速度,阅读理解要多读多练,英语要多听,多读多写,总之要做到不耻下问.最后,在期中考试的时候,达到我心中的理想成绩.有人说“理想是宝贵的真情”,也有人说“理想是人生的哲理”.还有人说“理想是打开成功大门的一把钥匙”.理想,要实现理想,需要有自信,但在实现理想的过程中,难免会遇到挫折,这时只要我有信心,有能力,就一定能够战胜它.理想是石,敲出星星之火;理想是火,点燃熄灭的灯;理想是灯,照亮夜行的路;理想是路,引你走到黎明.正是理想给了我信心,给了我勇气,使我有一种催人奋进的精神,让我不断的前进.以前,我比较胆小,没有自信,遇事总是缩手缩脚,心中的想法不敢向老师诉说,压抑的心情不敢向父母说,胆小让我失去了展示自我的舞台,让我失去了不计其数的机会,胆小让我与成功擦肩而过,胆小是我的克星,而我则是胆小的俘虏,胆小让我完全失去了自信,多少理想,多少舞台,多少机会,都从我身边飘然而过,好像这样,那样的成功不是属于我们,而是属于我的朋友们.每当看到同学们受到老师的表扬时,我不知道是该鼓励他,还是该嫉妒他,这时我给自己下定了一个信心:大胆些,说错了不要紧,只要你敢,就是好样的.这一句话,使我的勇气增加百倍,让我完成了一次又一次的愿望.正应了这句话,自信才能走向成功.从这以后,我有了自信,经常给自己树立一个小小的理想,而这次,我的理想是——取得一个优异的成绩,要想实现自己的理想,就得有自信,有了自信,还要为这个信念努力奋斗.今天写下这段文字,希望几个月后自己看的时候能知道自己的一个小小的理想是否实现,如果实现,就要继续为这个理想而努力奋斗,如果没有实现,就要去努力的改正,看自己在哪些方面还有缺陷,不过,我坚信,我一定会把这个愿望实现的

Future Architects
This came to the green village, is really clever! Just to catch up with the transformation of it, so we imagine the future green village, the village green "designer".
We think: "the design of the winding road, is complex, it is not easy to do!" Let Zhang Ziyu take the grey KT plate. But the biggest feature is the "green village green, gray color take is negative," how is "green"? 000 one hundred clean cloth is not enough, and how to do?" So many problems in my mind wandering, and then look at the edge of the 100 clean cloth, wow, a thick stack of it! How could it be enough?" So, I started to feel at ease.
A look at Chen's house to do the house, finished! There is no playground, what should I do? "I have such thoughts in my mind. Again, Chen also wrote a letter to the letter, the steps, requirements all over the top, "Oh, he is to do our own playground." In this way, I take up the task of doing the playground. I told Chen Canghao according to size, step by step, I am serious to start a playground. The middle of the rectangle has been completed, the next is the last, is the most important step: draw a semicircle. "Jin Yufeng, compasses!" "It's all over!" This time I'm screwed. I sat in the chair, like a steady look, thinking. At this time, I put the material tape out of the ground, I saw the inside of a double-sided adhesive, I took a double circle. True standard!" I said, while self praise in my heart secretly. In this way, I finished the playground.
The most important step is to use 100 clean cloth to do the grass. Wang said the teacher must use a soft cloth to do the grass to look good. I understand that even a hundred clean cloth is also different.
This event, there are numerous "finished", but after the efforts of the whole group of students, these "finished" one by one to solve the smooth. I'm so smart, I'm so proud!





以下是我帮大家整理的未来的家优秀作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 未来的家优秀作文1 20世纪,人类呼风唤雨,科技日新月异。到了22世纪,又会有怎样的成就呢?就让我从未来的家开始说起吧。 那时,地球人口日益增多,人类开始移民月球、火星。但是居住在地球上的人口还是太多了,为了解决这个问题,科学家们发明了一种神奇...



而仿生的自然形态建筑,不仅在表层形态表现上借鉴自然界事物的形象,更在深层结构中考虑人与自然共生、生态环境可持续发展的问题。这些设计观念上的转变显然是我们这个时代大背景下的产物。建筑师们开始尝试用更加生态化的“建筑语言”表达对“未来时代的精神”的阐释。 三 探索未来太空 形态的建筑 随着新技术与新...

电尾门设计照顾了像我妹妹这样身材娇小的人,一键就能轻松关后备箱 整体从外观设计、内饰、空间以及性能上面来说,星越都是国产车中不错的选择。正像建筑师一样,这几年汽车工程师也用匠心把我们的国产车做的越来越好,希望未来能有更多像星越这样高质量、高性能的车子出现在中国汽车市场。



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